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IPC::MMA - Shared Memory using Ralf Engelschall's mm library


use IPC::MMA;

$mm = mm_create(memory_size, path_to_lockfile);
$scalar = mm_make_scalar($mm);
$array = mm_make_array($mm, type [, entries[, option]]);
$hash = mm_make_hash($mm [, entries]);
tie $tiedScalar, 'IPC::MMA::Scalar', $scalar;
tie @tiedArray, 'IPC::MMA::Array', $array;
tie %tiedHash, 'IPC::MMA::Hash', $hash;

mm_lock($mm, MM_LOCK_RD);
mm_lock($mm, MM_LOCK_RW);

DIRECT CALLS                                   TIED EQUIVALENTS
$ok = mm_scalar_store($scalar, $value);        $tiedScalar = $value;
$value = mm_scalar_fetch($scalar);             $value = $tiedScalar;

$ok = mm_array_store($array, $index, $value);  $tiedArray[$index] = $value;
$value = mm_array_fetch($array, $index);       $value = $tiedArray[$index];
$entries = mm_array_push($array, list);        $entries = push @tiedArray, list;
$value = mm_array_pop($array);                 $value = pop @tiedArray;
$value = mm_array_shift($array);               $value = shift @tiedArray;
$entries = mm_array_unshift($array, list);     $entries = unshift @tiedArray, list;
if (mm_array_exists($array, $index)) {...}     if (exists $tiedArray[$index]) { ... }
$value = mm_array_delete($array, $index);      $value = delete $tiedArray[$index];
@dels=mm_array_splice($array,$ix,$delCt,list); @dels=splice @tiedArray,$ix,$delCt,list;
mm_array_clear($array [, $entries]);           $tiedArray = ();
$entries = mm_array_fetchsize($array)          $entries = scalar(@tiedArray)
($entries,$shiftCt,$type,$opt) = mm_array_status($array);

$ok = mm_hash_store($hash, $key, $value);      $tiedHash{$key} = $value;
$value = mm_hash_fetch($hash, $key);           $value = $tiedHash{$key};
$value = mm_hash_delete($hash, $key);          $value = delete $tiedHash{$key};
if(mm_hash_exists($hash, $key)) {...}          if (exists $tiedHash{$key}) {...}
while(($key,$val)=mm_hash_entry($hash,$ix++))  while(($key,$val)=each %tiedHash)
    {...}                                          {...}
                                               @keys = keys %tiedHash;
                                               @values = values %tiedHash;
$entries = mm_hash_scalar($hash);              $entries = scalar %tiedHash;
mm_hash_clear($hash [, $entries]);             @tiedHash = ();
$key = mm_hash_first_key($array);
$key = mm_hash_next_key($array, $key);


IPC::MMA allows data to be shared among related Unix/Linux processes in a straightforward way. It provides methods to create and destroy shared memory segments and to create, access, and maintain data structures within segments. Perl scalars, arrays, and hashes can be stored in shared memory. This version of IPC::MMA will not store references.

IPC::MMA is a superset of Arthur Choung's IPC::MM module, adding arrays and allowing any Perl scalar to be used as a hash/BTree key rather than just C strings. IPC::MMA hashes are like IPC::MM BTrees in that they return keys in sorted order in each, keys, and next operations.

An IPC::MMA array can store data in any of six ways, including general-purpose scalars, signed or unsigned integers, floating-point numbers, fixed-length strings/records, and booleans at one bit per array element.

Locking, Mutual Exclusion

Almost any inter-process communication scheme needs locking or mutual exclusion among the processes. The underlying mm library provides mm_lock and mm_unlock routines for this purpose.

Most IPC::MMA routines whose names start with "mm_" include mm_lock and mm_unlock calls. Operations on variables tied with class names starting with "IPC::MM::" include similar locking and unlocking.

But sometimes Perl scripts "have a larger agenda" that require them to do locking and unlocking themselves. The most obvious example is updating a record in a shared array or hash:

if (mm_lock($mm, MM_LOCK_RW) {
    $rec = mma_hash_fetch(hash, $key);  OR  $rec = $lockTiedHash{$key};

        ... update $rec ...

    mma_hash_store($hash, $key, $rec);  OR  $lockTiedHash{$key} = $rec;

Unless a script can lock this kind of sequence to prevent other processes from accessing the shared hash record during the sequence, such updating is unreliable.

A calling Perl script may call mm_lock and mm_unlock itself, as long as it only directly calls routines starting with "mma_", and/or uses variables tied with IPC::MMA class names, between its lock and unlock calls.

For tied operation, tie statements can specify class names that use externally- or internally-locked operation. Where necessary, separate tied variables can be used for externally- and internally-locked operation, tied to the same underlying data structure.


In all of the following descriptions, the notation mm[a]_routine indicates that there is an mm_routine that includes mm_lock and mm_unlock operations, and an mma_routine routine that does not. The "mma_" version should only be used between explicit mm_lock and mm_unlock calls in your Perl script.

