SOAP::WSDL::Manual::Cookbook - SOAP::WSDL recipes

Accessing HTTPS webservices

You need Crypt::SSLeay installed to access HTTPS webservices.

Accessing protected web services

Passing a username and password, or a client certificate and key, to the transport layer is highly dependent on the transport backend. The descriptions below are for HTTP(S) transport usingLWP::UserAgent

Accessing HTTP(S) webservices with basic/digest authentication

When using SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP (SOAP::Lite not installed), add a method called "get_basic_credentials" to SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP:

*SOAP::WSDL::Transport::HTTP::get_basic_credentials = sub {
   return ($user, $password);

When using SOAP::Transport::HTTP (SOAP::Lite is installed), do the same to this backend:

*SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials = sub {
    return ($user, $password);

Accessing HTTP(S) webservices protected by NTLM authentication

Besides passing user credentials as when accessing a web service protected by basic or digest authentication, you also need to enforce connection keep_alive on the transport backens.

To do so, pass a proxy argument to the new() method of the generated class. This unfortunately means that you have to set the endpoint URL, too:

my $interface = MyInterfaces::SERVICE_NAME::PORT_NAME->new({
    proxy => [ $url, keep_alive => 1 ]

You may, of course, decide to just hack the generated class. Be advised that subclassing might be a more appropriate solution - re-generating overwrites changes in interface classes.

Accessing HTTPS webservices protected by certificate authentication

You need Crypt::SSLeay installed to access HTTPS webservices.

See Crypt::SSLeay on how to configure client certificate authentication.


Outputting namespaces as prefixes

Q: I need to interface with a SOAP server which doesn't accept the following format:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
        <getElement xmlns="">

Instead, it requires this:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""

How do I do this using SOAP::WSDL?

A: The following steps are neccessary to achieve this result:

First, you would need to write a new serializer, which is quite easy, as it just creates the envelope and calls ->serialize_qualified() on $header and $body to fill them in. The new serializer has to declare all namespace prefixes used, the rest is just the same as the original XSD serializer.

Second, you'd need to overwrite the start_tag method in SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Element to use the appropriate prefixes for the body elements.

In contrast to the original method, it would probably look up the appropriate prefix from some data set in the serializer class, so this could be the appropriate place to load SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Element and override the method.

Something like this should do (without the handling of specialties like empty or nil elements):

%PREFIX_OF = { '' => 'ns2' };

*SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Element::start_tag = sub {
    # use prefix instead of xmlns attribute and copy the rest from
    # SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Element::start_tag
    my $prefix = $PREFIX_OF{ $_[0]->get_xmlns() };
    my $name = $_[1]->{ name } || $self->__get_name();
    return "<$prefix:$name>";


Copyright 2008 Martin Kutter.

This library is free software. You may distribute/modify it under the same terms as perl itself


Martin Kutter <martin.kutter>


$Rev: 583 $
$LastChangedBy: kutterma $
$Id: $
$HeadURL: $