Math::Polynomial::Multivariate - Perl class for multivariate polynomials
This documentation refers to version 0.005 of Math::Polynomial::Multivariate.
use Math::Polynomial::Multivariate;
my $two = Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->const(2);
my $x = Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->var('x');
my $xy = Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->
monomial(1, {'x' => 1, 'y' => 1});
my $pol = $x**2 + $xy - $two;
print "$pol\n"; # prints: -2 + x^2 + x*y
my @mon = $pol->as_monomials;
# assigns: ([-2, {}], [1, {x => 2}], [1, {x => 1, y => 1}])
my $n_terms = $pol->as_monomials;
print "$n_terms\n"; # prints: 3
my $rat = Math::BigRat->new('-1/3');
my $c = Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->const($rat);
my $y = $c->var('y');
my $lin = $x - $c;
print "$lin\n"; # prints: 1/3 + x
my $zero = $c - $c; # zero polynomial on rationals
my $null = $c->null; # dito
my $p = $c->monomial($rat, { 'a' => 2, 'b' => 1 });
print "$p\n"; # prints: -1/3*a^2*b
my $f = $p->coefficient({'a' => 2, 'b' => 1});
print "$f\n"; # prints: -1/3
my $q = $p->subst('a', $c);
print "$q\n"; # prints: -1/27*b
my $v = $p->evaluate({'a' => 6, 'b' => -1});
print "$v\n"; # prints: 12
my @vars = $pol->variables;
print "@vars\n"; # prints: x y
my @exp = $pol->exponents_of('x');
print "@exp\n"; # prints: 0 1 2
my $r = $pol->factor_of('x', 1);
print "$r\n"; # prints: y
my $d = $pol->degree;
print "$d\n"; # prints: 2
my $z = $zero->degree;
print "$z\n"; # prints:
# platform-dependent equivalent of minus infinity
my $pd = $pol->partial_derivative('x');
print "$pd\n"; # prints: 2*x + y
Math::Polynomial::Multivariate is a Perl class representing polynomials in any number of variables. It provides a set of operations defined for these polynomials, like addition, multiplication, evaluation, variable substitution, etc., as well as attribute inspection and formatting capabilities.
Objects of this class can be created using some simple constructors and expressions with overloaded arithmetic operators. They are immutable.
Each polynomial object is bound to specific variables. For practical purposes, variables are identified by unique names given as strings. Polynomials bound to different variables can be combined in a single expression, resulting in a new polynomial bound to the union of all contributing variables. Any polynomial will be treated as a polynomial of degree zero with respect to a variable it is not already bound to. Therefore, all polynomials sharing a common coefficient space are compatible to each other.
Polynomials are considered equal if they are bound to the same set of variables and have equal non-zero coefficients. Zero coefficients do not bind, thus the zero polynomial is not bound to any variable.
- null
Invoked as a class method,
returns a null polynomial on Perl numerical values.Invoked as an object method,
returns a null polynomial on the coefficient space of$obj
. - const
Invoked as a class method,
returns a constant polynomial on the coefficent space containing$value
.Invoked as an object method,
returns a constant polynomial on the coefficient space of$obj
must belong to the same coefficient space. - var
Invoked as a class method,
returns an identity polynomial in the named variable on Perl numerical values.Invoked as an object method,
returns an identity polynomial in the named variable on the coefficient space of$obj
. - monomial
Invoked as a class method,
Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->monomial($const, $vars)
returns a one-term polynomial on the coefficent space containing$const
.Invoked as an object method,
$obj->monomial($const, $vars)
returns a one-term polynomial on the coefficient space of$obj
must belong to the same coefficient space.In both cases,
is a hashref mapping variable names to non-negative integer exponents.Example:
$p->monomial(1, {'x' => 1})
is equivalent to$p->var('x')
Overloaded Perl Operators
- Negation
is a polynomial,-$p
evaluates as the negative of$p
. - Addition
are polynomials on the same coefficient space,$p + $q
evaluates as the sum of$p
. - Subtraction
are polynomials on the same coefficient space,$p - $q
evaluates as the difference of$p
. - Multiplication
are polynomials on the same coefficient space,$p * $q
evaluates as the product of$p
. - Exponentiation
is a polynomial and$n
is a non-negative integer number,$p ** $n
evaluates as the$n
th power of$p
. - Checks for Equality
are polynomials on the same coefficient space,$p == $q
and$p != $q
are boolean expressions telling whether$p
are equal or unequal, respectively.Equality implies that both polynomials are bound to the same variables and are composed of the same terms.
