DBIx::XMLServer - Serve data as XML in response to HTTP requests
use XML::LibXML;
use DBIx::XMLServer;
my $xml_server = new DBIx::XMLServer($dbh, "template.xml");
my $doc = $xml_server->process($QUERY_STRING);
die "Error: $doc" unless ref $doc;
print "Content-type: application/xml\r\n\r\n";
print $doc->toString(1);
This module implements the whole process of generating an XML document from a database query, in response to an HTTP request. The mapping from the DBI database to an XML structure is defined in a template file, also in XML; this template is used not only to turn the data into XML, but also to parse the query string. To the user, the format of the query string is very natural in relation to the XML data which they will receive.
One DBIx::XMLServer
object can process several queries. The following steps take place in processing a query:
The query string is parsed. It contains search criteria together with other options about the format of the returned data.
The search criteria from the query string are converted, using the XML template, into an SQL SELECT statement.
The results of the SQL query are translated into XML, again using the template, and returned to the caller.
my $xml_server = new DBIx::XMLServer( $dbh, $template_doc
[, $template_node] );
The constructor for DBIx::XMLServer
takes two mandatory arguments and one optional argument.
This is a handle for the database; see DBI for more information.
This is the XML document containing the template. It may be either an
object or a string, which is taken as a file name. $template_node
One template file may contain several individual templates; if so, this argument may be used to pass an
object indicating which template should be used. By default the first template in the file is used.
my $result = $xml_server->process( $query [, $template_node] );
This method processes an HTTP query and returns an XML document containing the results of the query. There is one mandatory argument and one optional argument.
This is the HTTP GET query string to be processed.
As above, this may indicate which of several templates is to be used for this query. It is an
The return value of this method is either an XML::LibXML::Document
object containing the result, or a string containing an error message. An error string is only returned for errors caused by the HTTP query string and thus the user's fault; other errors, which are the programmer's fault, will croak.
This example is taken from the tests included with the module. The database contains two tables.
Table dbixtest1:
| id | name | manager | dept |
| 1 | John Smith | NULL | 1 |
| 2 | Fred Bloggs | 3 | 1 |
| 3 | Ann Other | 1 | 1 |
| 4 | Minnie Mouse | NULL | 2 |
| 5 | Mickey Mouse | 4 | 2 |
Table dbixtest2:
| id | name |
| 1 | Widget Manufacturing |
| 2 | Widget Marketing |
The template file (in t/t10.xml) contains the following three table definitions:
<sql:table name="employees" sqlname="dbixtest1"/>
<sql:table name="managers" sqlname="dbixtest1"
join="left" jointo="employees" refcolumn="manager" keycolumn="id"/>
<sql:table name="departments" sqlname="dbixtest2"
join="left" jointo="employees" refcolumn="dept" keycolumn="id"/>
The template element is as follows:
<sql:template table="employees">
<employee id="foo">
<sql:field type="number" attribute="id" expr=""/>
<sql:field type="text" expr=""/>
<sql:field type="text" expr="" join="managers"
<sql:field type="text" expr="" join="departments"/>
The query string name=Ann* produces the following output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<employee id="3">
<name>Ann Other</name>
<manager>John Smith</manager>
<department>Widget Manufacturing</department>
The query string department=Widget%20Marketing&fields=name produces the following output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<employee id="4">
<name>Minnie Mouse</name>
<employee id="5">
<name>Mickey Mouse</name>
The main part of the template file which controls DBIx::XMLServer is the template element. This element gives a skeleton for the output XML document. Within the template element is an element, the record element, which gives a skeleton for that part of the document which is to be repeated for each row in the SQL query result. The record element is a fragment of XML, mostly not in the sql: namespace, which contains some <sql:field> elements.
Each <sql:field> element corresponds to a point in the record element where data from the database will be inserted. Often, this means that one <sql:field> element corresponds to one column in a table in the database. The field has a type; this determines the mappings both between data in the database and data in the XML document, and between the user's HTTP query string and the SQL WHERE clause.
The HTTP query which the user supplies consists of search criteria, together with other special options which control the format of the XML output document. Each criterion in the HTTP query selects one field in the record and gives some way of limiting data on that field, typically by some comparison operation. The selection of the field is accomplished by an XPath expression, normally very simply consisting just of the name of the field. After the field has been selected, the remainder of the criterion is processed by the Perl object corresponding to that field type. For example, the built-in text field type recognises simple string comparisons as well as regular expression comparisons; and the build-in number field type recognises numeric comparisons.
