Changes for version v1.0.1 - 2017-10-03

  • BUGFIX: remove /n/ as final-position pronunciation of ລ/ຣ
  • BUGFIX: remove useless/misspelled vowel Xັວ
  • IMPROVEMENT: LLONLP::Romanize::romanize_syllable() accepts an analysis result from LLONLP::Analyze now, for significant savings when you need both analysis and romanization.
  • IMPROVEMENT: add glottal stop symbol in IPA for ະ
  • IMPROVEMENT: small regexp optimization


Various Lao text processing functions
Analyze a Lao syllable and provide accessors to its constituents
Helper module to keep common read-only data
Romanize Lao syllables
Convert Lao syllables to the International Phonetic Alphabet
Romanize Lao syllables according to the PCGN standard
Segment Lao or mixed-script text into syllables.