OpenCA::DB - Perl Certificates DB Extention.


use OpenCA::DB;


Sorry, no documentation available at the moment. Please take a look at the program you find in main directory of the package.

Here there is a list of the current available functions. Where there is (*) mark, the function is to be considered private and not public.

new {};
	build a new DB object;

deleteData (*) {};
	delete data on a DBM file;

saveData (*) {};
	save data on a DBM file;

getData (*) {};
	retrieve data from a DBM file;

getIndex {};
	retriexe the IDX from a DBM file;

getHash (*) {};
	get data and put it into hash format (used for header
	extra info retrivial);

saveIndex {};
	save the IDX to a DBM file;

saveHash (*) {};
	save an HASH to a DBM file (in a single key);

hash2txt (*) {};
	convert an HASH to a txt (VAR=VAL);

txt2hash (*) {};
	convert a TEXT to an HASH (VAR=VAL);

deleteRecord (*) {};
	delete an entry from the DB (and corresponding search

addRecord (*) {};
	add a record to a DB (and corresponding search dB);

updateRecord (*) {};
	update a dB record;

initDB {};
	initialize the dB structure;

createDB (*) {};
	create and initialize the dBs;

getReferences {};

getBaseType {};
	get Base datatye given a generic one ( i.e. from PENDING_

getSearchAttributes (*) {};
	get a list of attributes for the search facility;

storeItem {};
	store a given object (OpenCA::XXXX);

getItem {};
	retrieve an object given the serial number;

getNextItem {};
	get next object (or serial) given a serial;

getPrevItem {};
deleteItem {};

elements {};
	returns number of elements of a given DATATYPE;

rows {};
	return number of elements matching a serach;

searchItem {};
	returns objects/serials matching the search on generic
	datatypes (i.e. CERTIFICATE, REQUEST);

searchItemDB (*) {};
	returns objects/serials matching the search on exact
searchDB {};
	to be removed;

getElement {};
	to be removed;

matches {};
	to be removed;

byKey { $a->{KEY} <=> $b->{KEY} };
	to be removed;

getTimeString {};
	not currently used;

toHex (*) {};
	convert a decimal to an hex;


Massimiliano Pala <>


OpenCA::OpenSSL, OpenCA::X509, OpenCA::CRL, OpenCA::REQ, OpenCA::TRIStateCGI, OpenCA::Configuration, OpenCA::Tools