

Version 0.26


PAR assistant for packaging Wx applications on MSWin and Linux

run 'wxpar' exactly as you would run pp.
e.g.  wxpar --gui --icon=myicon.ico -o myprog.exe

At the start of your script ...

use Wx::Perl::Packager;
use Wx;

or if you use threads with your application

use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Wx::Perl::Packager;
use Wx

Wx::Perl::Packager must be loaded before any part of Wx so should appear at the
top of your main script. If you load any part of Wx in a BEGIN block, then you
must load Wx::Perl::Packager before it in your first BEGIN block. This may cause
you problems if you use threads within your Wx application. The threads
documentation advises against loading threads in a BEGIN block - so don't do it.

wxpar will accept a single named argument that allows you to define how the
wxWidgets libraries are named on GTK.
wxpar ordinarily packages the libraries as
This will always work if using Wx::Perl::Packager.
However, it maybe that you don't want to use Wx::Perl::Packager, in which case
you need the correct extension. For most installations the default '.0' IS the
correct extension - so in most cases you need do nothing.

If, however, you receive errors that suggest, for example, that could not be found, you want librararies packaged as so pass two arguments to wxpar as

wxpar wxextension .5

If you want , for example

wxpar wxextension .0.6.0

which would mean a full line something like

wxpar wxextension .0.6.0 -o myprog.exe

NOTE: the arguments must be FIRST and WILL BREAK Wx::Perl::Packager (which should
not be needed in this case as all libraries should be on your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and
named so that your par binary finds them).

OF COURSE - the symlinks must actually exist. :-) - That is, if you pass

wxpar wxextension .0.6.0 -o myprog.exe

then etc. must be real files or symlinks on your