Mnet::Opts - Work with Mnet::Opts objects


# requried to use this module
use Mnet::Opts;

# some options can be set as pragmas
use Mnet::Opts::Set::Debug;

# options objects can be created
my $opts = Mnet::Opts({ default => 1 });

# options can be accessed via hash keys
my $value = $opts->{default};

# options can be accessed via method call
$value = $opts->default;


This module can be used to work with new Mnet::Opts objects, as shown in the example below:

Refer also to the Mnet::Opts::Cli module for parsing command line options.


$opts = Mnet::Opts->new(\%opts)

The Mnet::Opts->new class method returns an Mnet::Opts option object.

The input opts hash reference argument is not required. Any An input hash reference of options can be supplied but is not required.

Note that any Mnet::Opts::Set sub-modules that have been used will be set in the output Mnet::Opts object. Refer to the SEE ALSO section of this perldoc.

option methods

$value = $opts->$option

Option values may be accessed using autoloaded method calls, for example:

use Mnet::Opts;
my $opts = Mnet::Opts({ default => 1 });
my $value = $opts->default;

Note that the universal 'can' method call does not work for these autoloaded option name methods. Method calls for options that do not exist will return a value of undefined.

It is also ok to directly access the values of hash keys in the options object.




