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MIME::Fast - Parsing MIME messages (wrapper for C gmime library)


use MIME::Fast;

open (FH,"<test.eml") || die "Can not open test.eml: $!";

# create a stream
my $str = new MIME::Fast::Stream (\*FH);
# do not use/close FH now
# with gmime 2.0.8 close(FH) would even fail
# after $str destruction

# construct message object
my $msg = MIME::Fast::Parser::construct_message ($str);

$msg->set_subject ( 'Re: ' . $msg->get_subject () );

print 'Content-Type of message is ' .
  $msg->get_mime_part->get_content_type->to_string . "\n";

my $part = $msg->get_mime_part;
print "Part=$part\n";

if (ref $part eq 'MIME::Fast::MultiPart') {
  $part = $part->get_part(0,0);
  print "Subpart=$part\n";

my %header;
tie %header, 'MIME::Fast::Hash::Header', $msg;
$header{'From'} = 'John Doe <john@domain>';
$header{'X-Info'} = 'Normal one arbitrary header';
$header{'X-Info'} = ['This is','Multiline X-Info header'];
print "X-Info: " . $header{'X-Info'};
print "\n";
print "X-Info header array: (" . join("; ", @{$header{'X-Info'}}) . ")\n";
my $old_header = $header{'X-Info'};
$header{'X-Info'} = [ 'First header', @{$old_header}, 'Last header'];
print "X-Info header array: (" . join("; ", @{$header{'X-Info'}}) . ")\n";
print "\n";
print "-- NEW HEADERS:\n";
print $msg->get_headers();


WARNING: This documentation is in under-update state. Some things could be out of date, new objects are not described yet. But the above example works well.

MIME::Fast is a perl module for creating, editing and parsing MIME messages. This module is based on the very good C library called gmime. MIME::Fast outght to be faster and should use less memory and CPU resources than standard MIME (perl module), because MIME::Fast is the wrapper for C functions (calling C function is much, much less expensive than calling perl function).

WARNING: this code is still in beta phase, and interface methods could change.




Returns a MIME::Fast::Message class based on the given text, file handle, or MIME::Fast::Stream object. Parameter preserve_headers (default 1) if set to 1, means that extra (non standard X-* and unknown) header fields would be parsed and remembered, too.


Returns a MIME::Fast::Part class based on the given text, file handle, or MIME::Fast::Stream object.

NOTE: Everything is loaded into the memory.



Class method. Create a new MIME::Fast::Message object. Such object have no headers or any mime parts. If you need to parse any message data use construct_message() method from the MIME::Fast::Parser submodule. Optional parameter pretty_headers (default 0) if set to 1, initializes friendly order of the header items. The object is destroyed during the perl garbage collection. E.g.:

my $msg = new MIME::Fast::Message;

Set and get the sender's name and address on the MIME::Fast::Message object. E.g.

$msg->set_sender("\"Joe Sixpack\" <joe\>");
$sender = $msg->get_sender;

Set and get the sender's Reply-To address of the MIME message.

add_recipient(type, name, email)

Add a recipient of a chosen type to the MIME Message. Available recipient types include: GMIME_RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO, GMIME_RECIPIENT_TYPE_CC and GMIME_RECIPIENT_TYPE_BCC.

add_recipients_from_string(type, string)

Add recipients of a chosen type to the MIME Message. E.g.:

    "\"Mickey Mouse\" <mickey\@example>," .
    "\"John Doe\" <john\@home>");

Returns a list of recipients of a chosen type from the MIME Message. The type parameter is the same as in the add_recipient() method.


Set and get the subject of the MIME message.

set_date(date, gmt_offset)

Set the sent-date on the MIME message. You can give a date string or the numbers (time in seconds and offset in hours and minutes). E.g.

$msg->set_date(991697409, '+0100');
$msg->set_date("Wed, 7 Mar 2001 03:00:01 +0100 (CET)");

Get the sent-date of the MIME message. In scalar context returns date as a string value, otherwise two element array - time in seconds and gmt_offset.


Set and get the Message-Id of the message.

set_header(field, value)

Add a message header to the MIME Message. This can be such headers as X-Mailer, X-Priority, or In-Reply-To as well as From etc. If you want to delete any header - use remove_header() method.

NOTE: this is different from the C gmime library interface, where that function only affects arbitrary headers. This method covers gmime add_header() function for arbitrary headers.

add_header(field, value)

Add an arbitrary header to the message header.


Removes the given field from the message header.

NOTE: this function does not exists in C gmime library.


