TAP::Tree - TAP (Test Anything Protocol) parser which supported the subtest


Parses a TAP output.

use v5.10.1;
require TAP::Tree;
my $tap = <<'END';
    ok 1 - sub test 1
ok 1 - test 1
not ok 2 - test 2

my $taptree = TAP::Tree->new( tap_ref => \$tap );
my $tree = $taptree->parse;   # return value is hash reference simply.

say $tree->{plan}{number};             # -> print 2
say $tree->{testline}[0]{description}; # -> print test 1
say $tree->{testline}[1]{description}; # -> print test 2

say $tree->{testline}[0]{subtest}{testline}[0]{description};
# -> print sub test 1

Summarises the parsed TAP output

my $summary = $taptree->summary;
say $summary->{plan}{number}; # -> print 2
say $summary->{fail};         # -> print 1 ... number of fail tests.
                              # 'TODO' tests are counted as 'ok', not 'not ok'

Iterates the parsed TAP

my $iterator = $taptree->create_tap_tree_iterator( subtest => 1 );

while ( my $result = $iterator->next ) {
    say '>' x $result->{indent} . $result->{testline}{description};

# -> print
#   test 1
#   >sub test 1
#   test 2


TAP::Tree is a simple parser of TAP which supported the subtest.

It parses the data of a TAP format to the data of tree structure.

Moreover, the iterator for complicated layered tree structure is also prepared.


  • new

    require TAP::Tree;
    my $taptree = TAP::Tree->new( tap_ref => $tap_ref );

    Creates the instance of TAP::Tree.

    Specify the reference to the scalar variable which stored the outputs of TAP as tap_ref of an arguments.

    The arguments can be specified tap_file and tap_tree in addition to tap_ref.

    tap_file is specified the path to file which stored the outputs of TAP.

    my $taptree = TAP::Tree->new( tap_file => $path );

    tap_tree is specified the data of the tree structure which TAP::Tree parsed.

    my $taptree = TAP::Tree->new( tap_tree => $parsed_tap );

    utf8 is specified, when TAP is encoded by UTF-8.

    my $taptree = TAP::Tree->new( tap_ref => $tap_ref, utf8 => 1 );
  • parse

    require TAP::Tree;
    my $taptree = TAP::Tree->new( tap_ref => $tap_ref );
    my $tree    = $taptree->parse;
    say $tree->{plan}{number};
    say $tree->{testline}[0]->{description};

    Parses a output of TAP and returns the tree structure data. The return value is a hash reference and all of the parsed result of TAP are stored.

    Please dump the detailed content of inclusion :)

        version   => {},  # the version number of TAP (usually 12). 
        plan      => {},  # the hash reference in which the numbers of tests.
        testline  => [],  # the array reference in which the result of each tests.
        bailout   => {},  # the hash reference in which an informational about Bailout.
  • summary

    Returns the summary of the TAP output.

    The contents of a summary is below.

    version -> the version number of TAP (usually 12).
    bailout -> the hash reference in which an informational about Bailout.
    plan    -> the hash reference in which the number of the planned tests.
    tests   -> the number of the ran tests.
    fail    -> the number of the failed tests.
  • create_tap_tree_iterator

    TAP::Tree makes becomes the complicated structure where a hierarchy is deep, when there is a subtest.

    Therefore, the iterator which can follow a tree strucutre data easily is prepared for TAP::Tree.

    my $taptree = TAP::Tree->new( tap_ref => $tap_ref );
    my $iterator = $taptree->create_tap_tree_iterator( subtest => 1);
    my $test = $iterator->next;
    say $test->{testline}{description};

    Specify arguments subtest, when following subtest.



copyright 2014- Magnolia <>.


This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.