
Mojito - A Lightweight Web Document System


Mojito is a web document system that allows one to author web pages. It has been inspired by MojoMojo which is a mature, stable, responsive and feature rich wiki system. Check MojoMojo out if you're looking for an enterprise grade wiki. Mojito is not attempting to be a wiki, but rather its initial goal is to allow an individuals to author HTML5 compliant documents that could be for personal or public consumption.


Mojito is in alpha stage so it has much growing to do. Some goals and guidelines are:

* Somewhat Framework Agnostic.  Currently there is support for 
  Web::Simple, Dancer and Mojo with Tatsumaki support planned)
* Minimalistic Interface.  No Phluff or at least options to turn features off.
* A page engine that can standalone or potentially be plugged into MojoMojo.  
* Exchange between MojoMojo and Mojito document formats.
* Prematurely optimized ;)

Current Limitations

* No Auth support
* No Search
* Hardwired to a 'documents' named mongo db and a 'notes' collection
* No revision history


Mateu Hunter


Copyright 2011, Mateu Hunter


You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.