Direct Calls vs. Tied Interface

The tied interface is more convenient in terms of keystrokes while writing your Perl script, but tied operations execute a little slower than direct calls. There is at least one other reason to consider using direct calls: other purposes may want to use the tied interface on the same variables.

For example, the current ithreads option of Perl uses the tied interface on every shared variable. This means that, except by using special modules, tied variables can't be shared under Perl ithreads!

As the tied interface is used for more and more purposes in Perl modules, direct-call methods become more attractive when using modules that make them available.


The routines in this section are typically called by a "parent" process before it forks into multiple processes. The data structures created by these calls can then be shared among the multiple forked processes.

$mm = mm_create(size, file);

creates a shared memory segment. size is the size of the memory segment to be created, in bytes. A size of zero allocates the maximum allowed size, which is platform dependent. A small positive size allocates the minimum allowed size, which is 8KBytes on the author's platform.

file is the full-path name of a file that may or may not be used for backing and/or locking purposes. It need not exist in advance.

$scalar = mm[a]_make_scalar($mm);

creates a shared scalar, but does not assign a value to it. $mm is the return value from mm_create.

$array = mm[a]_make_array($mm, type[, alloc_entries[, options]]);

creates an empty shared array. $mm is the return value from mm_create.

alloc_entries is an optional argument. If a value greater than zero is supplied, the array's main block is allocated to have room for that many entries. This may mean faster operation as the array is populated. If the operand is zero, the main block is created with room for 64 entries. DO NOT omit this operand (by means of two successive commas) if you include the options operand.

type can be any of:


This is the general-purpose type. Values stored in such an array can be any defined Perl scalar, and can be of any length including zero.


Numeric values can be stored in this type of array, in packed binary form which typically use less memory than in an MM_ARRAY.


is like MM_INT_ARRAY except that numbers are stored in unsigned form, which means they can't be negative and their maximum value is twice that in an MM_INT_ARRAY.


is like INT and UINT except that large and fractional numbers can be stored. Terms from outside Perl that can be applied to entries in such an array include "floating point", "real", and "long long". Depending on how your Perl system was built, INT_ARRAYs and DOUBLE_ARRAYs may have the same maxima for integer values.


values are stored as single bits packed in the array.

a positive integer

in the type operand indicates an array in which each value is stored as a byte array of that length, or at least that maximum length. When a Perl scalar is stored in such an array, if its string representation is shorter than the length specified here, the stored value is padded out with ASCII NUL bytes (binary zeroes) after the last byte. If the string representation of a Perl scalar being stored is longer than the length specified here, the rightmost bytes are discarded without notice.

option is itself optional, and at this time is used only for arrays with a positive integer as the type argument. For such arrays it can be either MM_FIXED_REC or MM_CSTRING.

When an entry in a fixed-length array using MM_FIXED_REC is fetched back into a Perl scalar, the value is always stored as exactly the length specified for the array. This option is useful for "records" containing packed binary data.

When an entry in a fixed-length array using MM_CSTRING is fetched back into a Perl scalar, its length is determined by the first ASCII NUL (zero) character within the stored data, or the specified length if there are no NULs in the stored data.

$hash = mm[a]_make_hash($mm [, alloc_entries]);

creates a empty shared hash. $mm is the return value from mm_create. alloc_entries is optional as described for mm_make_array above.


Tieing a Scalar
tie $tiedScalar,     'IPC_MM_SCALAR',  $scalar;
tie $lockTiedScalar, 'IPC_MMA_SCALAR', $scalar;

$scalar is a return value from mm_make_scalar. $lockTiedScalar should only be used between explicit calls to mm_lock and mm_unlock. $tiedScalar should be used outside such explicitly-locked sequences.

Tieing an Array
tie @tiedArray,     'IPC_MM_ARRAY',  $array;
tie @lockTiedArray, 'IPC_MMA_ARRAY', $array;

$array is a return value from mm_make_array. @lockTiedArray should only be used between explicit calls to mm_lock and mm_unlock. @tiedArray should be used outside such explicitly-locked sequences.

Tieing a Hash
tie %tiedHash,     'IPC_MM_HASH',  $hash;
tie %lockTiedHash, 'IPC_MMA_HASH', $hash;

$hash is a return value from mm_make_hash. %lockTiedHash should only be used between explicit calls to mm_lock and mm_unlock. %tiedHash should be used outside such explicitly-locked sequences.


Storing a Scalar
DIRECT CALL                               TIED EQUIVALENT
$ok = mm_scalar_store ($scalar, $value);  $tiedScalar = $value;
$ok = mma_scalar_store($scalar, $value);  $lockTiedScalar = $value;

These assign a value to a shared scalar. In the direct call, $scalar is a return value from mm_make_scalar.

mm[a]_scalar_store returns false and produces a warning message if:

* $value is undefined,
* $value is a reference, or
* there is not enough available shared memory

Tied storing just produces a warning message in these cases.

