bin/ - send mail to people whose links have gone stale
bin/ [-d] [-m mailtemplate] [-t ownertable]
This Perl program takes the results of the link checking tool and uses either a prepared table of maintainers for the various parts of the filesystem or stat to find out who is responsible for bad URLs.
This collected data of failed URLs is then mailed to each of these maintainers, if and only if there are bad URLs on their pages. Hopefully, these users will then take the appropriate actions.... :)
It is suitable for invocation from a World-Wide Web CGI program, a cron job, or an at job.
- -d
Generate debugging information
- -m mailtemplate
Form letter to be sent to all those whose links are stale
- -t ownertable
This file indicates who is responsible for a given file or hierarchy of files, and this information will be used to determine who to send the link checker report to. If it is not specified, the user name of the person who owns the file will be used as the contact address instead.
Link checker summary report in the format
<HTTP-RC> <file> <URL>
200 /home/roads/source/SOSIG106 gopher://
Where HTTP-RC is the HTTP (or equivalent) response code for the request. Non-HTTP response codes will have been translated into HTTP style response codes before the link checker report is dumped out.
Warning messages to information providers.
This is really geared up to WWW server maintainers, rather than ROADS server maintainers. It should have a way of extracting the contact address from the templates if desired.
Copyright (c) 1988, Mattias Borrell <>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
It was developed by Lund University NetLab, as part of the DESIRE project. DESIRE is funded under the European Commission Telematics for Research Programme.
Mattias Borrell <>