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PDL::AutoLoader - MatLab style AutoLoader for PDL
use PDL::AutoLoader;
$a = func1(...); # Load file func1.pdl
$b = func2(...); # Load file func2.pdl
This module implements a MatLab style AutoLoader for PDL. If a unknown function 'func()' is called then a file 'func.pdl' is searched for and if found is read in to define 'func()' which is then executed.
Files are seached for using the directories in seach path @PDLLIB, which is initialised from the shell environment variable PDLLIB which is a colon seperated list of directories.
e.g. in csh
setenv PDLLIB "/home/kgb/pdllib:/local/pdllib"
Sample file:
Copyright(C) 1997 Karl Glazebrook (kgb@aaoepp.aao.gov.au). Reproducing documentation from the pdl distribution in any way that does not include a statement telling who the original authors are is forbidden. Reproducing and/or distributing the documentation in any form that alters the text is forbidden.