Storing into an Array
DIRECT CALL                                TIED EQUIVALENT
$ok = mm_array_store ($array, $ix, $val);  $tiedArray[$ix] = $val;
$ok = mma_array_store($array, $ix, $val);  $lockTiedArray[$ix]=$val;

These assign a value to an element of a shared array. $ix selects which element. In the direct call, $array is a return value from mm_make_array.

If $ix is greater than the current size of the array, the array is extended to accommodate it. Any elements between the former array and the new element will have the following value:

MM_ARRAY:         undef
MM_BOOL_ARRAY:    false
MM_INT_ARRAY:     zero
MM_UINT_ARRAY:    zero
fixed length:     ASCII NULs

If $ix is negative, the element is selected from the end of the array. (-1 selects the last element of the array.) "Unwrapped Arrays" describes how to avoid this behavior.

mm[a]_array_store returns false and produces a warning message if:

* $ix or $val is undefined,
* $ix or $val is a reference,
* $ix is negative and its absolute value is greater than the size
    of the array,
* for a MM_INT_ARRAY or MM_UINT_ARRAY, if $val is non-numeric,
    has a fractional part, or is out of range,
* for a MM_DOUBLE_ARRAY, if $val is non-numeric, or
* there is not enough available shared memory

Tied storing just produces a warning message in these cases.

Storing into a Hash
DIRECT CALL                                 TIED EQUIVALENT
$ok = mm_hash_store ($hash, $key, $val);    $tiedHash{$key} = $val;
$ok = mma_hash_store($hash, $key, $val);    $lockTiedHash{$key}=$val;

$ok = mm[a]_hash_store($hash, $key, $val, MM_NO_CREATE);
$ok = mm[a]_hash_store($hash, $key, $val, MM_NO_OVERWRITE);
$ok = mm[a]_hash_store($hash, $key, $val, MM_MUST_CREATE);

These assign a value to an entry in a shared hash. $key selects which entry. If there was no entry for $key, a new entry is typically created. In the direct call, $hash is a return value from mm_make_hash.

The direct calls with a 4th operand have no tied equivalent.

mm[a]_hash_store returns false and produces a warning message if:

* $key or $val is undefined,
* $key or $val is a reference,
* a direct call includes MM_NO_CREATE and $key isn't in the hash,
* a direct call includes MM_NO_OVERWRITE or MM_MUST_CREATE,
    and $key is already in the hash, or
* there is not enough available shared memory.

Tied storing just produces a warning message in these cases.

Pushing into an Array
DIRECT CALL                           TIED EQUIVALENT
$entries=mm_array_push ($array,list); $entries=push @tiedArray,list;
$entries=mma_array_push($array,list); $entries=push @lockTiedArray,list;

These add the values in list at the end of the array. Because of the way Perl handles arrays in subroutine and function calls, you can write:

mm_array_push($array, @srcArray);     push @tiedArray, @srcArray;

An error message will occur for any undefined values or references in list, and such values will not be added to the array. The return value is the new size of the array.

Unshifting into an Array
DIRECT CALL                              TIED EQUIVALENT
$entries=mm_array_unshift ($array,list); $entries=unshift @tiedArray,list;
$entries=mma_array_unshift($array,list); $entries=unshift @lockTiedArray,list;

These add the values in list at the start of the array. The values in list are stored in the same order in the array. Any elements that were already in the array are subsequently accessible at higher indices.

Because of the way Perl handles arrays in subroutine and function calls, you can write:

mm_array_unshift($array, @srcArray);     unshift @tiedArray, @srcArray;

An error message will occur for any undefined values or references in list, and such values will not be added to the array. The return value is the new size of the array. If the array was not empty before the call, its shift count (accessible via the mm_array_status call) is decremented by the number of entries added to the array.


Retrieving Scalars
DIRECT CALL                          TIED EQUIVALENT
$value = mm_scalar_fetch ($scalar);  $value = $tiedScalar
$value = mma_scalar_fetch($scalar);  $value = $lockTiedScalar;

These fetch the value of a shared scalar. They return undef if executed between the mm_make_scalar call and the first store to the scalar. In the direct calls, $scalar is a return value from mm_make_scalar.

Retrieving from an Array
DIRECT CALL                             TIED EQUIVALENT
$value = mm_array_fetch ($array, $ix);  $value = $tiedArray[$ix];
$value = mma_array_fetch($array, $ix);  $value = $lockTiedArray[$ix];

These fetch the value of an element of a shared array. $ix selects which element. If $ix is negative, the element is selected from the end of the array as described in "Storing into an Array".

