snap_charge -- add together charges for snapback2
snap_charge [-p|-i] [-c client] [-y year] [-m month] <chargefile>
When passed a snapback2 charge log filename, compiles and prints a report. The report will be in N.N[KMGT] format, i.e:
100 is 100 bytes
100K is 100 kilobytes where a kilobyte is 1024 bytes
100M is 100 megabytes where a megabyte is 1024 kilobytes
100G is 100 gigabytes where a gigabyte is 1024 megabytes
100T is 100 terabytes where a terabyte is 1024 gigabytes
The charges are based on the bytes read statement returned by rsync at backup time. All directories under a client domain name are added together.
- -c client
Selects one client domain to report for. If passed -p, -i, or -y YYYY and -m MM, prints only the number of bytes for that month and nothing else. If no year/month combination (that includes -i or -p) is sent, then prints a tab-delimited numeric report line for each month:
Implies the -n option.
- -i
Summarize charges for current month -- same as passing -y and -m set to the current year and month.
- -m MM
The month to report on. Requires -y.
- -n
Print numbers only. Forced if -c option is passed. Otherwise, the report looks like: in 2004-01: 288.6M in 2004-01: 8.5G in 2004-01: 1.2T
- -p
Summarize charges for last month -- same as passing -y and -m set to the previous month (and year if in January).
- -y YYYY
The year to report on.
Should be enhanced to read snapback2 configuration file and figure out the charge log. That will happen when the functions of snapback2 are modularized -- if they ever are.
Mike Heins, <>.