Math::Symbolic::Custom::Polynomial - Polynomial routines for Math::Symbolic
Version 0.2
This is the beginnings of a module to provide some polynomial utility routines for Math::Symbolic.
"symbolic_poly()" creates a polynomial Math::Symbolic expression according to the supplied variable and coefficients, and "test_polynomial()" attempts the inverse, it looks at a Math::Symbolic expression and tries to extract polynomial coefficients (so long as the expression represents a polynomial).
use strict;
use Math::Symbolic qw(:all);
use Math::Symbolic::Custom::Polynomial;
use Math::Complex;
# create a polynomial expression
my $f1 = symbolic_poly('x', [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]);
print "Output: $f1\n\n\n";
# Output: ((((5 * (x ^ 4)) + (4 * (x ^ 3))) + (3 * (x ^ 2))) + (2 * x)) + 1
# also works with symbols
my $f2 = symbolic_poly('t', ['a/2', 'u', 0]);
print "Output: $f2\n\n\n";
# Output: ((a / 2) * (t ^ 2)) + (u * t)
# analyze a polynomial with complex roots
my $complex_poly = parse_from_string("y^2 + y + 1");
my ($var, $coeffs, $disc, $roots) = $complex_poly->test_polynomial('y');
my $degree = scalar(@{$coeffs})-1;
print "'$complex_poly' is a polynomial in $var of degree $degree with " .
"coefficients (ordered in descending powers): (", join(", ", @{$coeffs}), ")\n";
print "The discriminant has: $disc\n";
print "Expressions for the roots are:\n\t$roots->[0]\n\t$roots->[1]\n";
# evaluate the root expressions as they should resolve to numbers
# 'i' => i glues Math::Complex and Math::Symbolic
my $root1 = $roots->[0]->value('i' => i);
my $root2 = $roots->[1]->value('i' => i);
# $root1 and $root2 are Math::Complex numbers
print "The roots evaluate to: (", $root1, ", ", $root2, ")\n";
# plug back in to verify the roots take the poly back to zero
# (or at least, as numerically close as can be gotten).
print "Putting back into original polynomial:-\n\tat y = $root1:\t",
$complex_poly->value('y' => $root1),
"\n\tat y = $root2:\t",
$complex_poly->value('y' => $root2), "\n\n\n";
# analyze a polynomial with a parameter
my $some_poly = parse_from_string("x^2 + 2*k*x + (k^2 - 4)");
($var, $coeffs, $disc, $roots) = $some_poly->test_polynomial('x');
$degree = scalar(@{$coeffs})-1;
print "'$some_poly' is a polynomial in $var of degree $degree with " .
"coefficients (ordered in descending powers): (", join(", ", @{$coeffs}), ")\n";
print "The discriminant has: $disc\n";
print "Expressions for the roots are:\n\t$roots->[0]\n\t$roots->[1]\n";
# evaluate the root expressions for k = 3 (for example)
my $root1 = $roots->[0]->value('k' => 3);
my $root2 = $roots->[1]->value('k' => 3);
print "Evaluating at k = 3, roots are: (", $root1, ", ", $root2, ")\n";
# plug back in to verify
print "Putting back into original polynomial:-\n\tat k = 3 and x = $root1:\t",
$some_poly->value('k' => 3, 'x' => $root1),
"\n\tat k = 3 and x = $root2:\t",
$some_poly->value('k' => 3, 'x' => $root2), "\n\n";
# finding roots with Math::Polynomial::Solve
use Math::Polynomial::Solve qw(poly_roots coefficients);
coefficients order => 'descending';
# some big polynomial
my $big_poly = parse_from_string("phi^8 + 3*phi^7 - 5*phi^6 + 2*phi^5 -7*phi^4 + phi^3 + phi^2 - 2*phi + 9");
# if test_polynomial() is not supplied with the indeterminate variable, it will try to autodetect
my ($var, $co) = $big_poly->test_polynomial();
my @coeffs = @{$co};
my $degree = scalar(@coeffs)-1;
print "'$big_poly' is a polynomial in $var of degree $degree with " .
"coefficients (ordered in descending powers): (", join(", ", @coeffs), ")\n";
# Find the roots of the polynomial using Math::Polynomial::Solve.
my @roots = poly_roots(
# call value() on each coefficient to get a number.
# if there were any parameters, we would have to supply their value
# here to force the coefficients down to a number.
map { $_->value() } @coeffs
print "The roots and corresponding values of the polynomial are:-\n";
foreach my $root (@roots) {
# put back into the original expression to verify
my $val = $big_poly->value('phi' => $root);
print "\t$root => $val\n";
Exported by default (or it should be; try calling it directly if that fails). Constructs a Math::Symbolic expression corresponding to the passed parameters: a symbol for the desired indeterminate variable, and an array ref to the coefficients in descending order (which can also be symbols).
Exported through the Math::Symbolic module extension class. Call it on a polynomial Math::Symbolic expression and it will try to determine the coefficient expressions.
Takes one parameter, the indeterminate variable. If this is not provided, test_polynomial will try to detect the variable. This can be useful to test if a Math::Symbolic expression looks like a polynomial.
If the expression looks like a polynomial of degree 2, then it will apply the quadratic equation to produce expressions for the roots, and the discriminant.
Matt Johnson, <mjohnson at>
Steffen Mueller, author of Math::Symbolic
This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Matt Johnson.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.