PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT - PGPLOT enhanced interface for PDL


perldl> $a = pdl [1..100]
perldl> $b = sqrt($a)
perldl> line $b      
perldl> hold
Graphics on HOLD
perldl> $c = sin($a/10)*2 + 4
perldl> line $c     


PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT is an interface to the PGPLOT graphical libraries.


Current display commands:

imag         -  Display an image (uses pgimag()/pggray() as appropriate)
ctab         -  Load an image colour table
line         -  Plot vector as connected points
points       -  Plot vector as points
errb         -  Plot error bars
cont         -  Display image as contour map
bin          -  Plot vector as histogram ( e.g. C<bin(hist($data))> )
hi2d         -  Plot image as 2d histogram (not very good IMHO...)
poly         -  Draw a polygon
vect         -  Display 2 images as a vector field

Device manipulation commands:

hold         -  Hold current plot window range - allows overlays etc.
release      -  Release back to autoscaling of new plot window for each command
rel          -  short alias for 'release'
env          -  Define a plot window, put on 'hold'
dev          -  Explicitly set a new PGPLOT graphics device

The actual PGPLOT module is loaded only when the first of these commands is executed.

Notes: $transform for image/cont etc. is used in the same way as the TR() array in the underlying PGPLOT FORTRAN routine but is, fortunately, zero-offset.

A more detailed listing of the functions and their usage follows.


Display an image (uses pgimag()/pggray() as appropriate)

Usage: imag ( $image,  [$min, $max, $transform] )

Notes: $transform for image/cont etc. is used in the same way as the TR() array in the underlying PGPLOT FORTRAN routine but is, fortunately, zero-offset.


Load an image colour table


ctab ( $name, [$contrast, $brightness] ) # Builtin col table
ctab ( $ctab, [$contrast, $brightness] ) # $ctab is Nx4 array
ctab ( $levels, $red, $green, $blue, [$contrast, $brightness] )


Plot vector as connected points

Usage: line ( [$x,] $y )


Plot vector as points

Usage: points ( [$x,] $y, [$symbol(s)] )


Plot error bars (using pgerrb())


errb ( $y, $yerrors )
errb ( $x, $y, $yerrors )
errb ( $x, $y, $xerrors, $yerrors )
errb ( $x, $y, $xloerr, $xhierr, $yloerr, $yhierr)


Display image as contour map

Usage: cont ( $image,  [$contours, $transform, $misval] )

Notes: $transform for image/cont etc. is used in the same way as the TR() array in the underlying PGPLOT FORTRAN routine but is, fortunately, zero-offset.


Plot vector as histogram ( e.g. bin(hist($data)) )

Usage: bin ( [$x,] $data )


Plot image as 2d histogram (not very good IMHO...)

Usage: hi2d ( $image, [$x, $ioff, $bias] )


Draw a polygon

Usage: poly ( $x, $y )


Display 2 images as a vector field

Usage: vect ( $a, $b, [$scale, $pos, $transform, $misval] )

Notes: $transform for image/cont etc. is used in the same way as the TR() array in the underlying PGPLOT FORTRAN routine but is, fortunately, zero-offset.


Karl Glazebrook [], docs mangled by Tuomas J. Lukka ( and Christian Soeller (

All rights reserved. There is no warranty. You are allowed to redistribute this software / documentation under certain conditions. For details, see the file COPYING in the PDL distribution. If this file is separated from the PDL distribution, the copyright notice should be included in the file.