sybperl - Sybase extensions to Perl


use Sybase::DBlib;
use Sybase::CTlib;
use Sybase::Sybperl;


Sybperl implements three Sybase extension modules to perl (version 5.001 or higher). Sybase::DBlib adds a subset of the Sybase DB-Library API. Sybase::CTlib adds a subset of the Sybase CT-Library API. Sybase::Sybperl is a backwards compatibility module (implemented on top of Sybase::DBlib) to enable scripts written for sybperl 1.0xx to run with Perl 5.

Note: using both Sybase::Sybperl and Sybase::DBlib explicitly in a single script is not garanteed to work correctly.

NOTE: Allthough I've tried to describe the usage of each API call, you should allways refer to the Sybase OpenClient documentation in case of doubt.


A generic perl script using Sybase::DBlib would look like this:

use Sybase::DBlib;

$dbh = Sybase::DBlib->dblogin('sa', $pwd, $server, 'test_app');
$dbh->dbcmd("select * from sysprocesses\n");
while(@data = $dbh->dbnextrow)
.... do something with @data ....

The API calls that have been implemented use the same calling sequence as their C equivalents, with a couple of exceptions, detailed below.

List of API calls

Standard Routines:

$dbh = Sybase::DBlib->dblogin([$user [, $pwd [, $server [, $appname ]]]])

Initiates a connection to a Sybase dataserver, using the supplied user, password, server and application name information. Uses the default values (see DBSETLUSER(), DBSETLPWD(), etc. in the Sybase DB-library documentation) if the parameters are ommitted.

This call can be used multiple times if connecting to multiple servers with different username/password combinations is required, for example.

$dbh = Sybase::DBlib->dbopen([$server [, $appname ]])

Open an additional connection, using the current LOGINREC information.

$status = $dbh->dbuse($database)

Executes "use database $database" for the connection $dbh.

$status = $dbh->dbcmd($sql_cmd)

Appends the string $sql_cmd to the current command buffer of this connection.

$status = $dbh->dbsqlexec

Sends the content of the current command buffer to the dataserver for execution. See the DB-library documentation for a discussion of return values.

$status = $dbh->dbresults

Retrieves result information from the dataserver after having executed dbsqlexec().

$status = $dbh->dbcancel

Cancels the current command batch.

$status = $dbh->dbcanquery

Cancels the current query within the currently executing command batch.


Free the command buffer (required only in special cases - if you don't know what this is you probably don't need it :-)


Force the closing of a connection. Note that connections are automatically closed when the $dbh goes out of scope.

$status = $dbh->DBCURCMD

Returns the number of the currently executing command in the command batch. The first command is number 1.

$status = $dbh->DBMORECMDS

Returns TRUE if there are additional commands to be executed in the current command batch.

$status = $dbh->DBCMDROW

Returns SUCCEED if the current command can return rows.

$status = $dbh->DBROWS

Returns SUCCEED if the current command did return rows

$status = $dbh->DBCOUNT

Returns the number of rows that the current command affected.

$row_num = $dbh->DBCURROW

Returns the number (counting from 1) of the currently retrieved row in the current result set.

$status = $dbh->dbhasretstat

Did the last executed stored procedure return a status value? dbhasretstats must only be called after dbresults returns NO_MORE_RESULTS, ie after all the selet, insert, update operations of he sored procedure have been processed.

$status = $dbh->dbretstatus

Retrieve the return status of a stored procedure. As with dbhasretstat, call this function after all the result sets of the stored procedure have been processed.

$status = $dbh->dbnumcols

How many columns are in the current result set.

$status = $dbh->dbcoltype($colid)

What is the column type of column $colid in the current result set.

$status = $dbh->dbcollen($colid)

What is the length (in bytes) of column $colid in the current result set.

$string = $dbh->dbcolname($colid)

What is the name of column $colid in the current result set.

