Math::DifferenceSet::Planar::Examples - overview of M::DS:P example scripts
The examples directory of the Math-DifferenceSet-Planar distribution currently contains the scripts listed below. Filters, i.e. scripts that process sets provided as input, are marked [F]. Scripts with no input besides command line parameters are marked [P].
[P] Generate terms of OEIS A333852.
[P] Generate terms of OEIS A353077.
- numlist_sort
[F] Sort a list of lists of integer numbers.
- pds_canonize
[F] Translate planar difference sets into one of the canonical forms.
- pds_databases
[P] Show available planar difference set databases.
- pds_enumerate
[F] Enumerate all the translates of planar difference sets.
- pds_find_delta
[F] Find pairs of difference set elements with given difference.
- pds_find_space
[P] Find generators of difference set spaces.
- pds_find_std_ref
[F] Find standard reference sets from arbitrary planar difference sets.
- pds_from_lambda
[F] Generate planar difference sets from order/lambda/theta fingerprints.
- pds_identify
[F] Display order/lambda/theta fingerprints of planar difference sets.
- pds_info
[F] Display various information about planar difference sets.
- pds_iterate
[P] Dump stored sample planar difference sets for ranges of orders.
- pds_iterate_properties
[P] Display properties of stored planar difference sets for ranges of orders.
- pds_iterate_spaces
[P] Display stored rotator space data.
- pds_linear_maps
[F] Find linear mapping functions between planar difference sets.
- pds_main_elements
[F] Print main elements of planar difference set planes.
- pds_multipliers
[P] Show planar difference set multipliers of a given order.
- pds_multiply
[F] Multiply planar difference sets by a factor.
- pds_optable
[F] Print difference tables for planar difference sets.
- pds_planes
[P/F] Enumerate planar difference set planes of a given order or sample sets.
- pds_randomize
[F] Generate random planar difference sets of same size from given sets.
- pds_rotators
[P] Enumerate planar difference set rotators of a given order.
- pds_sample
[P] Print a planar difference set of a given order.
- pds_sort_elements
[F] Numerically sort planar difference set elements.
- pds_translate
[F] Translate planar difference sets.
- pds_verify
[F] Verify lists of integers as planar difference sets.
- random_pds
[P] Generate a random planar difference set.
Some examples from earlier releases have been moved from separate scripts into more general scripts with parameters, particularly where canonization variants had been the distinctive feature. Others have been dropped for being deprecated or lacking relevance. We list all such changes here.
Dropped for being too similar to
- pds_check
Dropped with deprecated method check_elements.
- pds_eta
Now part of pds_info.
- pds_gap_canonize
Now part of pds_canonize.
- pds_largest_gap
Now part of pds_info.
- pds_peak_elements
Now part of pds_info.
- pds_spaces
Renamed to pds_iterate_spaces for consistency.
- pds_statistic
Renamed to pds_iterate_properties for consistency.
- pds_zeta
Now part of pds_info.
- pds_zeta_canonize
Now part of pds_canonize.
Martin Becker, <becker-cpan-mp at>
Copyright (c) 2022-2023 by Martin Becker, Blaubeuren.
This library is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 (see the LICENSE file).
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.