GenOO::Data::File::GFF::Record - Object representing a record of a gff file
# Object representing a record of a gff file
# To initialize
my $record = GenOO::Data::File::GFF::Record->new(
seqname => undef,
source => undef,
feature => undef,
start_1_based => undef,
stop_1_based => undef,
score => undef,
strand => undef,
frame => undef,
attributes => undef,
comment => undef,
extra_info => undef,
This object represents a record of a gff file and offers methods for accessing the different attributes.
It transforms original attributes into ones compatible with the rest of the framework eg 1-based to 0-based.
# Return 1 or -1 for the strand
my $strand = $record->strand();