@dat = $dbh->dbnextrow([$doAssoc])

Retrieve one row. dbnextrow returns an array of scalars, one for each column value. If $doAssoc is non-0, then dbnextrow returns a hash (aka associative array) with column name/value pairs. This relieves the programmer from having to call dbbind() or dbdata(). The return value of the C version of dbnextrow() can be accessed via the Perl DBPROCESS attribute field, as in:

@arr = $dbh->dbnextrow;		# read results
if($dbh->{DBstatus} != REG_ROW) {
  take some appropriate action...

When the results row is a COMPUTE row, the ComputeID field of the DBPROCESS is set:

@arr = $dbh->dbnextrow;		# read results
if($dbh->{ComputeID} != 0) {	# it's a 'compute by' row
  take some appropriate action...

dbnextrow can also return a hash keyed on the column name:

$dbh->dbcmd("select Name=name, Id = id from test_table");
$dbh->dbsqlexec; $dbh->dbresults;

while(%arr = $dbh->dbnextrow(1)) {
   print "$arr{Name} : $arr{Id}\n";
@dat = $dbh->dbretdata[$doAssoc])

Retrieve value of the parameters marked as 'OUTPUT' in a stored procedure. If $doAssoc is non-0, then retrieve the data as an associative array with parameter name/value pairs.

$string = $dbh->dbstrcpy

Retrieve the contents of the command buffer.

$string = $dbh->dbsafestr($string [,$quote_char])

Convert $string to a 'safer' version by inserting single or double quotes where appropriate, so that it can be passed to the dataserver without syntax errors.

The second argument to dbsafestr (normally DBSINGLE, DBDOUBLE or DBBOTH) has been replaced with a literal ' or " (meaning DBSINGLE or DBDOUBLE, respectively). Omitting this argument means DBBOTH.

$status = $dbh->dbwritetext($colname, $dbh_2, $colnum, $text)

Insert or update data in a TEXT or IMAGE column. The usage is a bit different from that of the C version:

The calling sequence has been somewhat simplified, and logging is always off.

$dbh_2 and $colnum are the DBPROCESS and column number of a currently active query. Example:

   $dbh_2->dbcmd('select the_text, t_index from text_table where t_index = 5');
   $dbh_2->dbsqlexec; $dbh_2->dbresults;
   @data = $dbh_2->dbnextrow;

   $d->dbwritetext ("text_table.the_text", $dbh_2, 1,
	"This is text which was added with Sybperl");

BCP Routines:


This is an exported routine (ie it can be called without a $dbh handle) which sets the BCP IN flag to TRUE/FALSE.

It is necessary to call BCP_SETL(TRUE) before opening the connection with which one wants to run a BCP IN operation.

$state = bcp_getl()

Retrieve the current BCP flag status.

$status = $dbh->bcp_init($table, $hfile, $errfile, $direction)

Initialize BCP library. $direction can be DB_OUT or DB_IN

$status = $dbh->bcp_meminit($numcols)

This is a utility function that does not exist in the normal BCP API. It's use is to initialize some internal variables before starting a BCP operation from program variables into a table. This call avoids setting up translation information for each of the columns of the table being updated, obviating the use of the bcp_colfmt call.

See examples, below.

$status = $dbh->bcp_sendrow(LIST)

Sends the data in LIST to the server. The LIST is assumed to contain one element for each column being updated. To send a NULL value set the appropriate element to the Perl undef value.

$status = $dbh->bcp_done
$status = $dbh->bcp_control($field, $value)
$status = $dbh->bcp_columns($colcount)
$status = $dbh->bcp_colfmt($host_col, $host_type, $host_prefixlen, $host_collen, $host_term, $host_termlen, $table_col [, $precision, $scale])

If you have DBlibrary for System 10 or higher, then you can pass the additional $precision and $scale parameters, and have sybperl call bcp_colfmt_ps() instead of bcp_colfmt().

$status = $dbh->bcp_collen($varlen, $table_column)
$status = $dbh->bcp_exec
$status = $dbh->bcp_readfmt($filename)
$status = $dbh->bcp_writefmt($filename)

Please see the DB-library documentation for these calls.