All these criteria are put together to form the WHERE clause of the SQL query. The user may also use the special fields=... option to select which fields appear in the resulting XML document; the value of this option is again an XPath expression which selects a part of the record template to be returned.
Other special options control how many records are returned on each page and which page of the results should be returned.
The behaviour of DBIx::XMLServer is determined entirely by the template file, which is an XML document. This section explains the format and meaning of the various elements which can occur in the template file.
All the special elements used in the template file are in the namespace associated to the URI In this section we will suppose that the prefix sql: is bound to that namespace, though of course any other prefix could be used instead.
The root element
The document element of the template file must be an <sql:spec> element. This element serves only to contain the other elements in the template file.
Contained in the root element are elements of three types:
Field type definition elements;
Table definition elements;
One or more template elements.
We now describe each of these in more detail.
Field type definitions
A field type definition is given by a <sql:type> element. Each field in the template has a type. That type determines: how a criterion from the query string is converted to an SQL WHERE clause for that field; how the SQL SELECT clause to retrieve data for that field is created; and how the resulting SQL data is turned into XML. For example, the standard date field type can interpret simple date comparisons in the query string, and puts the date into a specific format in the XML.
Each field type is represented by a Perl object class, derived from DBIx::XMLServer::Field
. For information about the methods which this class must define, see DBIx::XMLServer::Field. The class may be defined in a separate Perl module file, as for the standard field types; or the methods of the class may be included verbatim in the XML file, as follows.
The <sql:type> element has one attribute, name, and four element which may appear as children.
- attribute: name
The name attribute defines the name by which this type will be referred to in the templates.
- element: <sql:module>
If the Perl code implementing the field type is contained in a Perl module in a separate file, this element is used to give the name of the module. It should contain the Perl name of the module (for example,
<sql:type name="number">
Instead of the <sql:module> element, the <sql:type> element may have separate child elements defining the various facets of the field type.
- element: <sql:isa>
This element contains the name of a Perl module from which the field type is derived. The default is
. - element: <sql:select>
This element contains the body of the
method (probably inside a CDATA section). - element: <sql:where>
This element contains the body of the
method (probably inside a CDATA section). - element: <sql:join>
This element contains the body of the
method (probably inside a CDATA section). - element: <sql:value>
This element contains the body of the
method (probably inside a CDATA section). - element: <sql:init>
This element contains the body of the
method (probably inside a CDATA section).
Table definitions
Any SQL table which will be accessed by the template needs a table definition. As a minimum, a table definition associates a local name for a table with the table's SQL name. In addition, the definition can specify how this table is to be joined to the other tables in the database.
Note that one SQL table may often be joined several times in different ways; this can be accomplished by several table definitions, all referring to the same SQL table.
A table definition is represented by the <sql:table> element, which has no content but several attributes.
- attribute: name
This mandatory attribute gives the name by which the table will be referred to in the template, and also the alias by which it will be known in the SQL statement.
- attribute: sqlname
This mandatory attribute gives the SQL name of the table. In the SELECT statement, the table will be referenced as <sqlname> AS <name>.
- attribute: jointo
This attribute specifies the name of another table to which this table is joined. Whenever a query involves a column from this table, this and the following attributes will be used to add an appropriate join to the SQL SELECT statement.
- attribute: join
This attribute specifies the type of join, such as LEFT, RIGHT, INNER or OUTER.
- attribute: on
This attribute specifies the ON clause used to join the two tables. In the most common case, the following two attributes may be used instead.
- attribute: keycolumn
This attribute gives the column in this table used to join to the other table.
- attribute: refcolumn
This attribute gives the column in the other table used for the join. Specifying keycolumn and refcolumn is equivalent to giving the on attribute value
<this table's name>.<keycolumn> = <other table's name>.<refcolumn> .
The template element
A template file must contain at least one <sql:template> element. This element defines the shape of the output document. It may contain arbitrary XML elements, which are copied straight to the output document. It also contains one <sql:record> element, which defines that part of the output document which is repeated for each row returned from the SQL query.
As the output document is formed from the content of the <sql:template> element, it follows that this element must have exactly one child element.
The <sql:template> may have the following attributes:
- attribute: table
This mandatory attribute specifies the main table for this template, to which any other tables will be joined.