These operations return undef if:

* $ix is greater that or equal to the number of elements in the
* $ix is negative and its absolute value is greater than the
  number of elements in the array,
* for an MM_ARRAY, if the selected element has been deleted, or
* the selected element was created by a store to a higher-
    numbered element or a storesize with a large number of
    entries, but element $ix has been never been stored into.
Retrieving from a Hash by Key
DIRECT CALL                             TIED EQUIVALENT
$value = mm_hash_fetch ($array, $key);  $value = $tiedHash{$key};
$value = mma_hash_fetch($array, $key);  $value = $lockTiedHash{$key};

These fetch the value of an entry in a shared hash. $key selects the entry. These operations return undef if:

* $key is undefined,
* $key contains a reference, or
* there is no entry in the hash with a key equal to $key.
Retrieving from a Hash by Index
DIRECT CALL                                     TIED EQUIVALENT
($key, $val) = mm_hash_get_entry ($hash, $ix);  (none)
($key, $val) = mma_hash_get_entry($hash, $ix);  (none)

These fetch the key and value of an entry in a shared hash (or just the key in scalar context), given its index within the sorted array of keys. (An IPC::MMA hash maintains its entries in sorted order on its keys.)

These operations return an empty list in list context, or undef in scalar context, if:

* $ix is negative, or
* $ix is greater than or equal to the number of elements in the hash

Deleting Data

Deleting from an Array
DIRECT CALL                            TIED EQUIVALENT
$val = mm_array_delete ($array, $ix);  $val = delete $tiedArray[$ix];
$val = mma_array_delete($array, $ix);  $val = delete $lockTiedArray[$ix];

These operations delete the array element selected by $ix. If $ix is negative, the element is selected from the end of the array as described in "Storing into an Array". If the selected element is the last one in an array, the number of elements in the array is decreased. If not, the deleted element is set to:

MM_ARRAY:         undef
MM_BOOL_ARRAY:    false
MM_INT_ARRAY:     zero
MM_UINT_ARRAY:    zero
fixed length:     ASCII NULs

The value of the deleted element is returned, or undef if:

* $ix is greater than or equal to the size of the array,
* $ix is negative, and its absolute value is greater than the size
  of the array, or
* in an MM_ARRAY, if the element was already deleted
Deleting from a Hash
DIRECT CALL                           TIED EQUIVALENT
$val = mm_hash_delete ($array,$key);  $val = delete $tiedHash{$key};
$val = mma_hash_delete($array,$key);  $val = delete $lockTiedHash{$key};

These operations delete the hash entry selected by $key. The value of the deleted entry is returned, or undef if:

* $key is undefined,
* $key contains a reference, or
* the hash doesn't contain an entry with a key equal to $key
Popping from an Array
DIRECT CALL                        TIED EQUIVALENT
$value = mm_array_pop ($array);    $value = pop @tiedArray;
$value = mma_array_pop($array);    $value = pop @lockTiedArray;

The last value in the array (if any) is deleted from the array and returned. undef is returned if an attempt is made to pop from an empty array.

Shifting out of an Array
DIRECT CALL                        TIED EQUIVALENT
$value = mm_array_shift ($array);  $value = shift @tiedArray;
$value = mma_array_shift($array);  $value = shift @lockTiedArray;

The first value in the array (if any) is deleted from the array and returned. Any other values in the array are thereafter accessible at smaller indices. undef is returned if:

* the array is empty, or
* in an MM_ARRAY, the first element in the array was already
    deleted.  (It is removed from the array in this case.)

The array's shift count (accessible via the mm_array_status call) is incremented by one unless the array was empty.


IPC::MMA names can be imported individually, as in

use IPC::MMA qw(mm_create mm_make_array MM_ARRAY);

More conveniently you can use the following group tags:

:basic  :scalar  :array  :hash  :btree  :all

Example of using group tags:

use IPC::MMA qw(:basic :hash);

Neither of the following import any names:

use IPC::MMA;
use IPC::MMA();

in which case you must spell out IPC::MMA names fully:

$mm = IPC::MMA::mm_create(1<<16, "/tmp/lockfile");


$ok = mm_lock($mm, mode);

$mm is the return value from mm_create. mode can be either MM_LOCK_RD or MM_LOCK_RW.

RW establishes exclusive write access to the shared memory for this process. RD establishes shared read access to the shared memory with other processes that need read access. All processes granted a RD lock are guaranteed that no writer will change the shared memory until their lock is released.

A process requesting a RD lock must wait if an RW lock is in effect. Otherwise the lock is granted immediately.

A process requesting an RW lock must wait until all processes with RD locks have relinquished them. This includes processes that request a RD lock between when the RW locker makes its lock request, and when the RW lock is granted.

If mm_lock is called by a process that already has the same lock, the call returns true and there is no other result. There is no "depth" or counting to mm locks. A RD lock can be upgraded to an RW lock without unlocking, but the requesting process has to wait for any and all other RD locks to be released before the RW lock is granted.

