Parse::KeyValue::Shellish - Parses the key-value pairs like a shell script


use Parse::KeyValue::Shellish qw/parse_key_value/;

my $str    = 'foo=bar hoge=(fuga piyo)';
my $parsed = parse_key_value($str); # => is_deeply {foo => 'bar', hoge => ['fuga', 'piyo']}


Parse::KeyValue::Shellish parses the key-value pairs like a shell script, means key and value are separated by '=' (for example foo=bar).

This is just *** shellish ***, means this module doesn't emulates the shell completely, It's spec. But I'm willing to support features if someone so wish it :)


  • parse_key_value($str)

    Parses $str as shellish key-value and returns hash reference of parsed result. If value is surrounded by parenthesis, it will be evaluated as array. Blocks of key-value must be separated by white-space.


    parse_key_value('foo=bar buz=q\ ux hoge=(fuga piyo)');
    # Result:
    #   {
    #       foo  => 'bar',
    #       buz  => 'q uz',
    #       hoge => ['fuga', 'piyo']
    #   }

    This function will croak if it has given a string which cannot be parsed.


Value can contain '='

For example, this module can parse string like a foo=bar=buz. Result of it will be {foo => 'bar=buz'}.

You can quote the value

Of course you can quote the value like a foo='bar buz'. Result will be foo => 'bar buz'.

You can escape the character which in value

You can escape the character by backslash, for example foo=ba\ r buz=\(\). Result of parsing it will be foo => 'ba r', buz => '()'.

You cannot escape the character if it is quoted by single quotes.

You cannot escape the character if it is quoted by single quotes. For example, foo='\' will be parsed as for => '\'.

So it will be fail to parse foo='\'' because single quotes are unbalanced. As the reason for this, \' isn't escaped.

Shell recognizes foo=\\ as foo => '\', but this module doesn't

If you require an equivalent function, please give like so foo=\\\\.

This notation unlike the shells one, this is not intuitive. But I have no ideas of the way to handle this well...


Copyright (C) moznion.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


moznion <>