Get the header from the MIME message. This is the only (besides the tied header hash) way you can retrieve any arbitrary header (as X-Mailer etc.). Other headers can be accessed also with e.g. get_sender (From header), get_content_type (MIME::Fast::Part method), etc.


Set and get the root-level MIME part of the message. Parameter mime_part should be valid MIME::Fast::Part object.

NOTE: get_mime_part() does not exists in C gmime library.


Writes the contents of the message to a given MIME::Fast::Stream object.


Returns the contents of the MIME Message as a string.

get_body(want_plain = 1, is_html = 0)

Returns the body of the message. Parameters are optional. If want_plain is 1 (default) plain text is returned. If HTML is in the return string, is_html is set to 1. Binary parts are omitted.


Returns an allocated string containing the raw message headers.

foreach_part(function, data)

Calls callback on each of the mime parts in the mime message. Parameters: function is the reference to the callback function, and data is a scalar (or any reference) that would be passed to each callback function call. E.g.:



  • MIME::Fast::Header object is unsupported for now. This object contain all the headers except special ones (Content-* MIME-Version). Look for "Header tied hash" for easy maintaining for header. Use also the MIME::Fast::Message::get_header() and set_header() methods.


new ()
new (type = "text", subtype = "plain")

Class method. Create a new MIME::Fast::Part object (MIME part). It supports a few special headers (Content-* and MIME-Version), and has contents of specified type. MIME part can be of type multipart, in which case it can contain other parts (children). If you do not issue any parameter to the new function, "text/plain" would be the default type for the new MIME::Fast::Part object.

set_content_description (description)
get_content_description ()

Set and get content description (Content-Description) on the MIME part.

set_content_id (content_id)
get_content_id ()

Set and get content id (Content-Id) on the MIME part.

set_content_md5 (content_md5)
verify_content_md5 ()
get_content_md5 ()

Set, get and verify content MD5 hash (Content-MD5) on the MIME part contents.

set_content_location (location)
get_content_location ()

Set and get content location (Content-Location) on the MIME part.

get_content_length (method = 0)

Get content length of the MIME part. You can affect the return value with the 'method' parameter:

1 (or GMIME_LENGTH_ENCODED) - encoded content length;
2 (or GMIME_LENGTH_CUMULATIVE) - length of all the children
   parts (if eny);

You can combine the above two constants. By default the return value is only the length of the current parsed (already decoded) content. E.g.:

$len = $part->get_content_length();
$len = $part->get_content_length(GMIME_LENGTH_ENCODED);
$len = $part->get_content_length(3); # same as below
$len = $part->get_content_length(GMIME_LENGTH_ENCODED |

NOTE: Encoded content length is only prediction, not the exact number of bytes you would get after final encoding. Predicted encoded length is greater or equal to size of the encoded parts, though. The length of the part headers is not counted.

set_content_type (type)
get_content_type ()

Set and get content type on the message. The 'type' parameter should be a MIME::Fast::ContentType object. E.g.

$type = $part->get_content_type;
print "Type of $part is " . $type->to_string;
set_encoding (encoding)
encoding_from_string (encoding_string)
get_encoding ()
encoding_to_string ()

Set and get encoding on the MIME part. Encoding could be one of these constants (or strings):

GMIME_PART_ENCODING_7BIT # string '7 bit'

E.g. MIME::Fast::Part::encoding_to_string("GMIME_PART_ENCODING_BASE64");

set_content_disposition (disposition)
get_content_disposition ()

Set and get content disposition (Content-Disposition) on the MIME part. As the parameter one can issue usualy 'inline' or 'attachment'. Function get_content_disposition() returns only the main part of this header (no parameters).

add_content_disposition_parameter (name, value)
get_content_disposition_parameter (name)

Add and get content disposition parameter.

set_filename (filename)

Add the 'filename' content disposition parameter to the Content-Disposition header, and 'name' parameter to the Content-Type header.

get_filename ()

Get filename suggested by the MIME part headers (either from the Content-Disposition or Content-Type header).

set_boundary (boundary)
get_boundary ()

Set and get boundary on the MIME part.

set_content (content_object)

Set content of the MIME part based on the supplied argument (text MIME::Fast::Stream object, MIME::Fast::DataWrapper object or FILEHANDLE).

get_content ()

Get text content of the MIME part (readonly).

get_content_object ()

Get MIME::Fast::DataWrapper object of the MIME part.

set_pre_encoded_content (content, encoding)

Set pre-encoded content on the MIME part. The 'encoding' parameter can have values described in encoding_to_string() function above. These function are used by the parser. You can write your own.

