bin/ - generate template review info breakdown
bin/ [-dnr] [-a attribute] [-o owner]
[-s sourcedir] [-v view]
This Perl program checks resource descriptions to see whether they have passed their review date. It is intended for invocation from a World-Wide Web CGI program, a cron job, or an at job.
The report which this tool generates can be customized via a view file, which specifies the attributes which should appear in the listings of templates which are due for review.
The tool lets you automatically search your database for templates which are due to be checked. This works by scanning the To-Be-Reviewed-Date attribute in each template, if present. It has the limitation that it only understands the following two ways of writing the date and time:
Fri Aug 1 23:00:00 1997
Tue, 23 May 98 13:51:41 GMT
To deal with the ``year 2000'' problem, years which are only two digits will automatically have 1900 added to them. We've tried to make the ROADS software immune to year 2000 bugs - please let us know if you spot any problems in this area so that we can fix them.
- -a attribute
Attribute to look in for record owner's email address.
- -d
Generate debugging information
- -n
Match templates which have no To-Be-Reviewed-Date attribute.
- -o owner
Owner to search for - typically email address. It is assumed that you know this already.
- -r
Template must have To-Be-Reviewed-Date attribute.
- -s sourcedir
Directory where resource descriptions may be found, if not default.
- -v view
Template view to be used. This is a file which specifies the attributes which should be returned (if present) in the summary report.
Summary report on templates which are due for review.
config/review-views - alternative sets of attributes to return in reports.
Copyright (c) 1988, Martin Hamilton <> and Jon Knight <>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
It was developed by the Department of Computer Studies at Loughborough University of Technology, as part of the ROADS project. ROADS is funded under the UK Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib), the European Commission Telematics for Research Programme, and the TERENA development programme.
Martin Hamilton <>