WebService::MinFraud::Example - MaxMind minFraud client example
Here is an example using the client to submit a request of transaction data to the minFraud service. You can provide any subset of the $request
so long as you provide a $request->{device}{ip_address}
. Typically, the more information that you provide, the more confident you can be in the risk score.
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper;
use WebService::MinFraud::Client;
my $client = WebService::MinFraud::Client->new(
account_id => 42,
license_key => 'abcdef123456',
my $request = {
account => {
user_id => '3132',
username_md5 => '570a90bfbf8c7eab5dc5d4e26832d5b1'
billing => {
address_2 => 'Unit 5',
region => 'CT',
company => 'Company',
phone_country_code => '1',
phone_number => '323-123-4321',
address => '101 Address Rd.',
last_name => 'Last',
country => 'US',
city => 'City of Thorns',
postal => '06510',
first_name => 'First'
credit_card => {
bank_phone_country_code => '1',
avs_result => 'Y',
bank_phone_number => '800-342-1232',
last_4_digits => '7643',
cvv_result => 'N',
bank_name => 'Bank of No Hope',
issuer_id_number => '323132'
custom_inputs => {
section => 'news',
number_of_previous_purchases => 19,
discount => 3.2,
previous_user => JSON->true,
device => {
accept_language => 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
ip_address => '',
user_agent =>
'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.89 Safari/537.36',
email => {
address => '977577b140bfb7c516e4746204fbdb01',
domain => ''
event => {
shop_id => 's2123',
type => 'purchase',
transaction_id => 'txn3134133',
time => '2014-04-12T23:20:50.052+00:00'
order => {
affiliate_id => 'af12',
referrer_uri => '',
subaffiliate_id => 'saf42',
discount_code => 'FIRST',
currency => 'USD',
amount => 323.21
is_gift => 1,
has_gift_message => 0,
payment => {
decline_code => 'invalid number',
was_authorized => 0,
processor => 'stripe'
shipping => {
city => 'Nowhere',
postal => '73003',
last_name => 'ShipLast',
country => 'US',
phone_number => '403-321-2323',
delivery_speed => 'same_day',
address_2 => 'St. 43',
phone_country_code => '1',
company => 'ShipCo',
address => '322 Ship Addr. Ln.',
region => 'OK',
first_name => 'ShipFirst'
shopping_cart => [
category => 'pets',
quantity => 2,
price => 20.43,
item_id => 'ad23232'
category => 'beauty',
quantity => 1,
price => 100.0,
item_id => 'bst112'
my $score_response = $client->score($request);
# say Dumper $score_response;
say "Transaction risk score: ", $score_response->risk_score;
say "Request id: ",$score_response->id;
say "Queries Remaining: ",$score_response->queries_remaining;
# output:
# Transaction risk score: 5.84
# Request id: 96A5C322-1B86-11E5-A3D3-72F613C364DD
# Queries Remaining: 299923
my $insights_response = $client->insights($request);
# say Dumper $insights_response;
say "Transaction risk score: ", $insights_response->risk_score;
say "IP Address risk score: ", $insights_response->ip_address->risk;
# output:
# Transaction risk score: 5.84
# IP Address risk score: 0.01