Changes for version 4.80

    • New built-in constraint_methods to test the number of values submitted for a particular field:
      • FV_num_values(1), FV_num_values_between(1,2), # inclusive
      • One way that garbage can get through a Data::FormValidator profile is when two values are submitted when only one is intended. In this case, this application could end up with a values like this:
        • ARRAY(0x841214c)
      • Using these new constraints, you can precisely control how many values are allowed for each field.
    • Source control hosting has been moved to You can now browse, pull and fork the darcs repo through this website.


Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based on input profile.
Basic sets of constraints on input profile.
Validate Dates and Times
Module to create constraints for HTML::FormValidator.
Basic set of filters available in an Data::FormValidator profile.
results of form input validation.


in lib/Data/FormValidator/