$ok = mm_unlock($mm);

$mm is the return value from mm_create. Any lock that the calling process has on the shared memory is released. If the process does not hold a lock, true is returned anyway.

if (mm_lock($mm, MM_LOCK_R?)) {

    use "mma_" calls and/or variables tied with "IPC_MMA" methods.

Unlocking Hack

Because mm locking works as described above, the mm_unlock call at the end of an explicitly-locked sequence can be omitted if the last direct call is to an "mm_" method, or the last tied variable used is one tied with an IPC::MM method. Such a final operation will unlock the shared memory as it completes.

But this is the kind of "tweaky" optimization that gets programmers in trouble, and is not recommended. If you do it, at least comment the fact clearly for anyone who comes after (including you)!

Splicing an Array

DIRECT CALL      @deleted = mm[a]_array_splice($array, $ix, $delCt, list);
TIED EQUIVALENTS @deleted = splice        (@tiedArray, $ix, $delCt, list);
                 @deleted = splice    (@lockTiedArray, $ix, $delCt, list);

These can delete and/or insert elements at any point in an array. $ix specifies where the changes are to occur.

If $delCt is greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of elements at and above $ix, then that many elements are deleted and returned. If $delCt is zero or problems arise in executing the splice, splice returns an empty list in list context, or undef in scalar context.

If there are more than 3 operands, the values in list are inserted in the array starting at element $ix. Error messages will occur for undefined values and references in list.

If there are any elements at and above $ix that aren't deleted, they will be accessible at different indices unless the number of elements deleted and inserted are equal.

If $ix is zero and the array was not empty before the call, the splice operation affects the array's shift count, which can be accessed via the mm_array_status call.


These operations are almost identical to retrieving from an array or hash, except that all you get back is true or false.

Existence in an Array
DIRECT CALL                             TIED EQUIVALENT
if(mm_array_exists ($array,$ix)) {...}  if(exists $tiedArray[$ix]) {...}
if(mma_array_exists($array,$ix)) {...}  if(exists $lockTiedArray[$ix]) {...}

These return true if element $ix of a shared array exists. If $ix is negative, the element is selected from the end of the array as described in "Storing into an Array". In the direct-call form, $array is a return value from mm_make_array.

These operations return false if:

* $ix is greater than or equal to the number of elements in the
* $ix is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number
  of elements in the array,
* for an MM_ARRAY, if the selected element has been deleted, or
* the selected element was created by a store to a higher-
    numbered element or a storesize with a large number of entries,
    but index $ix has been never been stored into.
Existence in a Hash
DIRECT CALL                            TIED EQUIVALENT
if(mm_hash_exists ($hash,$key)) {...}  if(exists $tiedArray{$key}) {...}
if(mma_hash_exists($hash,$key)) {...}  if(exists $lockTiedArray{$key}) {...}

These return true if the hash contains an entry with the specified key, and false if not. In the direct-call form, $hash is a return value from mm_make_hash.

Size and Status

Size of an Array
DIRECT CALL                             TIED EQUIVALENT
$entries = mm_array_fetchsize($array);  $entries = scalar @tiedArray;

These return the number of elements in the array (any undefined/deleted entries are included). In the direct-call form, $array is a return value from mm_make_array.

Size of a Hash
DIRECT CALL                             TIED EQUIVALENT
$entries = mm_hash_scalar($hash);       $entries = scalar %tiedHash;
                                                   NOT UNDER PERL 5.6.x!

These return the number of entries in the hash. In the direct-call form, $hash is a return value from mm_make_hash. scalar(%tiedHash) doesn't work under Perl 5.6.x: use scalar(keys(%tiedHash)) instead.

Status of an Array
DIRECT CALL                                                   TIED EQUIVALENT
($entries,$shiftCount,$type,$option)=mm_array_status($array); (none)

This call returns status about an array. $entries is the number of elements in the array, as described for fetchsize/scalar. $entries is returned in scalar context.

In list context $shiftCount is a count of how many entries have been shifted out of the array, and $type and $option are as described for mm_make_array. $shiftCount is negative if more elements have been unshifted in than shifted out.

$array is a return value from mm_make_array.


Clearing an Array
DIRECT CALL                           TIED EQUIVALENT
mm_array_clear ($array[, $entries]);  @tiedArray = ();
mma_array_clear($array[, $entries]);  @lockTiedArray = ();

These delete all elements in the array, leaving it empty. In the direct call, $array is a return value from mm_make_array. The optional $entries determines the allocated size of the array block, as described for mm_make_array. Clearing an array also clears its shiftCount.

Clearing a Hash
DIRECT CALL                           TIED EQUIVALENT
mm_hash_clear ($hash[, $entries]);    %tiedHash = ();
mma_hash_clear($hash[, $entries]);    %lockTiedHash = ();

These delete all entries in the hash, leaving it empty. In the direct call, $hash is a return value from mm_make_hash. The optional $entries determines the allocated size of the pointer block, as described for mm_make_array.

