Changes for version 2.20210105.2 - 2021-01-05
- Make Net::Server patches optional These were causing issues in some cases where the server was only listening on a single port.
- BIMI: Optional RBL allow list for domains that will not require evidence documents
- DMARC: Option to lookup DMARC domains on an RBL and add configurable policy entries to the DMARC result.
- New Config Items
- patch_net_server - If true, try and patch some Net::Server issues
- New Config Items for DMARC
- policy_rbl_lookup - set of RBLs to check the from domain against for policy entries
- New Config Items for BIMI
- rbl_no_evidence_allowlist - Optonal RBL Allow list of org domains that do NOT require evidence documents
A Perl Mail Authentication Milter
Manage the Authentication Milter Block List
A Perl Mail Authentication Milter client
A Perl Mail Authentication Milter
App::Cmd base class
Command to add a block to a given file
Command to delete a block for a given file
Command to list current blocks for a given file
Client for connecting back to the authmilter server
Load config files for Authentication Milter
Define and export useful constants
Class representing an exception
Load and serve static files via the in-built http server.
Handler superclass
Handler class for ARC
Handler class for sending data to Abusix
Example handler class
Handler class for Address alignment
Handler class for SMTP Auth
Handler class for BIMI
Block mail based on simple rules
Handler class for DKIM
Handler class for DMARC
Handler class for IPRev
Handler class for Local IP Connections
Handler class for logging of headerss
Handler class for PTR checking
Handler class for Checking Return address validity
Handler class for SPF
Handler class for Removing headers
Handler class for SenderID
Handler class for message size metrics
Handler class for TLS
Timeout Tester
Handler class for Trusted IP addresses
Handler class for Google specific DKIM
Class for metrics generation
Class for Grafana dashboards
Local modified copy of Net::Milter
Patches to Net::Server::PreFork
Setup system wide pragmas
Milter protocol handling
SMTP protocol handling
DNS Recolver methods
Class used for testing
Class for testing handlers