DBMONEY Routines:

($status, $sum) = $dbh->dbmny4add($m1, $m2)
$status = $dbh->dbmny4cmp($m1, $m2)
($status, $quotient) = $dbh->dbmny4divide($m1, $m2)
($status, $dest) = $dbh->dbmny4minus($source)
($status, $product) = $dbh->dbmny4mul($m1, $m2)
($status, $difference) = $dbh->dbmny4sub($m1, $m2)
($status, $ret) = $dbh->dbmny4zero
($status, $sum) = $dbh->dbmnyadd($m1, $m2)
$status = $dbh->dbmnycmp($m1, $m2)
($status, $ret) = $dbh->dbmnydec($m1)
($status, $quotient) = $dbh->dbmnydivide($m1, $m2)
($status, $ret, $remainder) = $dbh->dbmnydown($m1, $divisor)
($status, $ret) = $dbh->dbmnyinc($m1)
($status, $ret, $remain) = $dbh->dbmnyinit($m1, $trim)
($status, $ret) = $dbh->dbmnymaxneg
($status, $ret) = $dbh->dbmnymaxpos
($status, $dest) = $dbh->dbmnyminus($source)
($status, $product) = $dbh->dbmnymul($m1, $m2)
($status, $m1, $digits, $remain) = $dbh->dbmnyndigit($m1)
($status, $ret) = $dbh->dbmnyscale($m1, $multiplier, $addend)
($status, $difference) = $dbh->dbmnysub($m1, $m2)
($status, $ret) = $dbh->dbmnyzero

All of these routines correspond to their DB-library counterpart, with the following exception:

The routines which in the C version take pointers to arguments (in order to return values) return these values in an array instead:

status = dbmnyadd(dbproc, m1, m2, result) becomes
($status, $result) = $dbproc->dbmnyadd($m1, $m2)

RPC Routines

NOTE: Check out eg/ for an example on how to use these calls.

$dbh->dbrpcinit($rpcname, $option)

Initialize an RPC call to the remote procedure $rpcname. See the DB-library manual for valid values for $option.

$dbh->dbrpcparam($parname, $status, $type, $maxlen, $datalen, $value)

Add a parameter to an RPC call initiated with dbrpcinit(). Please see the DB-library manual page for details & values for the parameters.

NOTE: All floaing point types (MONEY, FLOAT, REAL, DECIMAL, etc.) are converted to FLOAT before being sent to the RPC.


Execute an RPC initiated with dbrpcinit().

NOTE: This call executes both dbrpcsend() and dbsqlok(). You can call $dbh->dbresults direcly after calling $dbh->dbrpcsend.

dbrpwset($srvname, $pwd)

Set the password for connecting to a remote server.


Clear all remote server passwords.

Two Phase Commit Routines:

$dbh = Sybase::DBlib->open_commit($user, $pwd, $server, $appname)
$id = $dbh->start_xact($app_name, $xact_name, $site_count)
$status = $dbh->stat_xact($id)
$status = $dbh->scan_xact($id)
$status = $dbh->commit_xact($id)
$status = $dbh->abort_xact($id)
$string = Sybase::DBlib::build_xact_string($xact_name, $service_name, $id)

Please see the Sybase documentation for this.

NOTE: These routines have not been thouroughly tested!

Exported Routines:


Register an error (or message) handler for DB-library to use. Handler examples can be found in in the Sybperl distribution. Returns a reference to the previously defined handler (or undef if none were defined). Passing undef as the argument clears the handler.


Set the name of the 'interfaces' file. This file is normally found by DB-library in the directory pointed to by the $SYBASE environment variable.


Start recording all SQL sent to the server in file $filename.


For DB-library 10.0+, determines which behaviour to adopt relative to new datatypes (such as NUMERIC, DECIMAL).


Returns a string identifying the version of DBlibrary that this copy of Sybperl was built with.

$time = DBGETTIME()
$time = dbsettime($seconds)
$time = dbsetlogintime($seconds)

These utility routines are probably very seldom used. See the DB-library manual for an explanation of their use.