Deleting Structures

Except by notification and acknowledgment among the processes sharing data in a memory pool, the calls in this section should only be used by the last surviving process. Otherwise, other processes will be left with pointers/handles to structures that no longer exist, and may be subject to access faults as a result.

None of the calls in this section have tied equivalents.

Freeing a Scalar

If a Perl scalar is tied to $scalar, it's good practice to untie it before this call. Memory occupied by this scalar is made available for any continuing shared-memory operations. $scalar is a return value from mm_make_scalar.

Freeing an Array

If a Perl array is tied to $array, it's good practice to untie it before this call. Memory occupied by this array is made available for any continuing shared-memory operations. $array is a return value from mm_make_array.

There's no need to clear the array before this call (free calls clear).

Freeing a Hash

If a Perl hash is tied to $hash, it's good practice to untie it before this call. Memory occupied by this hash is made available for any continuing shared-memory operations. $hash is a return value from mm_make_hash.

There's no need to clear the array before this call (free calls clear).

Destroying the Shared Memory

This returns the shared memory to the operating system and other applications. This call should only be made by the last surviving process, unless other processes have been notified and acknowledged that the shared memory can no longer be used.

Other Methods

$ok = mm[a]_array_storesize($array, $entries);

The number of elements in $array is set to $entries, which can be smaller or larger than the previous number of entries. This call is used by the perl interpreter for tied arrays. If the array size increases, the new elements have the following value:

MM_ARRAY:         undef
MM_BOOL_ARRAY:    false
MM_INT_ARRAY:     zero
MM_UINT_ARRAY:    zero
fixed length:     ASCII NULs
Traversing a Hash
$key = mm[a]_hash_first_key($hash);
$key = mm[a]_hash_next_key($hash, $key);

These calls are used by the Perl interpreter to implement Perl's each, keys and values operations. first returns the key with the lowest value, or undef if the hash is empty. next returns the key that's next higher than $key, or undef if it can't find $key or $key is the highest-valued key in the hash.

A Perl script using IPC::MMA can use the "mma_" versions of these calls similarly between mm_lock($mm, MM_LOCK_R?) and mm_unlock($mm) calls. An each sequence and even a keys operation should be similarly locked and use a hash tied with IPC::MMA::Hash to assure correct operation.

A hash traversal sequence using internally-locked operations (direct calls starting with "mm_" or a hash tied with IPC::MM::Hash) is unreliable because another process can delete a hash entry between the time first or next returns its key, and the next next call. The latter next will then return undef, and the traversing sequence (even a keys operation) will end up with part of the hash.

A read-locked keys operation is probably OK, but a locked each sequence (or a locked sequence using mma_hash_next_key) can lock out a process requesting a write lock for a long time.

In general the mm[a]_hash_get_entry call is a better choice than mm[a]_hash_next_key to traverse a hash.

# keys equivalent:

@keys = ();
for ($i = 0; $i < mm_hash_scalar($hash); $i++) {
   $key = (mm_hash_get_entry($hash, $i))[0];
   if (!defined $key) {last}
   push @keys, $key;

# each equivalent:

for ($i = 0; $i < mm_hash_scalar($hash); $i++) {
   ($key, $value) = mm_hash_get_entry($hash, $i);
   if (!defined $key) {last}

   # process $key and $value

If the processing in the "each equivalent" sequence needs to update any hash entries, or if other processes may add or delete hash entries during the sequence, the whole sequence should be explicitly locked. Deletions are OK as long as the code decrements $i (or avoids incrementing $i) to avoid skipping an entry.

$maxsize = mm_maxsize($mm);

This routine is part of the mm library, and returns the largest size that a shared memory pool can have on this platform, in bytes.

$avail = mm_available($mm);

This routine is part of the mm library, and returns the number of bytes currently available (unused) in the shared memory. $mm is the return value from mm_create. You can use this call in a reporting routine to tell if you allocated more memory than your application needs. (Allocating too little will be known by simpler means: 'out of memory' error messages.)

$rc = mm_permission($mm, mode, owner, group);

This routine is part of the mm library, and sets the permissions of the file named in the mm_create call. It should be called after mm_create.

$mm is the return value from mm_create. mode is an octal permission value like 0600, 0660, or 0666. owner and group are Unix user and group ID's that can be numeric, possibly also alphanumeric. -1 for owner and group mean the current user and group.

$rc is a Unix- or C-style result code, with zero indicating success.

This call is needed only if subsequent child processes will run as a different user with reduced permissions, and probably not even then because such child processes will inherit the filehandle for the lockfile. But the author of mm saw fit to include this call in his library, so IPC::MMA is obliged to "pass it along".


This routine is part of the mm library, and displays some interesting information about the shared memory. Unfortunately it does this on STDERR. If you know how to redirect STDERR (temporarily!) you can make better use of this call than if you don't.

Allocation Sizes

The calls in this section are provided by IPC::MMA for the test routines that are run during IPC::MMA installation.

