REST::Client - A simple client for interacting with RESTful http/https resources
use REST::Client;
#The basic use case
my $client = REST::Client->new();
print $client->responseContent();
#A host can be set for convienience
$client->PUT('/dir/file.xml', '<example>new content</example>');
if( $client->responseCode() eq '200' ){
print "Deleted\n";
#custom request headers may be added
$client->addHeader('CustomHeader', 'Value');
#response headers may be gathered
print $client->responseHeader('ResponseHeader');
#X509 client authentication
#add a CA to verify server certificates
#you may set a timeout on requests, in seconds
#options may be passed as well as set
$client = REST::Client->new({
host => '',
cert => '/path/to/ssl.crt',
key => '/path/to/ssl.key',
ca => '/path/to/ca.file',
timeout => 10,
$client->GET('/dir/file', {CustomHeader => 'Value'});
#Requests can be specificed directly as well
$client->request('GET', '/dir/file', 'request body content', {CustomHeader => 'Value'});
#Requests can optionally automatically follow redirects and auth, defaults to false
REST::Client provides a simple way to interact with HTTP RESTful resources.
- new ( [%$config] )
Construct a new REST::Client. Takes an optional hash or hash reference or config flags:
- host
A default host that will be prepended to all requests. Allows you to just specify the path when making requests.
- timeout
A timeout in seconds for requests made with the client. After the timeout the client will return a 500.
- cert
The path to a X509 certificate file to be used for client authentication.
- key
The path to a X509 key file to be used for client authentication.
- ca
The path to a certificate authority file to be used to verify host certificates.
- follow
Boolean that determins whether REST::Client attempts to automatically follow redirects/authentication. The default is false.
- GET ( $url, [%$headers] )
Preform an HTTP GET to the resource specified. Takes an optional hashref of custom request headers.
- PUT ($url, [$body_content, %$headers] )
Preform an HTTP PUT to the resource specified. Takes an optional body content and hashref of custom request headers.
- POST ( $url, [$body_content, %$headers] )
Preform an HTTP POST to the resource specified. Takes an optional body content and hashref of custom request headers.
- DELETE ( $url, [%$headers] )
Preform an HTTP DELETE to the resource specified. Takes an optional hashref of custom request headers.
- OPTIONS ( $url, [%$headers] )
Preform an HTTP OPTIONS to the resource specified. Takes an optional hashref of custom request headers.
- HEAD ( $url, [%$headers] )
Preform an HTTP HEAD to the resource specified. Takes an optional hashref of custom request headers.
- addHeader ( $header_name, $value )
Add a custom header to the next request.
- request ( $method, $url, [$body_content, %$headers] )
Issue a custom request, providing all possible values.
- responseCode ()
Return the HTTP response code of the last request
- responseContent ()
Return the response body content of the last request
- responseHeader ()
Return the HTTP headers from the last response
- buildQuery ( [...] )
A convienience wrapper around URI::query_form for building query strings. See URI
- responseXpath ()
A convienience wrapper that returns a XML::LibXML xpath context for the body content. Assumes the content is XML.
Caching, content-type negotiation, readable handles for body content.
Miles Crawford, <>
Copyright 2008 - 2009 by Miles Crawford.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.