Mac::Safari::JavaScript - Run JavaScript in Safari on Mac OS X
use Mac::Safarai::JavaScript qw(safari_js);
# do an alert
safari_js 'alert("Hello Safari User")';
# return some value
var $arrayref = safari_js 'return [1,2,3]';
# multiple lines are okay
safari_js <<'JAVASCRIPT';
var fred = "bob";
return fred;
# You can set variables to pass in
safari_js 'return document.getElementById(id).href', id => "mainlink";
This module allows you to execute JavaScript code in the Safari web browser on Mac OS X.
The current implementation wraps the JavaScript in Applescript, compiles it, and executes it in order to control Safari.
Functions are exported on request, or may be called fully qualified.
- safari_js($javascript, @named_parameters)
Runs the JavaScript in the first tab of the front window of the currently running Safari.
- The script
This script may safely contain newlines, unicode characters, comments etc. Any line numbers in error messages should match up with error messages
- Return value
will do a passable job of mapping whatever you returned from your JavaScript (using thereturn
keyword) into a Perl data structure it will return. If you do not return a value from JavaScript (i.e. the return keyword is not executed) thensafari_js
will return the empty list. If you return nothing (i.e. usereturn;
in your script),safari_js
will returnundef
.Whatever you return from your JavaScript will be encoded into JSON with Safari's native
function and decoded on the Perl side using the JSON::XS module.JavaScript data structures are mapped as you might expect: Objects to hashrefs, Arrays to arrayrefs, strings and numbers to their normal scalar representation, and
, JSON::XS::true (which you can treat like the scalar1
) and JSON::XS::false (which you can treat like the scalar0
) respectivly. Please see JSON::XS for more information.You cannot return anything from JavaScript that has a ciruclar reference in it (as this cannot be represented by JSON.)
- Passing Parameters
You may pass in named parameters by passing them as name/value pairs
safari_js $js_code_to_run, name1 => $value1, name2 => $value2, ...
The parameters are simply availble as variables in your code.
Internally parameters are converted from Perl data structures into JavaScript using JSON::XS using the reverse mapping described above. You may not pass in circular data structures. Again, see JSON::XS for more infomation.
- Exception Handling
If what you pass causes an uncaught exception within the Safari web browser (including exceptions during by parsing your script) then a Mac::Safari::JavaScript::Exception exception object will be raised by
. This will stringify to the exception you normally would see in your browser and can be integated for extra info such as the line number, etc.
Written by Mark Fowler <>
Copryright Mark Fowler 2011. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Bugs should be reported to me via the CPAN RT system.