Changes for version 0.18
- Can now use Clone::PP if Clone is not installed. Thanks to Bianka Martinovic (RT #37999). Note that there doesn't appear to be a way to indicate to Module::Build that the module can use either Clone or Clone::PP - that it requires one (but not both) of them. So for now, Clone is still listed as a prerequisite.
- updated Template::Toolkit driver docs to indicate how to use different encodings. Thanks to Shmuel Fomberg (RT #34791).
- removed spurious call to $template->error on Petal templates. Thanks to William McKee (RT #20221).
- Component handler now weakens reference to containing_template, in an attempt to avoid crazy memory usage. Thanks to Dan Horne (RT #18157).
- Changes of interest to module maintainers only:
- t/prereqs-scenarios is now included in the distribution.
- This is how I simulate the absense of specific modules when running the test suite. For instance, the user may have HTML::Template::Expr installed, but not HTML::Template::Pluggable. Or they may have Clone::PP installed, but not Clone.
- To test the various prerequisite scenarios, use the included script:
- ./misc/ t/prereq_scenarios -Ilib t/
- This runs the test suite several times. Each time it simulates a different set of unavailable modules.
- Adapted from the Perl Hacks book.
- fixed the makedocs script to work with more recent pod2html
- changed noindex to no_index in META.yml
- t/prereqs-scenarios is now included in the distribution.
Use any templating system from within CGI::Application using a unified interface
Base class for templates
Embed run modes within a template
HTML::Template driver to AnyTemplate
HTML::Template::Expr driver to AnyTemplate
HTML::Template::Pluggable driver to AnyTemplate
Petal plugin to AnyTemplate
Template::Toolkit plugin to AnyTemplate