add_subpart (subpart)

Add the subpart to the multipart (obligatory) MIME part.

write_to_stream (mime_stream)

Write the MIME part contents to the given MIME stream object.

to_string ()

Get the MIME part contents (with children).

foreach_part (callback, data)

Call the given subroutine for the MIME part and its subparts (if any). The 'data' parameter would be forwarded to the called function. E.g.

sub mime_sub {
  my ($mime, $data) = @_;
  my $type = $mime->get_content_type;
  $type = $type->to_string;
  print "mime_sub($mime): type $type\n";

$part->foreach_part(\&mime_sub, "none");
get_subpart_from_content_id (content_id)

Get subpart (MIME::Fast::Part object) for the given Content-Id header value.

remove_subpart (child)
remove_child (child)

Remove child part from the MIME part. This is used in case you want to call MIME part, when its parent MIME part is already destroyed (in which case the extracted part would not exists).

children (index)
parts (index)

(Alias functions - do the same) Returns the number of children parts (just like get_number() ) in the MIME::Fast::MultiPart in scalar contents. In array context returns the array of subparts. If the index number argument is given, method returns subpart of that index. Numbers are counted from 0 to number of parts minus one.

get_part (index, ...)

Instance method. Returns the subpart from the multipart mime part based on the given index number/s. E.g.


would return the "X" part:

+--- mime_part
  +--- part "0" (multipart/*)
  | |
  | +--- part "0,0"
  | +--- part "0,1"
  | +--- part "0,2"
  | | |
  | | +--- part "0,2,0"
  | | +--- part "0,2,1" ("X")
  | | +--- part "0,2,2"
  | +--- part "0,3"
  +--- part "1" (message/rfc822)
    +--- part "1,0"
    +--- part "1,1"
  +--- part "2"

The function can return MIME::Fast::Part, MIME::Fast::MultiPart, MIME::Fast::MessagePartial, MIME::Fast::MessagePart or any other MIME::Fast::Object object.

is_multipart ()

Returns 1 if the MIME part is of type multipart, 0 otherwise.


new (type, subtype)
new (str)

Create new MIME::Fast::ContentType object with type of 'type/subtype' or type read from the string 'str'.

type ()

Get the 'type' part (string) of the MIME::Fast::ContentType object. NOTE: this method is not in gmime C library.

subtype ()

Get the 'subtype' part (string) of the MIME::Fast::ContentType object. NOTE: this method is not in gmime C library.

to_string ()

Get the string representation for the MIME::Fast::ContentType object.

is_type (type, subtype)

Returns 1 if content type match the given type and subtype, 0 otherwise. You can use '*' in place of type or subtype as a wildcard. This function is case insensitive. E.g.

$is_multipart = $content_type->is_type('multipart','*');
$is_text = $content_type->is_type('text','*');
add_parameter (attribute, value)
get_parameter ()

Add and get parameter to/of the content type header. E.g.

$content_type->add_parameter('name', 'test.gif');


new (name, value)
new (str)

Create new MIME::Fast::Param object with the given pair 'name' and 'value', or from the given string. E.g. $param = new MIME::Fast::Param('name="test.gif"');

to_string ()

Get the string representation for the MIME::Fast::Param object. E.g.

print 'Param: ' . $param->to_string . "\n";
Param: name="test.gif"


header_decode_date (date, offset)

For the given string 'data', the number of seconds is returned (since 1.1.1970). If offset is defined the zone offset is stored in the $offset variable. E.g.

$t = MIME::Fast::Utils::header_decode_date(
    "Mon, 14 May 2001 22:20 -0400", $off);
print "Time = $t offset = $off\n";
Time = 989893200 offset = -400
header_format_date (time, offset)

Returns a valid string representation of the date.

header_fold (headers)

Return the text of folded headers.

quote_string (str)

Returns the quoted and escaped string. The decision to quote the string is based on whether or not the input string contains any 'tspecials' as defined by rfc2045.

unquote_string (str)

Unquotes and unescapes string (no value is returned).

text_is_8bit (str)

Returns 1 (TRUE) is the string has any 8bit characters, 0 otherwise.

best_encoding (str)

Returns best (in means of compression size) encoding type for the given string. Look into description of MIME::Fast::Part::get_encoding() for possible return values.

8bit_header_decode (header)

Deocded the given text header and returns 8bit string.

8bit_header_encode (header)

Returns the header as several encoded atoms. Useful for encoding headers like "Subject".