Tell DB-library that we're done. Once this call has been made, no further activity requiring DB-library can be performed in the current program.

Utility Routines:

These routines are not part of the DB-library API, but have been added because they can make our life as programers easier, and exploit certain strenghts of Perl.

$dbh = new Sybase::DBlib user, pwd,...

This is a synonym for Sybase::DBlib->dblogin(...), which we provide to be coherent with other Perl extension modules. It is also an accepted name for allocating a new object in many Object Oriented environments, so we feel that it has it's place here.

$ret|@ret = $dbh->sql($cmd [, \&rowcallback])

Runs the sql command and returns the result as a reference to an array of the rows. In a LIST context, return the array itself (instead of a reference to the array). Each row is a reference to an array of scalars.

If you provide a second parameter it is taken as a procedure to call for each row. The callback is called with the values of the row as parameters.

See eg/ for an example.

Contributed by Gisle Aas.

NOTE: This routine loads all the data into memory. It should not be run with a query that returns a large number of rows.


    Most of the #defines from sybdb.h can be accessed as Sybase::DBlib::NAME (eg Sybase::DBlib::STDEXIT) Additional constants are

    		The Sybperl version. Can be interpreted as a string or
    		as a number.
       DBLIBVS      The version of I<DBlibrary> that sybperl was built against

Status Variables:

A number of status variables and attributes are associated with each DBPROCESS. They can be accessed using the Perl hash table syntax:

$dbproc->{'Attribute Name'};

The following attributes are currently defined:

    dbNullIsUndef - If set, NULL results are returned as
                    the Perl value 'undef' otherwise as the string "NULL".
                    Default: set.
    dbKeepNumeric - If set, numeric results are not
                    converted to strings before returning the data to
		    Default: set.
    dbBin0x       - If set, BINARY results are preceeded
		    by '0x' in the result.
		    Default: unset.

The following status variables are defined:

    DBstatus      - The return status of the last call
		    to dbnextrow.
    ComputeID     - The compute id of the current returned
		    row. Is 0 if no compute by clause is currently being


BCP from program variables

   $dbproc = Sybase::DBlib::dblogin();
   $dbproc->bcp_init("test.dbo.t2", '', 'bcp.err', $DB_IN);
   $dbproc->bcp_meminit(3);   # we wish to copy three columns into
			   # the 't2' table
	@dat = split(' ', $_);
   $ret = &bcp_done($dbproc);

Using the sql() routine

$dbh = new Sybase::DBlib;
$ret = $dbh->sql("select * from sysprocesses");
foreach (@$ret)   # Loop through each row
    @row = @$_;
    # do something with the data row...

$ret = $dbh->sql("select * from sysusers", sub { print "@_"; });
# This will select all the info from sysusers, and print it


The 2PC calls have not been well tested.


The Sybase::Sybperl package is designed for backwards compatibility with sybperl 1.0xx (for Perl 4.x). It's main purpose is to allow sybperl 1.0xx scripts to work unchanged with Perl 5 & sybperl 2. Using this API for new scripts is not recomended, unless portability with older versions of sybperl is essential.

The sybperl 1.0xx man page is included in this package in pod/

This package is layered on top of the Sybase::DBlib package, and could therefore suffer a small performance penalty.


The CT-library module has been written in colaboration with Sybase. It is still in Beta.

In this version, the Sybase DATETIME and MONEY datatypes are kept in their native format. This means that it is not necessary to call cs_calc() to add two MONEY values together, for example. See the description of the Sybase::CTlib::DateTime and Sybase::CTlib::Money classes below.


$dbh = Sybase::CTlib->ct_connect([$user [, $passwd [, $server [,$appname]]]])

Establishes a connection to the database engine. Initializes and allocates resources for the connection, and registers the user name, password, target server and application name.

$status = $dbh->ct_execute($sql)

Send the SQL commands $sql to the server. Multiple commands are allowed. However, you must call ct_results() until it returns CS_END_RESULTS or CS_FAIL, or call ct_cancel() before submitting a new set of SQL commands to the server.

