0.17 - Februar 05, 2020

-#if ((PERL_REVISION == 5) && (PERL_VERSION >= 10)) && defined(HAS_SIGACTION) && defined(SA_SIGINFO) +#if ((PERL_REVISION == 5) && (PERL_VERSION >= 10) && (PERL_VERSION <= 31)) && defined(HAS_SIGACTION) && defined(SA_SIGINFO) (https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=132641)

This is probably due to this change in 5.31.6 (quoting perl5136delta.pod):

*   The OS-level signal handlers and type (Sighandler_t) used by the
    perl core were declared as having three parameters, but the OS was
    always told to call them with one argument. This has been fixed by
    declaring them to have one parameter. See the merge commit
    "v5.31.5-346-g116e19abbf" for full details.

related to BUG ticket:


DB.XS Fixed ( not longer working for Perl >= v5.21.5 ) broken in commit [perl #122445] use magic on $DB::single etc to avoid overload issues)

static void my_init_debugger()
-    PL_curstash = PL_debstash;
-    PL_dbargs = 
-	GvAV(gv_AVadd((gv_fetchpv("DB::args", GV_ADDMULTI, SVt_PVAV))));
-    AvREAL_off(PL_dbargs);
-    PL_DBgv = gv_fetchpv("DB::DB", GV_ADDMULTI, SVt_PVGV);
-    PL_DBline = gv_fetchpv("DB::dbline", GV_ADDMULTI, SVt_PVAV);
-    PL_DBsub = gv_HVadd(gv_fetchpv("DB::sub", GV_ADDMULTI, SVt_PVHV));
-    PL_DBsingle = GvSV((gv_fetchpv("DB::single", GV_ADDMULTI, SVt_PV)));
-    sv_setiv(PL_DBsingle, 0); 
-    PL_DBtrace = GvSV((gv_fetchpv("DB::trace", GV_ADDMULTI, SVt_PV)));
-    sv_setiv(PL_DBtrace, 0); 
-    PL_DBsignal = GvSV((gv_fetchpv("DB::signal", GV_ADDMULTI, SVt_PV)));
-    sv_setiv(PL_DBsignal, 0); 
-    PL_curstash = PL_defstash;
+    Perl_init_debugger(aTHX);

Debian patches added (https://salsa.debian.org/perl-team/modules/packages/libapache-db-perl)

0.14 - April 27, 2008

Added patch from Niko Tyni which fixes Apache::DB for use with Perl 5.10

0.13 - April 17, 2006

Fixed Apache::DProf and Apache::SmallProf to work when using taint mode.

0.12 - April 3, 2006

Fixed mod_perl 1.x bug in Apache::SmallProf that was using mp2 code mistakenly.

Add $ENV{APACHE_DPROF_PATH_ABSOLUTE} override for those unlucky soles that can NOT write to ServerRoot. [Philip M. Gollucci <pgollucci@p6m7g8.com>]

0.11 - January 24, 2006

Refactored how we were detecting mod_perl 1.x vs mod_perl 2.x

Cleaned up a small documentation bug in Apache::SmallProf

0.10 - May 15, 2005

Ported all modules to mod_perl 2.0.0-RC6 including API changes.

Added documentation regarding necessary steps when debugging with SELinux thanks to Dave Hageman <dhageman@dracken.com>.

Added missing license information.

Added fix for graphical debuggers thanks to Eric Promislow <ericp@ActiveState.com>.

General documentation cleanup.

0.09 - May 11, 2004

Fix required module problems in Apache::SmallProf, thanks to Jens Gassmann <jens.gassmann@atomix.de> for spotting the problem.

0.08 - April 14, 2004

Increment version to fix PAUSE upload problem.

0.07 - April 7, 2004

Ported modules to work with mod_perl 2.0 [Frank Wiles <frank@wiles.org>]

Fixed compilation problem on WIN32 platform.

0.06 - October 11, 1999

fix APACHE_DPROF_PATH [Balazs Rauznitz <balazs@Commissioner.com>]

fix Apache::DB for 5.005_6x+

sync Apache::SmallProf w/ Devel::SmallProf 0.07 (cpu time support)

0.05 - June 6, 1999

included example perldb.conf

included Apache::SmallProf

included Apache::DProf

0.04 - April 14, 1999

added init() function

updated docs

0.03 - April 5, 1999

fix for threaded Perl

0.02 - April 1, 1999

first public release

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

=over without closing =back