8bit_header_encode_phrase (header)

Returns the header phrase as 1 encoded atom. Useful for encoding internet addresses.


new ()
new (mime_stream, encoding)

Creates new MIME::Fast::DataWrapper object. Optional arguments are MIME stream object and encoding type.

write_to_stream (mime_stream_dst)

Writes the contents of the MIME data-wrapper to a MIME stream.

set_stream (mime_stream)

Replaces the wrapper's internal stream.

get_stream ()

Returns a reference to the internal MIME stream.

set_encoding (encoding)

Set the content encoding for the MIME data wrapper object. Encoding type is the same as listed in encoding_to_string() function.

get_encoding (encoding)

Get the content encoding.


new ()
new (text | FILEHANDLE)
new (text | FILEHANDLE, start, end)

Creates new MIME::Fast::Stream object either for string or FILEHANDLE.

substream (mime_stream, start, end)

Creates new MIME stream object as a substream with given start and end offsets.

set_bounds (start, end)

Set bounds on the MIME stream.

write_string (str)

Writes a string str to the MIME stream.

write_to_stream (mime_stream_dst)

Writes the contents of the source MIME stream to the destination MIME stream.

length (mime_stream)

Returns length of the MIME stream.


new (name, address)
new (group)
new (group)

Creates new MIME::Fast::InternetAddress object either for the given group name (group address) or for the given name and address. You can also create empty object and add addresses later with set_* methods.

parse_string (str)

Parse string and return an array of MIME::Fast::InternetAddress objects.

to_string (encode = 1)

Return string representation for the MIME::Fast::InternetAddress object If the boolean 'encode' parameter is 1, high bit characters are encoded with BASE64 or Q-P (as iso-8859-1). If you want other charsets use MIME::Fast::Charset::init() method.

set_name (name)
set_addr (addr)

Set name or address portion of the MIME::Fast::InternetAddress object.

set_group (IA object array)

Set the addresses for the group MIME::Fast::InternetAddress object. As the parameters there should be used an array of MIME::Fast::InternetAddress objects.

add_member (IA object)

Add a member to the group MIME::Fast::InternetAddress object.

type ()

Returns the type of MIME::Fast::InternetAddress object - either INTERNET_ADDRESS_NAME or INTERNET_ADDRESS_GROUP (group object).


init ()

Initializes the locale charset variable for later calls to gmime_charset_locale_name. Only really needs to be called for non- iso-8859-1 locales. If you need iso-8859-2 charset, set LC_ALL locale variable to e.g. "pl_PL.iso-8859-2" string before calling this function.

locale_name ()

Returns the user's locale charset (iso-8859-1 is default).

Header tied hash

Instead of get_header() and set_header() methods of MIME::Fast::Message object you can use tied hash array for message header access (i.e. all the normal headers except Content-* and MIME-Version).

MIME::Fast::Hash::Header class

This class is used only for tied header hash. You should not call any method directly, that is why I would not describe that methods here. All that you should know is that this class is constructed exactly as suggested in perltie. Then you can use tied hash as if it is normal hash variable.


$msg = MIME::Fast::Parser->construct_message($stream);
tie %header, 'MIME::Fast::Hash::Header', $msg;
$header{'From'} = 'John Doe <john@domain>';
undef $header{'From'}; # delete From header from the message
%header = (); # clear all the headers
undef %header; # headers are not lost, just the hash







Undocumented yet are new objects: + MIME::Fast::Object + MIME::Fast::MessagePart + MIME::Fast::MessagePartial + MIME::Fast::Disposition + MIME::Fast::StreamFilter + MIME::Fast::Filter::Basic + MIME::Fast::Filter::Best + MIME::Fast::Filter::Charset + MIME::Fast::Filter::CRLF + MIME::Fast::Filter::From + MIME::Fast::Filter::HTML + MIME::Fast::Filter::Md5 + MIME::Fast::Filter::Strip + MIME::Fast::Filter::Yenc + MIME::Fast::Charset


This module MIME::Fast version 0.2 requires perl 5.8.x and gmime 2.0.8.


If something goes wrong, you can edit Fast.xs file, and set gmime_debug static variable to 1, to see some debug messages during object creation destruction etc.


Quoted-printable binary parts could be wrongly decoded (when the new line is "\n" instead of "\r\n", and there is no equal sign at the end of line. RFC says that binary parts should be encoded with BASE64 not Q-P (it is also best compression for such parts). Then there is no harm.

Closing a filehandle can fail (with gmime version <=2.0.8) if it is previously passed to the MIME::Fast::Stream or Parser.


Piotr Klaban,



The homepage of gmime C library at The homepage of MIME::Fast perl module is available at