Return values: CS_SUCCEED, CS_FAIL or CS_CANCELED (the operation was canceled).

NOTE: ct_execute() is equivalent to calling ct_command() followed by ct_send().

$status = $dbh->ct_command(type, buffer, len, option)

Append a command to the current SQL command buffer. Please check the OpenClient documentation for exact usage.

NOTE: You should only need to call ct_command()/ct_send() directly if you want to do RPCs or cursor operations. For straight queries you should use ct_execute() or ct_sql() instead.

$status = $dbh->ct_send()

Send the current command buffer to the server for execution.

NOTE: You only need to call ct_send() directly if you've used ct_command() to set up your SQL query.

$status = $dbh->ct_results($res_type)

This routine returns a results type to indicate the status of returned data. "Command Done:" result type is returned if one result set has been processed. "Row result" token is returned if regular rows are returned. This output is stored in $res_type.

The commonly used values for $res_type are CS_ROW_RESULT, CS_CMD_DONE, CS_CMD_SUCCEED, CS_COMPUTE_RESULT, CS_CMD_FAIL. The full list of values is on page 3-203 OpenClient reference manual.

See also the description of ct_fetchable() below.

The $status value takes the following values: CS_SUCCEED, CS_END_RESULTS, CS_FAIL, CS_CANCELED.

@names = $dbh->ct_col_names()

Retrieve the column names of the current query. If the current query is not a select statement, then an empty array is returned.

@types = $dbh->ct_col_types([$doAssoc])

Retrieve the column types of the currently executing query. If $doAssoc is non-0, then a hash (aka associative array) is returned with column names/columnt type pairs.

@data = $dbh->ct_fetch([$doAssoc])

Retrieve one row of data. If $doAssoc is non-0, a hash is returned with column name/value pairs.

An empty array is returned if there is no data to fetch.


Issue an attention signal to the server about the current transaction. If $type == CS_CANCEL_ALL, then cancels the currend command immediately. If $type == CS_CANCEL_ATTN, then discard all results when next time the application reads from the server.

ct_callback($type, $cb_func)

Install a callback routine. Valid callback types are CS_CLIENTMSG_CB and CS_SERVERMSG_CB. Returns a reference to the previously installed callback of the specified type, or undef if no callback of that type exists. Passing undef as $cb_func unsets the callback for that type.

$res_info = $dbh->ct_res_info($info_type)

Retrieves information on the current result set. The type of information returned depends on $info_type. Currently supported values are: CS_NUM_COMPUTES, CS_NUMDATA, CS_NUMORDERCOLS, CS_ROW_COUNT.

($status, $param) = $dbh->ct_option($action, $option, $param, $type)

This routine will set, retrieve or clear the values of server query-processing options.

Values for $action: CS_SET, CS_GET, CS_CLEAR

Values for $option: see p.3-170 of the OpenClient reference manual

Values for $param: When setting an option, $param can be a integer or a string. When retrieving an option, $param is set and returned. When clearing an option, $param is ignored.

Value for $type: CS_INT_TYPE if $param is of integer type, CS_CHAR_TYPE if $param is a string

$ret = $dbh->ct_cursor($type, $name, $text, $option)

Initiate a cursor command. Usage is similar to the CTlibrary ct_cursor() call, except that when in C you would pass NULL as the value for $name or $text you pass the special Perl value undef instead.

See Sybase/eg/ for an example.

$ret = $dbh->ct_param(\%datafmt)

Define a command parameter. The %datafmt hash is used to pass the appropriate parameters to the call. The following fields are defined: name (parameter name), datatype, status, indicator and value). These fields correspond to the equivalent fields in the CS_DATAFMT structure which is used in the CTlibrary ct_param call, and includes the two additional parameters 'value' and 'indicator'.

