Test::Pod::Content - Test a Pod's content
use Test::Pod::Content tests => 3;
pod_section_is 'Test::Pod::Content' , 'NAME', "Test::Pod::Content - Test a Pod's content", 'NAME section';
pod_section_like 'Test/Pod/', 'SYNOPSIS', qr{ use \s Test::Pod::Content; }xm, 'SYNOPSIS section';
pod_section_like 'Test/Pod/', 'DESCRIPTION', qr{ Test::Pod::Content \s provides \s the }xm, 'DESCRIPTION section';
This is a very simple module for testing a Pod's content. It is mainly intended for testing the content of generated Pod - that s, the Pod included in perl modules generated by some mechanism.
Another usage example is to test whether all files contain the same copyright notice:
plan tests => scalar @filelist;
for my $file (sort @filelist) {
pod_section_like( $file, 'LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT', qr{
This \s library \s is \s free \s software\. \s
You \s may \s distribute/modify \s it \s under \s
the \s same \s terms \s as \s perl \s itself
}xms, "$file License notice");
See the files in the t/ directory for live examples.
Test::Pod::Content has a very simple concept of Pods: To Test::Pod::Content, a Pod is separated into section. Each section starts with a =head(1|2|3|4) directive, and ends with the next =head, or with the end of the document (=cut).
This is a very drastic simplification of Pod's document object model, and only allows for coarse-grained tests.
Test::Pod::Content provides the following subroutines for testing a Pod's content:
pod_section_is $file, $section, $content, $comment;
Tests whether a Pod section contains exactly the text given. Most useful for testing the NAME section. You probably want to use pod_section_like for all other sections.
$file may either be a filename (including path) or a module name. Test::Pod::Content will search in @INC for the file/module given.
pod_section_like $file, $section, qr{ use \s Test::Pod::Content\s }xm, $comment;
Tests whether the text in a Pod section matches the given regex. Be sure to include the m / s regex qualifier if you expect your Pod section to span multiple lines.
$file may either be a filename (including path) or a module name. Test::Pod::Content will search in @INC for the file/module given.
Every call to a pod_section_* method searches for the file in question in @INC and parses it from its start. This means that every test requires a Pod parser run, which is quite inefficient if you conduct a big number of tests.
Copyright 2007 Martin Kutter.
This library is free software. You may distribute/modify it under the same terms as perl itself
Martin Kutter <martin.kutter>
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 198:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'