- Boolean Context
In boolean context, null polynomials evaluate as false and all other polynomials as true.
- String Context
In string context, polynomials are converted to a string representation. See "as_string".
Other Operators
- subst
are polynomials on the same coefficient space,$p->subst($varname, $q)
returns a polynomial obtained from$p
by substituting the variable named$varname
by the polynomial$q
. - partial_derivative
is a polynomial on a coefficient space compatible to Perl integer numbers,$p->partial_derivative($varname)
returns the first partial derivative of$p
with respect to the variable named$varname
is a polynomial on any coefficient space and$cast
is a coderef referencing a subroutine that takes a positive integer n and returns the element representing n times the unit element of this coefficient space,$p->partial_derivative($varname, $cast)
returns the first partial derivative of$p
with respect to the variable named$varname
.Example: For the coefficient space of 4×4 matrices of Perl numerical values,
could be a reference to a function taking a single value and returning a 4×4 diagonal matrix with this value.
Inspection Methods
- is_null
is a polynomial,$p->is_null
returns a boolean value telling whether$p
is the null polynomial. - is_not_null
is a polynomial,$p->is_not_null
returns a boolean value telling whether$p
is not the null polynomial. - variables
is a polynomial,$p->variables
returns an alphabetically ordered list of names of variables this polynomial is bound to.Note that only variables in terms with non-zero coefficients are taken into account. For example, a null polynomial will yield an empty list even if it was the result of an addition of non-zero polynomials.
- exponents_of
is a polynomial,$p->exponents_of($varname)
returns a list of non-negative integer exponents in ascending numerical order, specifying all powers of the named variable that are present in terms with non-zero coefficients of the polynomial.Note that if
is not bound to the named variable and not zero, a single exponent of zero will be returned. If$p
is the null polynomial, an empty list will be returned. - factor_of
is a polynomial,$p->factor_of($varname, $exponent)
returns the polynomial factor of the given variable power in that polynomial. In other words, the terms in$p
are grouped by powers of the named variable, the specific power is selected, and factored out.Example:
$c = Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->const(3); $x = $c->var('x'); $y = $c->var('y'); $p = ($y**2 + $c * $y - $c) * $x**2 + ($y - $c) * $x**3; $q = $p->factor_of('x', 2); # (I) $q = $y**2 + $c * $y - $c; # same as (I)
- coefficient
is a polynomial and$variables
is a hashref mapping variable names to non-negative integer exponents,$p->coefficient($variables)
returns the coefficient of an individual term in$p
with the given signature.Example:
$c = Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->const(4); $x = $c->var('x'); $y = $c->var('y'); $p = $x**2 * $y - $c * $x * $y**2; $a = $p->coefficient( {'x' => 2, 'y' => 1} ); $b = $p->coefficient( {'x' => 1, 'y' => 2} ); $c = $p->coefficient( {'x' => 0, 'y' => 3} ); # now $a is 1, $b is -4, $c is 0
Note that in the
hashref, variables with zero exponent may be omitted. - degree
is a polynomial with only one term with non-zero coefficient,$p->degree
returns the sum of all exponents of the variables present there.If
is an arbitrary polynomial other than null,$p->degree
returns the largest degree of all its terms with non-zero coefficients.If
is the null polynomial,$p->degree
returns minus infinity.Example:
$c = Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->const(5); $x = $c->var('x'); $y = $c->var('y'); $p = $x**3 * $y**3 - $c * $x**2 * $y**5; $d = $p->degree; # now $d is 7
- multidegree
is a polynomial,$p->multidegree
returns a hashref mapping variable names to positive integer exponents, denoting the largest degree of each variable in any term of$p
with non-zero coefficient. Zero exponents are omitted. Thus, the null polynomial as well as constant polynomials will yield an empty hashref.Example:
$c = Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->const(6); $x = $c->var('x'); $y = $c->var('y'); $p = $x**3 * $y**3 - $c * $x**2 * $y**5; $m = $p->multidegree; # now $m is { 'x' => 3, 'y' => 5 }
- number_of_terms
is a polynomial,$p->number_of_terms
returns the number of distinct terms with non-zero coefficients of$p
.This number will be at least 0 and at most the product of all values, incremented by one, of the multidegree hashref.
