RF::Antenna::Planet::MSI::Format - RF Antenna Pattern File Reader and Writer in Planet MSI Format
Read from MSI file
use RF::Antenna::Planet::MSI::Format;
my $antenna = RF::Antenna::Planet::MSI::Format->new;
Create a blank object, load data from other sources, then write antenna pattern file.
my $antenna = RF::Antenna::Planet::MSI::Format->new;
$antenna->name("My Name");
$antenna->make("My Make");
my $file = $antenna->write($filename);
This package reads and writes antenna radiation patterns in Planet MSI antenna format.
Planet is a RF propagation simulation tool initially developed by MSI. Planet was a 2G radio planning tool which has set a standard in the early days of computer aided radio network design. The antenna pattern file and the format which is currently known as ".msi" format or .msi-file has become a standard.
Creates a new blank object for creating files or loading data from other sources
my $antenna = RF::Antenna::Planet::MSI::Format->new;
Creates a new object and loads data from other sources
my $antenna = RF::Antenna::Planet::MSI::Format->new(
name => "My Antenna Name",
make => "My Manufacturer Name",
frequency => "2437" || "2437 MHz" || "2.437 GHz",
gain => "10.0" || "10.0 dBd" || "12.14 dBi",
comment => "My Comment",
horizontal => [[0.00, 0.96], [1.00, 0.04], ..., [180.00, 31.10], ..., [359.00, 0.04]],
vertical => [[0.00, 1.08], [1.00, 0.18], ..., [180.00, 31.23], ..., [359.00, 0.18]],
Reads an antenna pattern file and parses the data into the object data structure. Returns the object so that the call can be chained.
Writes the object's data to an antenna pattern file and returns a Path::Class file object of the written file.
my $file = $antenna->write($filename); #isa Path::Class::file
my $tempfile = $antenna->write; #isa Path::Class::file in temp directory
$antenna->write(\my $scalar_ref); #returns undef with data writen to the variable
Set header values and returns the header data structure which is a hash reference tied to Tie::IxHash to preserve header sort order.
Set a key/value pair
$antenna->header(Comment => "My comment"); #will upper case all keys
Set multiple keys/values with one call
$antenna->header(NAME => $myname, MAKE => $mymake);
Read arbitrary values
my $value = $antenna->header->{uc($key)};
Returns ordered list of header keys
my @keys = keys %{$antenna->header};
horizontal, vertical
Horizontal or vertical data structure for the angle and relative loss values from the specified gain in the header.
Each methods sets and returns an array reference of array references [[$angle1, $value1], $angle2, $value2], ...]
Please note that the format uses equal spacing of data points by angle. Most files that I have seen use 360 one degree measurements from 0 (i.e. boresight) to 359 degrees with values in dB down from the maximum lobe even if that lobe is not the boresight.
Helper methods are wrappers around the header data structure to aid in usability.
Sets and returns the name of the antenna in the header structure
my $name = $antenna->name;
$antenna->name("My Antenna Name");
Assumed: Less than about 40 ASCII characters
Sets and returns the name of the manufacturer in the header structure
my $make = $antenna->make;
$antenna->make("My Antenna Manufacturer");
Assumed: Less than about 40 ASCII characters
Sets and returns the frequency string as displayed in header structure
my $frequency = $antenna->frequency;
$antenna->frequency("2450"); #correct format in MHz
$antenna->frequency("2450 MHz"); #acceptable format
$antenna->frequency("2.45 GHz"); #common format but technically not to spec
frequency_mhz, frequency_ghz
Attempts to read and parse the string header value and return the frequency as a number in the requested unit of measure.
Antenna gain string as displayed in file (dBd is the default unit of measure)
gain_dbd, gain_dbi
Attempts to read and parse the string header value and return the gain as a number in the requested unit of measure.
Antenna electrical_tilt string as displayed in file.
my $electrical_tilt = $antenna->electrical_tilt;
Antenna comment string as displayed in file.
my $comment = $antenna->comment;
$antenna->comment("My Comment");
Format Definition:
Antenna Pattern File Library
Michael R. Davis, MRDVT
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2022 Michael R. Davis