The hash should be used like this:

  %param = (name => '@acc', datatype => CS_CHAR_TYPE,
            status => CS_INPUTVALUE, value => 'CIS 98941',
	    indicator => CS_UNUSED);


Note that $dbh->ct_param() converts all parameter types to either CS_CHAR_TYPE, CS_FLOAT_TYPE, CS_DATETIME_TYPE, CS_MONEY_TYPE or CS_INT_TYPE.

See Sybase/eg/ for an example.

$ret|@ret = $dbh->ct_sql($cmd [, \&rowcallback])

Runs the sql command and returns the result as a reference to an array of the rows. Each row is a reference to an array of scalars. In a LIST context, ct_sql returns an array of references to each row.

If you provide a second parameter it is taken as a procedure to call for each row. The callback is called with the values of the row as parameters.

This routine is very usefull to send SQL commands to the server that do not return rows, such as:

$dbh->ct_sql("use BugTrack");

Examples can be found in eg/

NOTE: This routine loads all the data into memory. Memory consumption can therefore become quite important for a query that returns a large number of rows.

$ret = $dbh->ct_fetchable($restype)

Returns TRUE if the current result set has fetchable rows. Use like this:

    $dbh->ct_execute("select * from sysprocesses");
    while($dbh->ct_results($restype) == CS_SUCCEED) {
        next if(!$dbh->ct_fetchable($restype));

	while(@dat = $dbh->ct_fetch) {
	    print "@dat\n";



    use Sybase::CTlib;

    ct_callback(CS_CLIENTMSG_CB, \&msg_cb);
    ct_callback(CS_SERVERMSG_CB, "srv_cb");
    $uid = 'mpeppler'; $pwd = 'my-secret-password'; $srv = 'TROLL';

    $X = Sybase::CTlib->ct_connect($uid, $pwd, $srv);

    $X->ct_execute("select * from sysusers");

    while(($rc = $X->ct_results($restype)) == CS_SUCCEED) {
	next if($restype == CS_CMD_DONE || $restype == CS_CMD_FAIL ||
	        $restype == CS_CMD_SUCCEED);
	if(@names = $X->ct_col_names()) {
	     print "@names\n";
	if(@types = $X->ct_col_types()) {
	     print "@types\n";
	while(@dat = $X->ct_fetch) {
	     print "@dat\n";

    print "End of Results Sets\n" if($rc == CS_END_RESULTS);
    print "Error!\n" if($rc == CS_FAIL);

    sub msg_cb {
        my($layer, $origin, $severity, $number, $msg, $osmsg) = @_;

	printf STDERR "\nOpen Client Message: (In msg_cb)\n";
	printf STDERR "Message number: LAYER = (%ld) ORIGIN = (%ld) ",
    	       $layer, $origin;
	printf STDERR "SEVERITY = (%ld) NUMBER = (%ld)\n",
	       $severity, $number;
	printf STDERR "Message String: %s\n", $msg;
	if (defined($osmsg)) {
	    printf STDERR "Operating System Error: %s\n", $osmsg;

    sub srv_cb {
        my($cmd, $number, $severity, $state, $line, $server,
	   $proc, $msg) = @_;

	printf STDERR "\nServer message: (In srv_cb)\n";
	printf STDERR "Message number: %ld, Severity %ld, ",
	       $number, $severity;
    	printf STDERR "State %ld, Line %ld\n", $state, $line;

	if (defined($server)) {
	    printf STDERR "Server '%s'\n", $server;

	if (defined($proc)) {
	    printf STDERR " Procedure '%s'\n", $proc;

	printf STDERR "Message String: %s\n", $msg;  CS_SUCCEED;


Special handling of DATETIME, MONEY & NUMERIC/DECIMAL values

The Sybase::CTlib module includes special features to handle DATETIME, MONEY, and NUMERIC/DECIMAL values in their native formats correctly. What this means is that when you retrieve a date using ct_fetch() it is not converted to a string, but kept in the internal format used by the Sybase libraries. You can then manipulate this date as you see fit, and in particular 'crack' the date into it's components.

