Net::Facebook::Oauth2 - a simple Perl wrapper around Facebook OAuth v2.0 protocol
##example using catalyst framework ##It also can be used
use Net::Facebook::Oauth2;
sub index : Private {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $params = $c->req->parameters;
my $fb = Net::Facebook::Oauth2->new(
application_id => 'your_application_id', ##get this from your facebook developers platform
application_secret => 'your_application_secret', ##get this from your facebook developers platform
#### first check if callback URL contains a verifier code "code" parameter
if ($params->{code}){
####second step, we recieved "verifier" code parameters, now get access token
###you need to pass the verifier code to get access_token
my $access_token = $fb->get_access_token(code => $params->{code});
###save this token in database or session
else {
##there is no verifier code passed so let's create authorization URL and redirect to it
my $url = $fb->get_authorization_url(
scope => ['offline_access','publish_stream'], ###pass scope/Extended Permissions params as an array telling facebook how you want to use this access
callback => '', ##Callback URL, facebook will redirect users after authintication
display => 'page' ## how to display authorization page, other options popup "to display as popup window" and wab "for mobile apps"
###scope/Extended Permissions description
##offline_access : Allow your application to edit profile while user is not online
##publish_stream : read write access
##you can find more about facebook scopes/Extended Permissions at
##Later in your application you can get/post to facebook on the behalf of the authorized user
sub get : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $params = $c->req->parameters;
my $fb = Net::Facebook::Oauth2->new(
access_token => 'ACCESS_TOKEN' ##Load previous saved access token for this user
##lets get list of friends for the authorized user
my $friends = $fb->get(
'' ##Facebook 'list friend' Graph API URL
$c->res->body($friends->as_json); ##as_json method will print response as json object
##lets search all posts with some keyword
my $topics = $fb->get(
'', ##Facebook 'search' Graph API URL
q => 'Keyword',
type => 'post'
$c->res->body($friends->as_hash); ##as_hash method will print response as Perl hash
sub post : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $params = $c->req->parameters;
###Lets post a message to the feed of the authorized user
my $fb = Net::Facebook::Oauth2->new(
access_token => 'ACCESS_TOKEN' ##Load previous saved access token for this user
my $res = $fb->post(
'', ###API URL
message => $extra->{facebook} ##hash of params/variables (param=>value)
Net::Facebook::Oauth2 gives you a way to simply access FaceBook Oauth 2.0 protocol
Please see the above example for more information on how to use this Module
For more information about Facebook Oauth 2.0 API
Please Check
get/post Facebook Graph API
Mahmoud A. Mehyar, <>
Copyright (C) 2010 by Mahmoud A. Mehyar
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.