localize -- produce MiniVend localization file from set of pages


$Id: localize,v 1.3 2000/03/02 10:34:31 mike Exp $


localize -l lg_CC [-d lg_CC] [-m file|-t] file [file2 file3 ...]


Helps manage Minivend pages by finding, adding, and merging localization strings.



Rewrite [L] sections with [LC]text[do_DO]text[/do_dO], adjust file and data -- mutually exclusive with -o.

-d lg_CC

Create default domain file with Locale lg_CC as prefix

-l lg_CC

Create file with Locale lg_CC as prefix. This is mandatory unless in -c mode with -m option.

-m file

Read existing information to merge from <file>. Can contain multiple locales.


When in -c mode, prefix MM_ to make minimate_compatible; when in regular mode, strip MM_ from [LC] defs


Rewrite [L] sections with [L msgNNNN], adjust file and data. Mutually exclusive with -c.


Two page mode, mutually exclusive with -m.

lg_CC refers to the POSIX norm of specifying two-letter language and country codes to refer to a locale.

Two-page mode requires two files (one for each language) to compare and merge into one locale definition.

The merge file for the -m option should use the Perl reference form -- see the MiniVend documentation for more information.

If [L msg_key]default text[/L] keys are found, will produce a comment with the default text for reference.

A backup file (filename.html.bak) is saved if -o is used, but only one level. Subsequent .bak files will be overwritten.




Mike Heins, <>. Valuable contributions made by Stefan Hornburg, <>.