bin/ - build ROADS database index
bin/ [-adhu] [-i directory] [-m minsize]
[-s directory] [-t directory] [-x stoplist]
[-y stopattr] [-z alltemps] [handle1 handle2 ... handleN]
The program generates an index of IAFA templates which can be searched using the and CGI programs. The index is used by these programs to rapidly match keywords and boolean expressions in a large number of IAFA templates.
A number of options are available to the program to control where it looks for its files:
- -a
Index all the templates in the specified source directory.
- -d
Turn on debugging mode.
- -h
Provides online help and exits.
- -i directory
Set the absolute pathname of the directory in which the resulting inverted index is to be placed.
- -m minsize
Don't index terms which are shorter than this - default is two characters.
- -s directory
Set the absolute pathname of the directory containing the source IAFA templates.
- -t directory
Set the absolute pathname of the directory to be used for intermediate temporary files. This option is useful if you find that you are running out of room in the system default temporary directory during particularly large indexing runs.
- -u
Unlink temporary files when in debug mode. Gives visual feedback without leaving lots of unsightly junk lying around.
- -x stoplist
The absolute pathname of a file containing a list of terms which should not be indexed.
- -y stopattr
The absolute pathname of a file containing a list of attributes which should not be indexed.
- -z alltemps
The absolute pathname of the file to which the list of template handle to filename mappings should be saved.
If the -a option is not used, the script expects one or more filenames containing IAFA templates to be given. These files are then processed, and all the templates in them are indexed.
config/stopattr - default list of attributes to exclude from the index.
config/stoplist - default list of terms to exclude from the index.
guts/index* - index files themselves.
guts/alltemps - list of template handle to filename mappings.
source - the source templates themselves.
"" in admin-cgi, "" in bin, "" in admin-cgi, "" in cgi-bin, "" in admin-cgi
The indexer will only correctly index IAFA templates that have a Template-Type attribute first and a Handle attribute second. All other attributes can be in any order. All templates generated by the ROADS software are in this format but the actual IAFA Internet Draft is not as strict. If you are processing templates derived from outside the ROADS system, be sure to ensure that these conditions hold before attempting to index them with
Copyright (c) 1988, Martin Hamilton <> and Jon Knight <>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
It was developed by the Department of Computer Studies at Loughborough University of Technology, as part of the ROADS project. ROADS is funded under the UK Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib), the European Commission Telematics for Research Programme, and the TERENA development programme.
Jon Knight <>, Martin Hamilton <>