xgettext-perl - extract translatable strings
xgettext-perl [GENERIC OPTIONS][SCRIPT OPTIONS] directories
xgettext-perl [GENERIC OPTIONS][TEMPLATE OPTIONS] directories
--config -c %config domain configuration
--files-from -f $filename source of filenames to be processed
--from-code $charset used by input files (default utf-8)
--no-cleanup keep unprocessed files in po table
--output-dir -p $directory location of lexicons (required)
--to-code $charset charset of po files (default utf-8)
--version -V show version of this script
--verbose=3 -v -vv -vvv debug mode
--domain -d $domain domain to be used
--template -t $notation how to recognize the strings to be taken
--files-match -m $regex filter filenames, default .pm and .pl
--language -L $proglang programming language syntax (now only perl)
--files-match -m $regex filter filenames, default .tt and .tt2
This script will maintain PO-files: translation files. On the moment, the number of syntaxes is quite limited (see below) There is no restrain on syntaxes which can be supported: there just was no practical use to implement it yet.
Complex options
- --config %config
Log::Report translations supports complex additional features, like context sensitive translations, which require a configuration file. See Log::Report::Context
Say, your scripts and templates use textdomain name-spaces
(plase use better names), then you can pass their respective configuration files as:--config domain1=filename domain2=filename # or --config domain1=filename --config domain2=filename
- --cleanup --no-cleanup
You should scan all script or template files in one go, because PO records from files which are not mentioned will get removed. That's the clean-up. However, when you need more scans for a full update, you need to use this option. This also implies possible polution of your translation tables.
Extracting from Perl with Log::Report syntax
When no --template notation is given, the provided file-names are expected to contain program text. Only Perl5 programs using the Log::Report msgid notation (with leading '__' to mean gettext)