The same is true for MONEY and NUMERIC values, which in Sybase::DBlib are converted to floating point values, and hence are subject to loss of precision in certain situations. Here they are stored as MONEY values, and by using operator overloading we can give you intuitive access to the cs_calc() routine.

This feature has been implemented by creating three new classes: Sybase::CTlib::DateTime, Sybase::CTlib::Money and Sybase::CTlib::Numeric (hereafter referred to as DateTime, Money and Numeric). To create data items of these types you call:

$dbh = new Sybase::CTlib user, password;
...  # code deleted
# Create a new DateTime object, and initialize to Jan 1, 1995:
$date = $dbh->newdate('Jan 1 1995');

# Create a new Money object
$mny = $dbh->newmoney;	# Default value is 0

# Create a new Numeric object
$num = $dbh->newnumeric(11.111);

The DateTime class defines the following methods:

    $date->str		   Convert to string
    @arr = $date->crack	   'Crack' the date into its components
    $date->cmp($date2)	   Compare $date with $date2.
    $date2 = $date->calc($days, $msecs)
		           Add or substract $days and $msecs from
			   $date, and returns the new date.
    ($days, $msecs) = $date->diff($date2)
			   Compute the difference, in $days and
			   $msecs between $date and $date2.
    $val = $date->info($datepart)
			   Calls cs_dt_info to return the string
			   representation for a datepart. Valid
			   dateparts are CS_MONTH, CS_SHORTMONTH
			   and CS_DAYNAME.
    $time = $date->mktime
    $time = $date->timelocal
    $time = $date->timegm
			   Converts a Sybase B<DATETIME> value to a
			   Unix B<time_t> value. The B<mktime> and
			   B<timelocal> methods assumes the date is
			   stored in local time, B<timegm> assumes
			   GMT. The B<mktime> method uses the POSIX

Both the str and the cmp methods will be called transparently when they are needed, so that

print "$date"

will print the date string correctly, and

$date1 cmp $date2

will do a comparison of the two dates, not the two strings.

crack executes cs_dt_crack() on the date value, and returns the following list:

    ($year, $month, $month_day, $year_day, $week_day, $hour,
	$minute, $second, $millisecond, $time_zone) = $date->crack;

Compare this with the value returned by the standard Perl function localtime():

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =

In addition, the values returned for the week_day can change depending on the locale that has been set.

Please see the discussion on cs_dt_crack() in the Open Client / Open Server Common Libraries Reference Manual, chap. 2.

The Money and Numeric classes define these methods

    $mny->str		      Convert to string
    $mny->num		      Convert to a floating point number
    $mny->cmp($mny2)	      Compare two Money or Numeric values
    $mny->set($number)	      Set the value of $mny to $number
    $mny->calc($mny2, $op)    Perform the calculation specified by $op
			      on $mny and $mny2. $op is one of '+',
			      '-', '*' or '/'.

As with the DateTime class, the str and cmp methods will be called automatically for you when required. In addition, you can perform normal arithmetic on Money or Numeric datatypes without calling the calc method explicitly.

CAVEAT! You must call the set method to assign a value to a Money/Numeric data item. If you use

$mny = 4.05

then $mny will loose its special Money or Numeric behavior and become a normal Perl data item.

When a new Numeric data item is created, the SCALE and PRECISION values are determined by the initialization. If the data item is created as part of a SELECT statement, then the SCALE and PRECISION values will be those of the retrieved item. If the item is created via the newnumeric method (either explicitly or implicitly) the SCALE and PRECISION are deduced from the initializing value. For example, $num = $dbh->newnumeric(11.111) will produce an item with a SCALE of 3 and a PRECISION of 5. This is totally transparent to the user.


Larry Wall - for Perl :-)
Tim Bunce & Andreas Koenig - for all the work on MakeMaker


Michael Peppler (
Dave Bowen & Amy Lin for Sybase::CTlib
Jeffrey Wong for the DBMONEY routines
Numerous folks have contributed ideas and bug fixes for which
they have my undying thanks :-)