Nile::Config - Configuration file manager.
$config = $self->me->config;
# keep sort order when reading and writing the xml file data. default is off.
# load config file from the configuration folder, file extension is xml.
# load and append another configuration file
# get config variables
say $config->get("admin/user");
say $config->get("admin/password");
# get config variable, if not found return the optional provided default value.
$var = $config->get($name, $default);
# automatic getter support
say $config->email; # same as $config->get('email');
# get a group of config variables.
@list = $config->list(@names);
# delete config variables from memory, changes will apply when saving file.
# set config variables.
$config->set("admin", 'username');
# automatic setter support
$config->email(''); # same as $config->set('email', '');
# save changes to file.
# write to another output file.
Nile::Config - Configuration file manager.
Configuration files are xml files stored in the application config folder. You can load and manage any number of configuration files.
This class extends Nile::XML class, therefore all methods from Nile::XML is accessable to this object.
# get a new config object
#my $configure = $config->object;
# load and manage a language files separately
Returns a new config object. This allows to load individual config files and work with them.