IO::Iron::IronWorker::Task - IronWorker (Online Worker Platform) Client (Task).


version 0.13


Please see IO::Iron::IronWorker::Client for usage.




Creator function.


Set or get a property. When setting, returns the reference to the object.

code_name, The name of the code package to execute for this task (mandatory).
payload, A string of data to be passed to the worker (usually JSON), can be empty (mandatory).
priority, The priority queue to run the task in. Valid values are 0, 1, and 2. 0 is the default.
timeout, The maximum runtime of your task in seconds.
delay, The number of seconds to delay before actually queuing the task. Default is 0.
name, Name of task or scheduled task.
These are for scheduled task:
run_every, The amount of time, in seconds, between runs
end_at, The time tasks will stop being queued. Should be a time or a full timestamp (date and time).
run_times, The number of times a task will run.
start_at, The time the scheduled task should first be run.
Returned when queried a queued task:
id, Task or Scheduled task id.
project_id, project ID.
code_id, The code package id.
status, Task execution status.
code_history_id, Code package revision id?
code_rev, Code package revision number.
start_time, Execution started?
end_time, Execution finished?
duration, Execution duration?
updated_at, Timestamp (ISO) of last update.
created_at, Timestamp (ISO) of creation. E.g. "2012-11-10T18:31:08.064Z"


Params: [none]
Return: task log (text/plain).
Exception: IronHTTPCallException if fails. (IronHTTPCallException: status_code=<HTTP status code> response_message=<response_message>)

Return the task's log (task's STDOUT).


Params: [none]
Return: 1 if successful.
Exception: IronHTTPCallException if fails. (IronHTTPCallException: status_code=<HTTP status code> response_message=<response_message>)

Cancel a task.


Params (in params hash): percent (integer), msg (free text)
Return: 1 if successful.
Exception: IronHTTPCallException if fails. (IronHTTPCallException: status_code=<HTTP status code> response_message=<response_message>)

Set the progress info to the task.


Params: delay (number of seconds before the task is queued again)
Return: new task id if successful.
Exception: IronHTTPCallException if fails. (IronHTTPCallException: status_code=<HTTP status code> response_message=<response_message>)

Retry a task. A new task id is updated to id field of the object. The id is also returned.


Params: [none]
Return: 1 if successful.
Exception: IronHTTPCallException if fails. (IronHTTPCallException: status_code=<HTTP status code> response_message=<response_message>)

Cancel a task.


Mikko Koivunalho <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to or through the web interface at:


This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Mikko Koivunalho.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this distribution.