Changes for version 0.01 - 2008-02-15
- original version; created by Egg::Helper::Build::Module v3.00 with module name Egg::Release::Authorize
Helper who generates AUTH controller module.
Model by whom attestation function is offered.
API component to access attestation data base by using DBI.
API component to access attestation data base by using DBIC.
API component to treat attestation data of file base.
Base class for AUTH controller.
Base class for API module of Egg::Model::Auth.
AUTH component that treats session ID.
AUTH component to treat code of attestation data with Crypt::CBC.
AUTH component to treat code of attestation data by standard function.
AUTH component to treat code of attestation data with Digest::MD5.
AUTH component to treat code of attestation data with Digest::SHA1.
The attestation is maintained by Cookie.
Session management for AUTH component.
Session management for AUTH component that uses Egg::Model::Session.
Package kit for attestation.
in lib/Egg/Model/