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Mail::Message::Body::Multipart - body of a message with attachments


  is a Mail::Message::Body
  is a Mail::Reporter


See Mail::Message::Body

if($body->isMultipart) {
   my @attachments = $body->parts;
   my $attachment3 = $body->part(2);
   my $before      = $body->preamble;
   my $after       = $body->epilogue;


The body (content) of a message can be stored in various ways. In this manual-page you find the description of extra functionality you have when a message contains attachments (parts).

Extends "DESCRIPTION" in Mail::Message::Body.


Extends "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body.

overload: ""

Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body

overload: '==' and '!='

Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body

overload: @{}

Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body

overload: bool

Inherited, see "OVERLOADED" in Mail::Message::Body


Extends "METHODS" in Mail::Message::Body.


Extends "Constructors" in Mail::Message::Body.


Inherited, see "Constructors" in Mail::Message::Body

-Option           --Defined in         --Default
 based_on           Mail::Message::Body  undef
 boundary                                undef
 charset            Mail::Message::Body  'PERL' or <undef>
 checked            Mail::Message::Body  <false>
 content_id         Mail::Message::Body  undef
 data               Mail::Message::Body  undef
 description        Mail::Message::Body  undef
 disposition        Mail::Message::Body  undef
 eol                Mail::Message::Body  'NATIVE'
 epilogue                                ''
 file               Mail::Message::Body  undef
 filename           Mail::Message::Body  undef
 log                Mail::Reporter       'WARNINGS'
 message            Mail::Message::Body  undef
 mime_type          Mail::Message::Body  'multipart/mixed'
 modified           Mail::Message::Body  <false>
 parts                                   undef
 preamble                                undef
 trace              Mail::Reporter       'WARNINGS'
 transfer_encoding  Mail::Message::Body  'none'
based_on => BODY
boundary => STRING

Separator to be used between parts of the message. This separator must be unique in case the message contains nested multiparts (which are not unusual). If undef, a nice unique boundary will be generated.

charset => CHARSET|'PERL'
checked => BOOLEAN
content_id => STRING
description => STRING|FIELD
disposition => STRING|FIELD
eol => 'CR'|'LF'|'CRLF'|'NATIVE'
epilogue => BODY|STRING

The text which is included in the main body after the final boundary. This is usually empty, and has no meaning.

Provide a BODY object or a STRING which will automatically translated into a text/plain body.

filename => FILENAME
log => LEVEL
message => MESSAGE
mime_type => STRING|FIELD|MIME
modified => BOOLEAN

Specifies an initial list of parts in this body. These may be full MESSAGES, or BODIES which transformed into messages before use. Each message is coerced into a Mail::Message::Part object.

MIME::Entity and Mail::Internet objects are acceptable in the list, because they are coercible into Mail::Message::Part's. Values of undef will be skipped silently.

preamble => BODY|STRING

The text which is included in the body before the first part. It is common use to include a text to warn the user that the message is a multipart. However, this was useful in earlier days: most mail agents are very capable in warning the user themselves.

Provide a BODY object or a STRING which will automatically translated into a text/plain body.

trace => LEVEL
transfer_encoding => STRING|FIELD


my $intro = Mail::Message::Body->new(data => ['part one']);
my $pgp   = Mail::Message::Body->new(data => ['part three']);

my $body  = Mail::Message::Body::Multipart->new
  ( boundary => time . '--it-s-mine'
  , preamble => "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n"
  , parts    => [ $intro, $folder->message(3)->decoded, $pgp ]

Constructing a body

Extends "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body.


Attach a list of $messages to this multipart. A new body is returned. When you specify $bodies, they will first be translated into real messages. MIME::Entity and Mail::Internet objects may be specified too. In any case, the parts will be coerced into Mail::Message::Part's.


Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode


Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Construct


Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode


Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode

$obj->eol( ['CR'|'LF'|'CRLF'|'NATIVE'] )

Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body


Execute the CODE for each component of the message: the preamble, the epilogue, and each of the parts.

Each component is a body and is passed as second argument to the CODE. The first argument is a reference to this multi-parted body. The CODE returns a body object. When any of the returned bodies differs from the body which was passed, then a new multi-part body will be returned. Reference to the not-changed bodies and the changed bodies will be included in that new multi-part.


my $checked = $multi->foreachComponent(sub {$_[1]->check});

It is NOT possible to call some code for each line of a multipart, because that would not only inflict damage to the body of each message part, but also to the headers and the part separators.


Removes all parts which contains data usually defined as being signature. The MIME::Type module provides this knowledge. A new multipart is returned, containing the remaining parts. No %options are defined yet, although some may be specified, because this method overrules the stripSignature method for normal bodies.