 $allocSize = mm_alloc_size();
($allocSize, $entryBase, $pSize, $ivSize, $nvSize, $defEnts) = mm_alloc_size();

These values represent:

$allocSize   the unit of memory allocation (in bytes)
$entryBase   the "overhead" or base of each allocated block (in bytes)
$pSize       the size of a memory address/pointer (in bytes)
$ivSize      the size of an IV (a Perl integer, in bytes)
$nvSize      the size of an NV (a Perl floating point value, in bytes)
$defEnts     the default number of entries allocated for an array or hash

This function returns (8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 64) on the author's platform. It may return larger values on other platforms.

$roundedSize = mm_round_up($size);

The argument is rounded up, if necessary, to the next multiple of the unit of memory allocation ($allocSize in the previous call).



This routine is part of the mm library, and returns a string describing result of the most recent shared memory operation. mm routines post to this facility, and so do some IPC::MMA routines.

Handling Errors

IPC::MMA produces warning messages for errors that are typical problems with user scripts, without posting the message to mm_error as the mm routines do. Some other errors are both output and posted to mm_error. Some are only posted to mm_error.

The author pledges to improve this situation and this description in a future release of IPC::MMA.


Shift Count

It's common to push new entries into the back of an array and shift them from the front. An array that's used this way can be called a FIFO or a queue. Sometimes such processing needs a way to relate elements shifted from the front to elements that were pushed into it. This is what the shiftCount value that's available in the mm_array_status call is for.

The shiftCount of an array is incremented by one each time an element is shifted off the front. If a script reads this value just before shifting an element from an array, the value obtained is like a "long-term index" of the element shifted out. If a script does an mm_array_status just before pushing an element into the array, the sum of the first two returned values is the same "long-term index" that shiftCount will have just before the element is shifted out.

The author hopes to post a module named Apache2::CloseKeepAlive to CPAN soon, that will be an example of using the shiftCount facility of IPC::MMA arrays.

Hash Key Ordering

IPC:MMA hashes (like IPC:MM BTrees) maintain their keys in the order that is natural for unsigned byte arrays. IPC::MMA uses the C library routine memcmp for key comparisons. No international, UTF, ISO, or Unicode sorting is available at this time.

Applications that use numeric values as hash keys, and want them to be sorted numerically, need to take special measures. Use the following technique when storing:

$mmaKey = pack 'N', $numeric_key;

You may need to unpack the key when retrieving. This works for unsigned integers. For signed 32-bit integers (on a Perl system built for 32-bit integers) try this when storing:

$mmaKey = pack 'N', $numeric_key + 2147483648; # no warranty!

If necessary do the opposite when retrieving.

If you have numeric hash keys with fractional parts that you want ordered, consult

Hash Internals

IPC::MMA "hashes" do not hash keys. They maintain their entries in sorted order on their keys, but they are not BTrees. They use a simple internal organization that is optimized for key-value pairs in an internal memory of limited extent.

An IPC::MMA hash has a small header block in shared memory, that includes a pointer to a pointer block than contains an array of pointers to key blocks. The pointer block is reallocated as needed to contain pointers to the current number of entries in the hash. It expands by 64 pointers at a time so that reallocation doesn't happen too often.

Each key block includes a pointer to the associated value block, followed by the key stored as a byte array. Each value block contains the value stored as a byte array.

The mm library maintains the requested length of every block it allocates, so IPC::MMA calls the mm routine mm_sizeof to get the lengths of shared memory blocks.

Most hash routines, after a little checking of their arguments, call an internal routine named find_entry that does a binary search of the hash. A binary search is slower than a hashing algorithm for small numbers of entries, but that's not the interesting end of the distribution of applications. If there are more than a hundred entries a binary search is competitive with a true hash in performance, and for thousands of entries a binary search is faster. Also the memory requirements of this structure are less than for a BTree or a true hash.

IPC::MMA handles zero-length values (empty strings) by leaving the value pointer in the key block zero (NULL). IPC::MMA handles a zero-length key (there can be only one such key in a hash) by making the key block contain just the number of bytes in the value pointer. A request to store either an undefined key or an undefined value is rejected with an error message.

Unwrapped Arrays

Perl array operations allow negative subscripts, which select the element that is the indicated number of slots down from the end of the array. If you are a purist and/or a C programmer who doesn't like this feature, use the following direct-call methods:


These almost-aliases are needed for "tied" calls from the perl interpreter, which does the wrapping before making the call. FWIW, the ALIAS: option of the XS interface made these entry points really easy to provide.


This section describes how the author uses IPC::MMA on his Apache2 website, particularly how easy it was to share the cache hash of the Image::Size module.

Under the Apache2 server, the best place for doing things like setting up shared data structures is in a PostConfigHandler. The site uses mod_perl2.

