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wptk - a poor man's windowing shell (wish) for Perl/Tk


wptk pTk-program-file [ Tk options ]

Run the Perl/Tk program contained in the file pTk-program-file, passing it optional Tk options.

pTk-program-file [ Tk options ]

Run an executable Perl/Tk program file as above with its first line in standard "shebang" format:

#!/usr/local/bin/wptk -perlargs


wptk obviates the need to write standard perl/Tk boiler-plate code. Every pTk program starts with:

 use Tk;
 $mw = Mainwindow->new;

wptk provides this template code for you automatically, then sources your pTk code just before the MainLoop statement.

By default, -w is enabled. You can change this in wptk.c.template.

The default Perl/Tk template is this:

 use Carp;
 use Tk;
 use vars qw/ $mw /;
 use strict;

 $mw = MainWindow->new;

 if ( $ARGV[0] eq '-' ) {
     my $stdin = "/tmp/wptk.$$";
     open F, ">$stdin" or die "wptk.template: cannot write '$stdin': !";
     while ( $_ = <STDIN>  ) {
         print F $_;
     close F or die "wptk.template: cannot close $stdin: $!";
     $ARGV[0] = $stdin;

 my $stat = do $ARGV[0];
 if ( not defined $stat ) {
     print $@ if $@;
     print $! if $!;
     exit 1;


By default the MainWindow is $mw, which can be changed in the above template.



 use Tk::widgets qw/Trace TraceText/;
 use strict;

 my $tt = $mw->Scrolled( 'TraceText', -textvariable => \my $frog )->grid;

 $mw->traceVariable( \$frog, 'wu', [ \&tracefrog, $mw, \$frog ] );

 $frog = "Frogs lacking lipophores are blue.";

 my $d =  $mw->Button( -text => 'Destroy', -command => [ destroy => $tt ] );
 my $q =  $mw->Button( -text => 'Quit',    -command => \&exit );
 $d->grid( $q );

 sub tracefrog {

     my( $index, $value, $op ) = @_;

     print "Final " if $op eq 'u';
     print "User trace: $value";
     return $value;



 . Doesn't search PATH for the Perl/Tk input file.
 . Leaves scratch files in /tmp IFF input is standard input.



Copyright (C) 2003 - 2003, Steve Lidie. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


wish, Perl/Tk, Tcl/Tk, windowing shell