- evaluate
is a polynomial and $values is a hashref mapping variable names to values in the coefficient space of$p
returns the value of the polynomial at the given coordinates. The$values
hashref must contain all names of variables that appear in terms with non-zero coefficients. It may contain values of additional variables.Example:
$c = Math::Polynomial::Multivariate->const(7); $x = $c->var('x'); $y = $c->var('y'); $p = $c + $x + $y; $z = $p->evaluate({'x' => 8, 'y' => 9}); # now $z is 24
- as_string
is a polynomial,$p->as_string
returns a text representation of it. It is the same as the value of$p
in string context.Variables are ordered lexically, terms are ordered from lowest exponent to highest, exponents of last variables taking precedence over earlier ones. Each term is represented as a product of the coefficient and the variable powers, with an asterisk as a multiplication symbol and a plus as addition symbol between terms. A caret is used as exponentiation symbol. Terms with zero coefficient are suppressed except for the null polynomial which is represented by the constant zero. Variables are given by their name. Coefficients appear in whatever form they take on in string context. Values of one as a coefficient or as an exponent are omitted where possible.
1 + 2*x + x^2 + 2*y + 2*x*y + y^2
- as_monomials
is a polynomial,$p->as_monomials
returns a list of monomial term descriptors in the same order as as_string. A descriptor is an arrayref of a coefficient and a variables hashref (like the pair of parameters for the "monomial" constructor).For the zero polynomial, a single term with a zero coefficient and an empty variables hash is returned.
In scalar context, the number of nonzero terms is returned.
This module generally croaks on usage errors it detects. This means, outside of an eval block program execution will terminate with an error message indicating the offending method call.
- illegal exponent
The power operator (
) was used with a negative or non-integer exponent. In the domain of polynomials, only exponentiation by non-negative integers is defined in general. - missing variable: %s
- missing variables: %s
The evaluate method was called with a hashref not containing all required variable names. The missing name or names are listed in the message.
This version of Math::Polynomial::Multivariate requires these other modules and libraries to run:
perl version 5.8.0 or higher
overload (usually bundled with perl)
Carp (usually bundled with perl)
Additional requirements to run the test suite are:
Test::More (usually bundled with perl)
Recommended modules for increased functionality are:
Math::BigRat (usually bundled with perl)
Any other module providing a coefficient space with overloaded arithmetic operators
, and stringification.
Currently, not a lot of usage errors are caught and reported via individual diagnostics. Notably, there are no safeguards against mixing incompatible coefficients within one polynomial expression.
Some constructors may look more generic than they actually are: It would be best, perhaps, not to use null and var as class methods at all, as this usage implies a coefficient space, and one with many shortcomings at that.
There may be a hidden limitation on the maximal exponent of a variable on some platforms. This will go away or become an explicit limitation before this library is declared stable. If your exponents stay well below 2**32 you probably should not worry.
The functionality of this module should not be taken as final.
Bug reports and suggestions are always welcome -- please submit them via the CPAN RT:
As of version 0.004, the module interface is still in beta state. While upcoming improvements are intended to be mostly extensions, changes breaking backwards compatibility may yet be considered.
Features planned for future releases include:
Polynomial substitution, using remainder decomposition. This generalizes simple variable substitution.
Interoperability with, or conversion functions to/from, Math::Polynomial objects.
Division with remainder.
More string formatting options.
Math::Polynomial - perl class for univariate polynomials
Math::Symbolic - perl class for more general arithmetic expressions
Martin Becker, <>
Copyright (c) 2011-2014 by Martin Becker. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.