- attribute: default-namespace
In the HTTP query string, the user must refer to parts of the template. To avoid them having to specify namespaces for these, this attribute gives a default namespace which will be used for unqualified names in the query string.
The record element
Each template contains precisely one <sql:record> element among its descendants. This record element defines that part of the output XML document which is to be repeated once for each row in the result of the SQL query. The content of the record element consists of a fragment of XML containing some <sql:field> elements; each of these defines a point at which SQL data will be inserted into the record. The <sql:record> must have precisely one child element.
It is also to the structure inside the <sql:record> element that the user's HTTP query refers.
The <sql:record> element has no attributes.
The field element
The record element will contain several <sql:field> elements. Each of these field elements defines what the user will think of as a field; that is, a part of the XML record which changes from one record to the next. Normally this will correspond to one column in an SQL table, though this is not obligatory.
A field has a type, which refers to one of the field type definitions in the template file. This type determines the mappings both between SQL data and XML output data, and between the user's query and the SQL WHERE clause.
The <sql:field> element may have the following attributes:
- attribute: type
This mandatory attribute gives the type of the field. It is the name of one of the field types defined in the template file.
- attribute: join
This attribute specifies which table needs to be joined to the main table in order for this field to be found. (Note: this attribute is only read by the field type class's
method. If that method is overridden, this attribute may become irrelevant.) - attribute: attribute
If this attribute is set, the contents of the field will not be returned as a text node, but rather as an attribute on the <sql:field> node's parent node. The value of the attribute attribute gives the name of the attribute on the parent node which should be filled in with the value of this field. When this attribute is set, the parent node should always have an attribute of that name defined; the contents are irrelevant.
- attribute: expr
This attribute gives the SQL SELECT expression which should be evaluated to find the value of the field. (Note: this attribute is only ever looked at in the field type class's
method. If this method is overridden, this attribute need not necessarily still be present.) - attribute: null
This attribute determines the action when the field value is null. There are three possible values:
The HTTP query string may contain certain special options which are not interpreted as criteria on the records to be returned, but instead have some other effect.
- fields = <expression>
This option selects which part of each record is to be returned. In the absence of this option, an entire record is returned for each row in the result of the SQL query. If this option is set, its value should be an XPath expression. The expression will be evaluated in the context of the single child of the <sql:record> element and should evaluate to a set of nodes; the part of the record returned is the smallest subtree containing all the nodes selected by the expression.
- pagesize = <number>, page = <number>
These options give control over how many records are returned in one query, and which of several pages is returned.
When a DBIx::XMLServer
object is created, the template file is parsed. A new Perl module is compiled for each field type defined.
The process()
method performs the following steps.
The HTTP query string is parsed. It is split at each `&' character, and each resulting fragment is un-URL-escaped. Each fragment is then examined, and a leading part removed which matches a grammar very similar to the Pattern production in XSLT (see This leading part is assumed to be an expression referring to a field in the <sql:record> element of the template, unless it is one of the special options fields, pagesize or page. If the <sql:template> has a default-namespace attribute, then any unqualified name in this expression has that default namespace added to it.
Each criterion in the query string is turned into part of the WHERE clause. The leading part of each fragment of the query string is evaluated as an XPath expression in the context of the single child of the <sql:record> element. The result must be either a nodeset having a unique <sql:field> descendant; or an attribute on an element having a child <sql:field> element whose attribute attribute matches. In either case, a single <sql:field> element is found. That field's type is looked up and the resulting field type class's
method called, being passed the remainder of the fragment of the HTTP query string. The result of thewhere
method is added to the WHERE clause; all criteria are combined by AND.A new result document is created whose document element is a clone of the <sql:template> element. The <sql:record> in this new document is located. The value of the special fields option is evaluated, as an XPath expression, within the unique child of that element, and the smallest subtree containing the resulting fields is formed. The rest of the record is pruned away. The SQL SELECT clause is now created by calling the
method of each of the <sql:field> elements left after this pruning.The `tables' part of the SELECT statement is formed by calling the
methods of all the tables which are referred to either in the search criteria, or by any of the field to be returned.The SELECT statement is executed. For each result row, a copy of the pruned result record is created. Each field in this record is filled in by calling the
method of the corresponding field type.The resulting document is passed through an XSL transform for tidying up before being returned to the caller.
There are quite a lot of stray namespace declarations in the output. They make no difference to the semantic meaning of the markup, but they are ugly.
Martin Bright <>
Copyright (C) 2003 Martin Bright
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.