Bundle::Minivend - A bundle of the modules nice to have for MiniVend, plus MiniVend itself;
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Minivend'
Vend::Cart # This is a module guaranteed to be in MiniVend, it # will cause installation of the package
This bundle includes MiniVend along with the modules which are nice to have with it.
After installing this bundle, it is recommended that you quit the current session and then run MiniVend's makecat
program. That will give you the benefit of line completion and history.
None of the bundled modules are really needed for MiniVend:
- MD5 This module is used to generate unique cache keys. If you don't have it, then keys will be computed with a checksum that has a very low but not infinitesimal chance of causing a cache conflict.
- Data::Dumper If you have this module and are able to complile the DumperX routine, session save speed increases by anywhere from 15-40%. Highly recommended for busy systems. Also, the output of MiniVend's session dump will be much more readable.
- Term::ReadKey Helps Term::ReadLine::Perl generate completions and editing.
- Term::ReadLine::Perl Gives you filename completion and command history in the makecat program. Not used otherwise.
Mike Heins, <>
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 63:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'