admin-cgi/ - convert ROADS v0 multiple databases to ROADS v1 format


 admin-cgi/ [-L language] [-C charset]
   [-s sourcedir]


This Perl program converts ROADS version 0 databases into ROADS version 1 format - i.e. the Destination attribute in the template is used to indicate which collection of information the record belongs to, instead of having separate collections of templates for each database. As each template is added to the v1 database, the index is re-built to include it - if this option has been selected on the main HTML form.

For security reasons, you need to be HTTP authenticated in order to run this program.


These options are intended for debugging use only.

-L language

The language to return.

-C charset

The character set to use.

-s sourcedir

The directory where the version 1 templates should be stored



The character set to use.


Whether or not to index the database after each template is converted.


The language to use.


The database name to put into the Destination field in the newly created templates.


The directory in which to find the ROADS version 0 templates.


config/multilingual/*/zero2one/zerotooneform.html - main HTML form returned when running zero2one

config/multilingual/*/zero2one/noalltemps.html - HTML returned when the alltemps file (list of template handle to filename mappings) from the ROADS version 0 installation cannot be opened.

config/multilingual/*/zero2one/newopenfailed.html - HTML returned when a new template cannot be created from the old one.

config/multilingual/*/zero2one/cannotindex.html - HTML returned when the reindexing process fails.

config/multilingual/*/zero2one/alldone.html - HTML returned when the conversion completes successfully.

logs/ChangeLog - list of templates converted.


Copyright (c) 1988, Martin Hamilton <> and Jon Knight <>. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

It was developed by the Department of Computer Studies at Loughborough University of Technology, as part of the ROADS project. ROADS is funded under the UK Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib), the European Commission Telematics for Research Programme, and the TERENA development programme.


Jon Knight <>