# in httpd.conf:
  PerlModule            Central
  PerlPostConfigHandler Central::post_config

# in the Central module:
  use IPC::MMA qw(:all);
  use Image::Size();
  use constant MM_SIZE => ((1<<16) - 400);

  # globals that stick around for the life of the process
  our $mm;
  my $image_size_hash;

  sub post_config {

    $mm = mm_create (MM_SIZE, "/home/me/var/mm_apache_lockfile")
        or die "can't create shared memory: $! ".mm_error;
    $image_size_hash = mm_make_hash($mm)
        or die "Can't make hash: ".mm_error;

    # tie a hash in another module
    #   The other module wouldn't even have to know.
    #   The only requirement is that the module doesn't tie the hash
    #   to something else.
    tie %Image::Size::CACHE, "IPC::MM::Hash", $image_size_hash
        or die "Can't tie hash: $!".mm_error;

    return Apache2::Const::OK;

This code executes before Apache2 forks to create the multiple child processes that actually serve HTTP requests. The site uses the prefork MPM.

Image::Size tells other mod_perl modules the height and width of the various images on the site. The cache lets it do this more quickly than if it had to access a file each time it's called. The advantage of sharing the hash among the child processes is that the cache fills about 10 times faster after a restart than it would without IPC::MMA. (The site maintains a base of 10 child processes.)

Once you start using shared memory in a forked application like Apache, the number of things for which it's used tend to multiply. The author's site also includes in shared memory:

  • hashes of products that are shown on various category pages,

  • hashes of products for JavaScript-driven drop-down and pop-up links,

  • modification dates of external data files, for automatic updating if a file is changed, and

  • arrays of very-interactively-shared data for the author's Apache2::CloseKeepAlive module, which he hopes to upload to CPAN sometime in 2010.


IPC::MMA is based on Ralf Engelschall's mm library, which is included in many Unix/Linux systems. If it's not installed in your system, it can be downloaded from

Experienced users may prefer to install mm from a different source:

debian/ubuntu: $ sudo apt-get install libmm-dev
FreeBSD ports: $ cd ports/devel/mm        # (wherever ports lives)
               $ sudo make
               $ sudo make install

A major part of rationalizing locking in IPC::MMA was to create alternative versions of some routines in mm, with mm_lock and mm_unlock calls removed.

IPC::MMA should operate with any reasonably modern version of mm, but version 1.4.2 (August 2006) is recommended for guaranteed compatibility.


Craig MacKenna <>


Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Craig MacKenna

This module is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.1. For more details, see the full text of the licenses at and

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties. For details, see the full text of the licenses at the above URLs.

This module uses concepts from IPC::MM, which is Copyright (c) 1999, Arthur Choung.


We left this for last. IPC::MMA includes quite a few compatible aliases for IPC::MM direct calls and tie-class-names, but no one who's not an IPC::MM user could care in the least.

Because IPC::MMA "hashes" return keys in sorted order as IPC::MM BTree tables do, most applications written to use BTrees can run almost without change under IPC::MMA. The following compatible aliases are provided for BTrees:

IPC::MM name                Aliased to IPC::MMA name

IPC::MM::BTree              IPC::MM::Hash
mm_make_btree_table         mm_make_hash
mm_btree_table_insert       mm_hash_store
mm_btree_table_get          mm_hash_fetch
mm_btree_table_exists       mm_hash_exists
mm_btree_table_delete       mm_hash_delete
mm_btree_table_first_key    mm_hash_first_key
mm_btree_table_next_key     mm_hash_next_key
mm_clear_btree_table        mm_hash_clear
mm_free_btree_table         mm_free_hash

The primary names of IPC::MMA direct-call routines are lower-case versions of the names that the Perl interpreter uses for calls via the tied interface. The following aliases are included for IPC:MM direct call names:

IPC::MM name                Aliased to IPC::MMA name

mm_scalar_get               mm_scalar_fetch
mm_scalar_set               mm_scalar_store
mm_hash_get                 mm_hash_fetch
mm_hash_get_value           mm_hash_fetch
mm_hash_insert              mm_hash_store

The following aliases are included because the author likes the ALIAS: feature of the XS interface and wanted everything to be complete and orthogonal:

not an IPC::MM name         Aliased to IPC::MMA name

IPC::MMA::BTree             IPC::MMA::Hash
mma_make_btree_table        mma_make_hash
mma_btree_table_insert      mma_hash_store
mma_btree_table_get         mma_hash_fetch
mma_btree_table_exists      mma_hash_exists
mma_btree_table_delete      mma_hash_delete
mma_btree_table_first_key   mma_hash_first_key
mma_btree_table_next_key    mma_hash_next_key
mma_clear_btree_table       mma_hash_clear
mma_free_btree_table        mma_free_hash
mma_scalar_get              mma_scalar_fetch
mma_scalar_set              mma_scalar_store
mma_hash_get                mma_hash_fetch
mma_hash_get_value          mma_hash_fetch
mma_hash_insert             mma_hash_store