0.06      2011-01-11 19:47:25 America/Denver
          - Adjust basic.t to use the contents when it checks 
            if one has an Internet connection.  This will prevent
            tests from dyeing when trying to get raw_data

0.05      2011-01-06 07:47:46 America/Denver
          - Adding XML::Validate::LibXML as a dep. was not enough.
            Need to add XML::LibXML directly.

0.04      2011-01-03 11:29:31 America/Denver
          - XML::LibXML dependency (caused test to fail)
0.03      2010-12-29 20:35:22 America/Denver
          - enlargen private parts (the dilemma of POD for _subs)
          - Test multiple location types
0.02      2010-12-29 14:28:29 America/Denver
          - Add raw_data attribute that has the raw XML
          - Validate XML before using just in case.
          - improve Synopsis

0.01      2010-12-29 09:04:55 America/Denver
          - Initial Release