IPC::RunExternal - Execute an external command conveniently by hiding the details of IPC::Open3.
version 0.010
use IPC::RunExternal;
my $external_command = 'ls -r /'; # Any normal Shell command line
my $stdin = q{}; # STDIN for the command. Must be an initialized string, e.g. q{}.
my $timeout = 60; # Maximum number of seconds before forced termination.
my %parameter_tags = (print_progress_indicator => 1);
# Parameter tags:
# print_progress_indicator [1/0]. Output something on the terminal every second during
# the execution, to tell user something is still going on.
# progress_indicator_char [*], What to print, default is '#'.
# execute_every_second [&], instead of printing the same everytime,
# execute a function. The first parameters to this function is the number of seconds passed.
my ($exit_code, $stdout, $stderr, $allout);
($exit_code, $stdout, $stderr, $allout)
= runexternal($external_command, $stdin, $timeout, \%parameter_tags);
# Parameter tags opened:
($exit_code, $stdout, $stderr, $allout)
= runexternal($external_command, $stdin, $timeout, { progress_indicator_char => q{#} });
# Print `date` at every 10 seconds during execution
my $print_date_function = sub {
my $secs_run = shift;
if($secs_run % 10 == 0) {
print `/bin/date`;
($exit_code, $stdout, $stderr, $allout) = runexternal($external_command, $stdin, $timeout,
{ execute_every_second => $print_date_function
IPC::RunExternal is for executing external operating system programs more conveniently that with `` (backticks) or exec/system, and without all the hassle of IPC::Open3.
IPC::RunExternal allows: 1) Capture STDOUT and STDERR in scalar variables. 2) Capture both STDOUT and STDERR in one scalar variable, in the correct order. 3) Use timeout to break the execution of a program running too long. 4) Keep user happy by printing something (e.g. '.' or '#') every second. 5) Not happy with simply printing something? Then execute your own code (function) at every second while the program is running.
This package is currently being developed so changes in the API and functionality are possible.
Requires Perl version 5.6.2.
Requires the following modules:
English Carp IPC::Open3; IO::Select Symbol
Exports routine runexternal().
Working in MSWin not guaranteed, might also not work in other Unices / OpenVMS / other systems. Tested only in Linux. Depends mostly on IPC::Open3 working in the system.
Run an external (operating system) command.
- Parameters:
- Return values (an array of four items):
'Mikko Koivunalho <>'
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Mikko Koivunalho.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.