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This distribution is up for adoption!
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Changes for version 0.002 - 2015-11-09
- Require List::Util min 1.33 (Meredith Howard)
- Clarify is() doc (Meredith Howard)
- Add more interface checks (Meredith Howard)
- Drop methods that return functions. Create test_{ordinal,symbol} and coerce_{ordinal,symbol,any} (Meredith Howard)
- Rename inflate* to inflate_symbol and inflate_ordinal (Meredith Howard)
- Rename extra option enum_is_ord to enum_ordinal_storage (Meredith Howard)
- Rename to sym_to_ord and ord_to_sym; move toward better use of terms. (Meredith Howard)
- Drop init and bits options as unnecessary, document values hashref option. (Meredith Howard)
- Allow ->new on instances (Meredith Howard)
Build Enum-like classes
Inflate enum-like columns to your Class::Type::Enum classes