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XML::Compile::RPC::Client - XML-RPC based on unofficial schema


my $rpc = XML::Compile::RPC::Client->new
  ( destination => $service_uri
  , xmlformat   => 1
  , autoload_underscore_is => '-'

# Call the server
my ($rc, $answer) = $rpc->call($procedure, @param_pairs);
my ($rc, $answer) = $rpc->call($procedure, \%params);
$rc==0 or die "error: $answer ($rc)";

# explict and autoload examples of the same.
my ($rc, $answer) = $rpc->call('getQuote", string => 'IBM');
my ($rc, $answer) = $rpc->getQuote(string => 'IBM');

# when param is a structure:
my $data = struct_from_hash string => {symbol => 'IBM'};
my ($rc, $answer) = $rpc->call('getQuote", $data);
my ($rc, $answer) = $rpc->getQuote($data);

# Data::Dumper is your friend
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
print Dumper $answer;

# Many useful functions in XML::Compile::RPC::Util
use XML::Compile::RPC::Util;
{   my @a = rpcarray_values $answer->{array};

# Retreive detailed trace of last call
my $trace = $rpc->trace;
print $trace->{response}->as_string;
print "$trace->{total_elapse}\n";

# clean-up of connections depends on LWP
undef $rpc;


Client XML-RPC implementation, based on an unofficial XML-RPC schema. The schema used is an extended version from one produced by Elliotte Rusty Harold.

Using the schema with XML::Compile means that the messages are validated. Besides, XML::Compile offers you some tricks: for instance, you can pass a time() result (seconds since epoc)to a dateTime.iso8601 field, which will automaticallu get formatted into the right format.

In XML-RPC, values which do not explicitly specify their type are interpreted as string. So, you may encounter two notations for the same:

<value><string>Hello, World!</string></value>
<value>Hello, World!</value>

The reader (used to produce the $response) will translate the second syntax in the first. This simplifies your code.



-Option                --Default
 autoload_underscore_is  '_'
 destination             <required>
 http_header             []
 schemas                 <created for you>
 user_agent              <created internally>
 xmlformat               0
autoload_underscore_is => STRING

When calls are made using the autoload mechanism you may encounter problems when the method names contain dashes (-). So, with this option, you can use underscores which will all be replaced to STRING value specified.

destination => URI

The address of the XML-RPC server.

http_header => ARRAY|OBJECT

Additional headers for the HTTP request. This is either an ARRAY of key-value pairs, or an HTTP::Headers OBJECT.

schemas => OBJECT

When you need special additional trics with the schemas, you may pass your own XML::Compile::RPC instance. However, by default this is created for you.

user_agent => OBJECT

You may pass your own LWP::UserAgent object, fully loaded with your own settings. When you do not, one will be created for you.

xmlformat => 0|1|2

XML::LibXML has three different output formats. Format 0 is the most condense, and 1 is nicely indented. Of course, a zero value is fastest.



Returns the internal HTTP::Headers, which you may modify (for instance to change/set the Authentication field.


Returns the internal XML::Compile::RPC object, used to encode and decode the exchanged XML messages.


$obj->call( $method, <$param|%param> )

The call parameters are passed as PAIRS or HASH.


my ($rc, $response, $trace) = $rpc->call('getQuote', string => 'IBM');
$rc == 0
    or die "error: $response\n";

# If you did not catch trace on time
my $trace = $rpc->trace;  # facts about the last call

# same call, via autoload of 'getQuote'. One simple parameter
my ($rc, $resp, $trace) = $rpc->getQuote(string => 'IBM');

# function produces a HASH, example complex parameter
my $struct = struct_from_hash string => symbol => 'IBM';
my ($rc, $resp, $trace) = $rpc->call('getQuote', $struct);
my ($rc, $resp, $trace) = $rpc->getQuote($struct);

# or mixed simple and complex types
# Three parameters, of which two are complex structures.
my ($rc, $resp, $t) = $rcp->someMethod($struct, int => 3, $struct2);
$obj->printTrace( [$fh] )

Pretty print the trace, by default to STDERR.


Returns a HASH with various facts about the last call; timings, the request and the response from the server. Be aware that LWP will add some more header lines to the request before it is sent.


Create an interface

My advice: if you have to use XML-RPC, first create an abstraction layer. That layer should implement error handling and logging. Have a look at XML::eXistDB::Client for an extended example.

package My::Service;
use base 'XML::Compile::RPC::Client';

sub getQuote($)
{   my ($self, $symbol) = @_;
    my $params = struct_from_hash string => {symbol => $symbol};
    my ($rc, $data, $trace) = $self->call(getQuote => $params);
    $rc==0 or die "error: $data ($rc)";

    # now simplify $data

    return $data;

Now, the main program runs like this:

my $service = My::Service->new(destination => $uri);
my $price   = $service->getQuote('IBM');

Comparison to other XML-RPC CPAN modules

The XML::RPC module uses the XML::TreePP XML parser and parameter type guessing, where XML::Compile::RPC uses strict typed and validated XML via XML::LibXML: smaller chance on unexpected behavior. For instance, the XML::Compile::RPC client application will not produce incorrect messages when a string contains only digits. Besides, XML::RPC does not support all "standard" data types.

XML::RPC::Fast is compatible with XML::RPC, but uses XML::LibXML which is faster and safer. It implements "manually" what XML::Compile offers for free in XML::Compile::RPC. Getting the types of the parameters right is not easy for other things than strings and numbers.

Finally, RPC::XML makes you handle parameters as object: create a typed object for each passed value. It offers a standard method signatures to simplify that task. On the other hand, RPC::XML does offer more features.

There are many ways to do it.


This module is part of XML-Compile-RPC distribution version 0.20, built on January 15, 2020. Website:


Copyrights 2009-2020 by [Mark Overmeer <>]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See