Mail::Milter::Authentication::Protocol::SMTP - SMTP protocol handling
version 2.20200612.2
Subclass of Net::Server::PreFork for bringing up the main server process for authentication_milter.
Please see Net::Server docs for more detail of the server code.
A Perl implenmetation of email authentication standards rolled up into a single easy to use milter.
- register_metrics
Return details of the metrics this module exports.
- protocol_process_request( $command, $buffer )
Process the command from the SMTP protocol stream.
- get_smtp_config()
Return the SMTP config for the given connection, or the default config if no connection specific config exists.
- queue_type()
Return the smtp queue type, either before or after A before queue will not have an upstream queue id, an after queue will.
- send_smtp_packet( $socket, $send, $expect )
Send an SMTP command to the protocol stream. Expecting a response $expect.
- smtp_command_data( $command )
Process the SMTP DATA command.
- smtp_command_ehlo( $command )
Process the SMTP EHLO command.
- smtp_command_helo( $command )
Process the SMTP HELO command.
- smtp_command_lhlo( $command )
Process the LMTP LHLO command.
- smtp_command_mailfrom( $command )
Process the SMTP MAIL FROM command.
- smtp_command_rcptto( $command )
Process the SMTP RCPT TO command.
- smtp_command_rset( $command )
Process the SMTP RSET command.
- smtp_command_xforward( $command )
Process the SMTP XFORWARD command.
- smtp_forward_to_destination()
Send the received SMTP transaction on to its destination with authentication results headers (etc) added.
- close_destination_socket()
QUIT and close the destination socket if open.
- smtp_init()
Initialise transaction data as/when required.
- smtp_insert_received_header()
Insert a SMTP Received header into the email.
- smtp_queue_id()
Return a generated Queue ID for the email. This can include the received ID from XFORWARD.
- add_header( $header, $value )
Add a header
- change_header( $header, $index, $value )
Change a header
- insert_header( $index, $key, $value )
Insert a header
- smtp_status( $status )
Update the process name status line
Marc Bradshaw <>
This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Marc Bradshaw.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.