-Option     --Defined in                    --Default
 max_lines    Mail::Message::Body::Construct  10
 pattern      Mail::Message::Body::Construct  qr/^--\s?$/
 result_type  Mail::Message::Body::Construct  <same as current>
max_lines => INTEGER|undef
result_type => CLASS

Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode

The body

Extends "The body" in Mail::Message::Body.


Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->message( [$message] )

Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "The body" in Mail::Message::Body

About the payload

Extends "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body.


Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->checked( [BOOLEAN] )

Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->contentId( [STRING|$field] )

Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->description( [STRING|$field] )

Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->disposition( [STRING|$field] )

Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->dispositionFilename( [$directory] )

Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode


Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode


Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode


Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->transferEncoding( [STRING|$field] )

Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->type( [STRING|$field] )

Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body

Access to the payload

Extends "Access to the payload" in Mail::Message::Body.

$obj->boundary( [STRING] )

Returns the boundary which is used to separate the parts in this body. If none was read from file, then one will be assigned. With STRING you explicitly set the boundary to be used.


Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Returns the epilogue; the text after the last message part (after the last real attachment). The epilogue is stored in a BODY object, and its encoding is taken from the general multipart header.


Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Returns only the part with the specified $index. You may use a negative value here, which counts from the back in the list. Parts which are flagged to be deleted are included in the count.


$obj->parts( [<'ALL'|'ACTIVE'|'DELETED'|'RECURSE'|$filter>] )

Return all parts by default, or when ALL is specified. ACTIVE returns the parts which are not flagged for deletion, as opposite to DELETED. RECURSE descents into all nested multiparts to collect all parts.

You may also specify a code reference which is called for each nested part. The first argument will be the message part. When the code returns true, the part is incorporated in the return list.


print "Number of attachments: ",
    scalar $message->body->parts('ACTIVE');

foreach my $part ($message->body->parts) {
    print "Type: ", $part->get('Content-Type');

Returns the preamble; the text before the first message part (before the first real attachment). The preamble is stored in a BODY object, and its encoding is taken from the multipart header.

$obj->print( [$fh] )

Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Access to the payload" in Mail::Message::Body


Extends "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body.

$obj->addTransferEncHandler( $name, <$class|$object> )
Mail::Message::Body::Multipart->addTransferEncHandler( $name, <$class|$object> )

Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode


Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->fileLocation( [$begin, $end] )

Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode


Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->modified( [BOOLEAN] )

Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->moveLocation( [$distance] )

Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body

$obj->read( $parser, $head, $bodytype, [$chars, [$lines]] )

Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body

Error handling

Extends "Error handling" in Mail::Message::Body.


Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Message::Body


Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter

$obj->defaultTrace( [$level]|[$loglevel, $tracelevel]|[$level, $callback] )
Mail::Message::Body::Multipart->defaultTrace( [$level]|[$loglevel, $tracelevel]|[$level, $callback] )

Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter


Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter

$obj->log( [$level, [$strings]] )
Mail::Message::Body::Multipart->log( [$level, [$strings]] )

Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter


Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter


Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter


Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter

$obj->report( [$level] )

Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter

$obj->reportAll( [$level] )

Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter

$obj->trace( [$level] )

Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter


Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter


Extends "Cleanup" in Mail::Message::Body.


Inherited, see "Cleanup" in Mail::Reporter


Extends "DETAILS" in Mail::Message::Body.


Warning: Charset $name is not known

The encoding or decoding of a message body encounters a character set which is not understood by Perl's Encode module.

Error: Data not convertible to a message (type is $type)

An object which is not coercable into a Mail::Message::Part object was passed to the initiation. The data is ignored.

Warning: No decoder defined for transfer encoding $name.

The data (message body) is encoded in a way which is not currently understood, therefore no decoding (or recoding) can take place.

Warning: No encoder defined for transfer encoding $name.

The data (message body) has been decoded, but the required encoding is unknown. The decoded data is returned.

Error: Package $package does not implement $method.

Fatal error: the specific package (or one of its superclasses) does not implement this method where it should. This message means that some other related classes do implement this method however the class at hand does not. Probably you should investigate this and probably inform the author of the package.

Error: Unknown criterium $what to select parts.

Valid choices fdr part selections are ALL, ACTIVE, DELETED, RECURSE or a code reference. However, some other argument was passed.

Warning: Unknown line terminator $eol ignored
Error: You cannot use foreachLine on a multipart

foreachLine() should be used on decoded message bodies only, because it would attempt to modify part-headers and separators as well, which is clearly not acceptable.


This module is part of Mail-Message distribution version 3.009, built on February 07, 2020. Website:


Copyrights 2001-2020 by [Mark Overmeer <>]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See