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Changes for version 1.1.0

  • Released: 2015-12-29 15:26:05 UTC
    • Fixing path resolution
    • Fix endline in version command
    • Fix several POD errors and add POD testing
    • Hack conversion of Lingua::Interset::FeatureStructure
    • code churn: 11 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)


Query engine and query language for trees in PML format
Base class for PMLTQ inspired by Mojo::Base and Mojo::Base::XS
Pure perl evaluator of PML-TQ queries based on headless implementation of TrEd called Btred
[DEPRECATED] This is html fronted for SQLEvaluator and is currently being replaced by PMLTQ::Server
Command base class
Converts PML files to SQL
Deletes the treebank from database
Initialize empty database
Initialize empty database
Load treebank to database
WIP: Executes query on treebank
Check if database exists and that it contains some data
Print PMLTQ version
PMLTQ command line interface
Helper functions mainly for PML manipulations
Provides Parse::RecDescent grammar for parsing PML-TQ queries
Module loader for PMLTQ::Relations inspired by Mojo::Loader
[DEPRECATED] Conversion functions from NetGraph to PML-TQ
Convert from PML to SQL
Wrapper for parsing error
Optimalizing search trees for BtredEvaluator
Base class for all Relations standard or user defined
Iterates over ancestor nodes
Iterates over ancestor nodes to given bound
Iterates over child nodes
Iterates nodes of TredMacro::CurrentFile()
Iterates over files of given file list (calling TredMacro::NextFile())
Iterates over trees in files of given file list (calling TredMacro::NextFile())
Iterates over nodes of current tree
Iterates tree using depth first search calling $node->previous
Iterates tree using depth first search calling $node->following
Iterates tree using depth first search in given boundaries
Iterates over descendant nodes
Iterates over descendant nodes in given boundaries
Iterates nodes of given fsfile
Base Iterator class
Iterates over member nodes of given list
Creates optional interator branch
Interates nodes based on their order
PDT user defined relations
Effective child relation iterator on a-nodes for PDT like treebanks
Effective parent relation iterator on a-nodes for PDT like treebanks
a/lex.rf or a/aux.rf relation iterator for PDT like treebanks
Effective child relation iterator on t-nodes for PDT like treebanks
Effective parent relation iterator on t-nodes for PDT like treebanks
Iterates over PML reference
Evaluates condition on the parent of start node
Evaluates condition on nodes of current tree
Iterates over siblings given node
Iterates over siblings given node with boudaries
Base class for all iterators that iterates on a list of nodes
Iterates over nodes that are transitive
Evaluates condition on the whole tree of given node
Treex user defined relations
Different implementation of effective child relation iterator on a-nodes for Treex treebanks
Effective child relation iterator on a-nodes for Treex treebanks
Different implementation of effective parent relation iterator on a-nodes for Treex treebanks
Effective parent relation iterator on a-nodes for Treex treebanks
Effective child relation iterator on t-nodes for Treex treebanks
Effective parent relation iterator on t-nodes for Treex treebanks
Same as PMLTQ::Relation::FileIterator but for Treex files
Same as PMLTQ::Relation::FileListIterator but for Treex files
SQL evaluator of PML-TQ queries which can use PostreSQL as a backend
Helper methods for PML::Schema, relations and PML::Node types