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MojoX::MIME::Types - MIME Types for Mojolicious


  is a Mojo::Base


use MojoX::MIME::Types;

# set in Mojolicious as default
app->types(MojoX::MIME::Types->new);   # ::Lite

# basic interface translated into pure MIME::Types
$types->type(foo => 'text/foo');
say $types->type('foo');


[Added to MIME::Types 2.07] This module is a drop-in replacement for Mojolicious::Types, but with a more correct handling plus a complete list of types... a huge list of types.

Some methods ignore information they receive: those parameters are accepted for compatibility with the Mojolicious::Types interface, but should not contain useful information.

Read the "DETAILS" below, about how to connect this module into Mojolicious and the differences you get.




Create the 'type' handler for Mojolicious. When you do not specify your own MIME::Type object ($mime_type), it will be instantanted for you. You create one yourself when you would like to pass some parameter to the object constructor.

-Option    --Default
 mime_types  <created internally>
 types       undef
mime_types => MIME::Types-object

Pass your own prepared MIME::Types object, when you need some instantiation parameters different from the defaults.

types => HASH




# when you need to pass options to MIME::Types->new
my $mt    = MIME::Types->new(%opts);
my $types = MojoX::MIME::Types->new(mime_types => $mt);


$obj->mapping( [\%table] )

In Mojolicious::Types, this attribute exposes the internal administration of types, offering to change it with using a clean abstract interface. That interface mistake bites now we have more complex internals.

Avoid this method! The returned HASH is expensive to construct, changes passed via %table are ignored: MIME::Types is very complete!


Returns the internal mime types object.


$obj->content_type($controller, \%options)

Set a content type on the controller when not yet set. The %options contains ext or file specify an file extension or file name which is used to derive the content type. Added and marked EXPERIMENTAL in Mojo 7.94.

$obj->detect( $accept, [$prio] )

Returns a list of filename extensions. The $accept header in HTTP can contain multiple types, with a priority indication ('q' attributes). The returned list contains a list with extensions, the extensions related to the highest priority type first. The $prio-flag is ignored. See MIME::Types::httpAccept().

This detect() function is not the correct approach for the Accept header: the "Accept" may contain wildcards ('*') in types for globbing, which does not produce extensions. Better use MIME::Types::httpAcceptBest() or MIME::Types::httpAcceptSelect().


my $exts = $types->detect('application/json;q=9');
my $exts = $types->detect('text/html, application/json;q=9');

Return the mime type for a filename. Added and marked EXPERIMENTAL in Mojo 7.94.

$obj->type( $ext, [$type|\@types] )

Returns the first type name for an extension $ext, unless you specify type names.

When a single $type or an ARRAY of @types are specified, the $self object is returned. Nothing is done with the provided info.



The Mojolicious::Types module has only very little knowledge about what is really needed to treat types correctly, and only contains a tiny list of extensions. MIME::Types tries to follow the standards very closely and contains all types found in various lists on internet.

How to use with Mojolicious

Start your Mojo application like this:

package MyApp;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

sub startup {
   my $self = shift;

If you have special options for MIME::Types::new(), then create your own MIME::Types object first:

my $mt    = MIME::Types->new(%opts);
my $types = MojoX::MIME::Types->new(mime_types => $mt);

In any case, you can reach the smart MIME::Types object later as

my $mt    = $app->types->mimeTypes;
my $mime  = $mt->mimeTypeOf($filename);

How to use with Mojolicious::Lite

The use in Mojolicious::Lite applications is only slightly different from above:

my $types = app->types;

Differences with Mojolicious::Types

There are a few major difference with Mojolicious::Types:

  • the tables maintained by MIME::Types are complete. So: there shouldn't be a need to add your own types, not via MojoX::MIME::Types subroutine types, not via type(). All attempts to add types are ignored; better remove them from your code.

  • This plugin understands the experimental flag 'x-' in types and handles casing issues.

  • Updates to the internal hash via types() are simply ignored, because it is expensive to implement (and won't add something new).

  • The detect() is implemented in a compatible way, but does not understand wildcards ('*'). You should use MIME::Types::httpAcceptBest() or MIME::Types::httpAcceptSelect() to replace this broken function.


This module is part of MIME-Types distribution version 2.20, built on April 22, 2021. Website:


Copyrights 1999-2021 by [Mark Overmeer <>]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See