ROADS::Rank - Autoloader for ROADS ranking algorithms
use ROADS::Rank;
# @results are the results of a WHOIS++ query done already
@ranked_results = rank($query, @results);
This class provides a mechanism for autoloading ranking algorithms depending on the information in $CGIvar{rankingalg} (intended to be set by the search form). This variable should contain the name of the ranking algorithm (used to autoload the routine) and any further information that should be passed to the routine separated by a colon, the colon may be omitted if no further information is required. E.g. alphabetic or quality:totalimgsize. The original ROADS ranking algorithm has the name 'default' and will be used if no ranking algorithm is specified.
rank( query, @results );
This method takes an array of WHOIS++ template handles results, and the original search terms query which gave rise to them. It invokes the appropriate search routine and returns the sorted list.
"" in admin-cgi, "" in cgi-bin, "auto/ROADS/Rank/" in lib
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
It was developed by UKOLN as part of the DESIRE project. DESIRE is funded under the EU's Telematics Application Programme.
Tracy Gardner <>