PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT - PGPLOT enhanced interface for PDL


perldl> $a = pdl [1..100]
perldl> $b = sqrt($a)
perldl> line $b      
perldl> hold
Graphics on HOLD
perldl> $c = sin($a/10)*2 + 4
perldl> line $c     


PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT is an interface to the PGPLOT graphical libraries.


Current display commands:

imag         -  Display an image (uses pgimag()/pggray() as appropriate)
ctab         -  Load an image colour table
line         -  Plot vector as connected points
points       -  Plot vector as points
errb         -  Plot error bars
cont         -  Display image as contour map
bin          -  Plot vector as histogram ( e.g. bin(hist($data)) )
hi2d         -  Plot image as 2d histogram (not very good IMHO...)
poly         -  Draw a polygon
vect         -  Display 2 images as a vector field

Device manipulation commands:

hold         -  Hold current plot window range - allows overlays etc.
release      -  Release back to autoscaling of new plot window for each command
rel          -  short alias for 'release'
env          -  Define a plot window, put on 'hold'
dev          -  Explicitly set a new PGPLOT graphics device

The actual PGPLOT module is loaded only when the first of these commands is executed.

Notes: $transform for image/cont etc. is used in the same way as the TR() array in the underlying PGPLOT FORTRAN routine but is, fortunately, zero-offset.

A more detailed listing of the functions and their usage follows.


Display an image (uses pgimag()/pggray() as appropriate)

Usage: imag ( $image,  [$min, $max, $transform] )

Notes: $transform for image/cont etc. is used in the same way as the TR() array in the underlying PGPLOT FORTRAN routine but is, fortunately, zero-offset.


Load an image colour table


ctab ( $name, [$contrast, $brightness] ) # Builtin col table
ctab ( $ctab, [$contrast, $brightness] ) # $ctab is Nx4 array
ctab ( $levels, $red, $green, $blue, [$contrast, $brightness] )


Plot vector as connected points

Usage: line ( [$x,] $y )


Plot vector as points

Usage: points ( [$x,] $y, [$symbol(s)] )


Plot error bars (using pgerrb())


errb ( $y, $yerrors )
errb ( $x, $y, $yerrors )
errb ( $x, $y, $xerrors, $yerrors )
errb ( $x, $y, $xloerr, $xhierr, $yloerr, $yhierr)


Display image as contour map

Usage: cont ( $image,  [$contours, $transform, $misval] )

Notes: $transform for image/cont etc. is used in the same way as the TR() array in the underlying PGPLOT FORTRAN routine but is, fortunately, zero-offset.


Plot vector as histogram ( e.g. bin(hist($data)) )

Usage: bin ( [$x,] $data )


Plot image as 2d histogram (not very good IMHO...)

Usage: hi2d ( $image, [$x, $ioff, $bias] )


Draw a polygon

Usage: poly ( $x, $y )


Display 2 images as a vector field

Usage: vect ( $a, $b, [$scale, $pos, $transform, $misval] )

Notes: $transform for image/cont etc. is used in the same way as the TR() array in the underlying PGPLOT FORTRAN routine but is, fortunately, zero-offset.


Karl Glazebrook [], docs mangled by Tuomas J. Lukka ( and Christian Soeller ( Reproducing documentation from the pdl distribution in any way that does not include a statement telling who the original authors are is forbidden. Reproducing and/or distributing the documentation in any form that alters the text is forbidden.